Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Amelia's list

Amelia had an all out meltdown tonight before bedtime. I could have predicted it - she was over tired, and bedtime is full of things she does NOT want to do. We had a few short minutes left outside before it was time to come in when I discovered a poopy diaper. We've been battling....something diaper related for the last month if not longer. So, it was time to go in. Amelia was not a fan of this idea nor was she willing to take her own shoes off. The poopy diaper clock was ticking away, so I helped her both inside and with her shoes.

To say she was unhappy about this would be a major understatement. There was kicking, screaming, tears and a dramatic collapse to the ground. I left her momentarily in the dark of the laundry room to allow her to cool down. There wasn't any way I would be removing a poopy diaper from that writhing, screaming, spitting mad girl without a fight. When I came back a minute later, she was still crying. But, she had a triumphant look on her face because she had scaled the washer and located her shoes. Which she had painstakingly put back on her feet. Through the tears, she looked back up at me, gave me a sniffly smirk, and said "MYSELF!" I had to work hard not to laugh out loud at her determination and....well, determination to have her way.

The shoes came off again and in the process she hit her head on the washer. The diaper clock was pressing, but there still wasn't any way to remove the diaper without....a BIG mess I had no desire to clean up. She somewhat willingly went into her room where she quickly calmed down when she discovered my sunglasses.

She finally allowed me to hold her, hiccups and all as long as I was careful not to dislodge her sunglasses. I held her tight and she wrapped her still chubby little arms around my neck. After a brief moment of quiet, she leaned back to look into my eyes.

Amelia: Mama, I no like the dark.
Mama: Ok. Should we turn on the light in your room?
Amelia: Yes.
Amelia: William no like the dark. Daddy leave the door open for light. My door is shut (very well timed series of sniffles).
Mama: Do you want your door open at night.
Amelia: (sigh) Yes, door open.

Then it was quiet and I thought all the grievances were aired. But, no. We went on to discuss as the above conversation the problems she is having. She doesn't ever get to shut the car door and William does. William goes to preschool. William gets to buckle his car seat. William doesn't have to ride in the cart. Clearly William is having all the fun from her perspective.

I like to think I have a pretty strong background in child development. Yet, somehow I feel totally unprepared for dealing with this fiery little girl.

When I grow up

We've had a few of these conversations with William lately. The subject has come up unprompted by me as a routine part of conversation.

Today William and I were in the kitchen together making a dessert for when we have company this weekend (side note: aren't I organized? why yes, I am smug!). William was helping me when he stopped and said:

William: When I grow up, I want to be an ice cream making man.
Mama: Oh?
William: Yes, I will make lots of kinds of ice cream in my factory.
Mama: Really?
William: Will you buy me some ice cream man clothes?
Mama: Will you share your ice cream with me and Daddy?
William: Can I have some ice cream man clothes now?

And then, somehow the conversation was over....

A few weeks ago, I was putting clothes away in the closet when William came to investigate.

William: When I grow up, I want to write a book.
Mama (swelling with motherly pride): You do? That is WONDERFUL!
William: I do!
Mama: What will it be about?
William: I will write a book about dinosaurs. I love dinosaurs.
Mama: Wow, that sounds like a great idea.
William: I think I will write about the scary dinosaurs. They are the best ones. The scary ones are my favorite.
Mama: Which ones are the scary ones (weren't they all scary?)?
William: T-Rex. He is the scariest one. He is the one I want to write a book about.
Mama: He was pretty scary.
William: Maybe I will be scared making a book T-Rex. Maybe I will just draw the pictures. Uncle Jeff will write the words.
Mama: That sounds like a great plan!
William: Can we call Jeff right now and tell him to start writing the book?
Mama: Uncle Jeff is at work right now...
William:.........................distracted by a forgotten race car under the bed.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Uncle Mike's Commissioning

This last weekend, we packed up and traveled to Minnesota to watch Uncle Mike (my brother) be commissioned as an officer in the Navy. Uncle Mike has had a lot of big events in the last few weeks: first graduation, second commissioning, and third is his quickly approaching departure to flight school in Pensacola, FL.

We were so happy to share this very important event with him and sorry we weren't able to make the graduation ceremony also.

My parents got to change out his uniform to show he is now an officer
Proud parents
As part of the ceremony, my brother had his first salute. I'm not a big military person, so I can't really explain what that means, other than it was a BIG deal. Mike received his first salute from both his grandpas after his commissioning. I probably don't have to tell you how proud they were.
Mike's salute (my poor positioning meant I didn't get a shot of the grandpas saluting)
Silver dollar handshake with Budd
Silver dollar handshake with Tom
The group of new officers
Mike's high school hockey coach came to watch
Mike and his girl, Jemmy

My parents and Mike

Last day of preschool

Today was a big day! It was William's last day of preschool for the year! His school had a special program this morning to showcase the student learning. William has really learned a lot from being at preschool this year - we are very proud of how much he has grown!

Not surprisingly, he has a lot of questions about why there won't be preschool and if the school will still be there and what the teacher will be doing this summer. This questioning is exhausting.
Our last day of school picture on the front step. William was not exactly in the mood for cooperating here.

Amelia waits (not so) patiently for the program to start

William's class performed 4 songs.

The boys - William's hand was in his mouth for most of the performance. He was NOT excited about the program today!

William and his teacher

More questions

William: How do you make tape?
Mama: You buy it at the store?
William: No!!!! How do they MAKE the TAPE?

Mama:.......that sounds like a great question for Daddy*

* Something I SWORE I would never do. Documented proof.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

William the Questioner

I know. I know. I'm a bad blogger. Work, school and extra curriculuar activities just keep pulling me in several different directions. Amelia is on a nap strike and I feel like I haven't sat down in four years. I did want to take this opportunity to write this down while I remember:
William is full of questions. He has been for years now (it feels like). The questions just keep on getting harder and harder. I literally do not know how to begin answering some of the questions he has asked. Just today:

1. When I die, will I turn into oil?*,**, ***
2. Does God have bones?

*One of his favorite dinosaur books talks about how the dinosaurs died and their bodies turned into oil after a period of time.

** I'm trying to be patient with this one, but my child talks about dying a lot. Not him. Dinosaurs, our cat, other animals....I really feel like death is a concept he is struggling to understand and it is a very difficult concept to grasp. So, he asks questions. Lots of questions. Which may or may not be appropriate to the setting. Consider yourself warned.

***William's line of death questioning has me so uncomfortable. I know he is trying to understand, but how I do I explain the delicacy of the subject?

The other major questions as of late:
1. Are there noctornal dinosaurs?
2. Can rocks die? (insert any other object, plant, animal)
3. Can we go to the hospital and get another baby (!!!!)
4. Why do I have bones?
5. Can you break one of my bones so I can have a cast everyone will sign (NO, I won't). William's followup: But, can you break my bones?
6. Do fish drink water?
7. Why are there clouds in the sky?
8. What is in this chicken? (so NOT ready for the meat discussion right now on the tail end of the whole dying piece).
9. Can I drive the car?
10. Why didn't you remember to buy ranch dip?
11. Is there a number bigger than 62?
12. Why did Daddy crash the car?
13. When will I be a grown up?
14. What does this button do?
15. How does the smoke detector work?
16. Why does Daddy go to work?
17. Can I go to work with Daddy and help him?
18. Will you buy this for me? (I gently suggest he spend his own money) I'm not spending MY dollars on THIS! I'm saving my dollars for toys!
19. Why do we live here?
20. How many dollars did our house cost? (ME: a lot) William's follow up with big round eyes: More than 61 DOLLARS???!?!