Sunday, June 30, 2013


I'm spending some time at my parent's house this week and one of the "fun things" all of our kids have enjoyed is the bannister along the steps that provides much entertainment. All of our kids have loved climbing the steps and putting their faces to the balusters to receive kisses from the other side.

I love this game because I love getting kisses.

Gemma and I were playing this game last night as we were getting ready for bed. She had her pajamas on and was holding/chewing on her toothbrush.

I was excited to see Gemma press her face between the slats and wait for her kiss because she is a baby on the move lately. She is a running, walking, climbing, dumping, shaking kind if active baby. She doesn't want to snuggle, cuddle or hug. She has things to do and messes to make. Any type of kiss, hug or affection is a big deal from this kiddo.

So, when she waited for a kiss, I was happy to oblige. She went up a step and then leaned in for another kiss. She thought this was hilarious. Hilarious enough she leaned in for another kiss. And again. This time, I waited with my face pressed up against the boards waiting for yet another kiss from my sweet little girl. I heard a little giggle from her that let me know she was on her way. I relaxed and shut my eyes to enjoy the bliss of this moment.

Which is when Gemma shoved her cold, wet toothbrush in my mouth. And then she laughed.

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Flying cheese

We went out to eat with my parents last night and ended up at a pizza restaurant we frequent. We gave Gemma some of the cheese and shredded carrot pieces from the salad along with some breadstick bits to eat. She happily munched on her portion until she was bored or full.

Then she banged her hands on the table.

There was white butcher paper on the table stretched along a few different tables.

The little bits flew into the air from the banging with impressive height. One more whack and suddenly the adults at the table were scrambling to cover their drinks as they were in danger of being filled with the bits of stuff from the table.

Gemma's face lit up with a smile a mile wide. Either the reaction of the adults at the table or the stunning flight of roughly 75 food particles at the same time was so entertaining! Which meant the banging/flying food continued for a good portion of the rest of our dinner. Luckily, pizza and lasagna noodles were not as aerodynamic.

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William observations

The kids are home for the summer and we have fallen into a loose routine. One goal I have is to maintain my workouts. Nothing crazy, just stay where I am at. In order to make this work, Gemma naps and the big kids watch tv. They choose a title from our netflixs choices. They go through spurts and watch the same stuff over and over again. The kids are currently in a Handy Manny kick.

( briefly, the character, Manny, has a fix it shop where he fixes thing.)

William: mom?
Mama: yes?
W: I think all the Handy Mannys seem kind of the same:
M: oh?
W: yeah. All he ever does is fix broken stuff.
M: really?
W: yup. Every single time something breaks and Manny fixes it. Weird , huh?
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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Gemma's New Ride

Gemma got a tricycle from Grandpa and Grandma McGarry. She loves to be pushed around it and William and Amelia love to push her.

Grumpy Old Troll

When we went to Lake of the Ozarks, I took the kids to a park while Kelly gave her presentation. The playground equipment had a bridge and Amelia came up with a game involving a "Grumpy Old Troll". This was the face that went along with the game.

Gemma Reading

Gemma loves to read. In addition, for some reason all out kids have found this shopping cart irresistible to sit in.

Monday, June 24, 2013


The kids had soccer tonight and this was my first practice I was able to attend.  With temperatures in the mid 90's and no shade, it was warm!

John and I tag teamed watching Gemma, watching the soccer and taking some pictures.  It was a lot of fun to see them in action.

At one point, I was the photographer and I snuck over to a spot closer to William's group on the field.  The kids were playing some sort of game where they took turns running on the field to play a little two on two soccer.  After a few minutes, the coach would call out and the kids would switch positions. Two kids were always playing and two kids were on the sidelines watching their team mates play.  William and his teammate just finished playing and ran to the sideline together when I overheard this conversation:

William: Hey!  That was fun!
Teammate: Yeah!
William: Hey!  Let's have a dance party now! (waves arms over head and kicks feet a few times).
Teammate: (has a you are crazy look on his face.  Then looks to the left and right before allowing a huge grin to spread across his face.)  SURE! (Teammate rolls on the ground in what might be best described as a break dancing type roll).


The dance party continues on for a few more minutes before the boys are called upon to be soccer players again.

1 year well visit

Gemma finally had her one year well baby visit this morning.  The dr has been out of town and our family schedule has been crazy as of late (stay tuned for more details on that one).  Her current measurements are:

Height: 31.5 inches--100%++
Weight: 23 lbs 2 oz--87%
Head circumference:47 cm (18.5 inches)--90%

The doctor continues to be very impressed with Gemma's growth (the rest of the kiddos too).  She is above the 100% mark on the growth curve by a good bit and weight and head size are appropriate.  We had a brief discussion about cow's milk and diaper rash before discussing the allergic reaction Gemma had in March.  We talked it over and he isn't convinced it is a drug allergy (this is more for my record than anything else).  A drug allergy would have produced hives all over her body, not just on her head/face.  We discussed the next time she is prescribed penicillin it should be watched carefully and perhaps be given a smaller dosage to start the script in the event it was an allergic reaction.  We haven't had a hives occurrence since that day (thank goodness!), so we can currently chalk it up to a fluke occurrence. 

Lastly, we talked about the developmental milestones.  We got a big pat on the back about Gemma's physical development.  It was somewhat entertaining to be given props for doing a great job as Gemma was literally scaling the chairs in the exam room so she could attempt to crawl up onto the exam table (and from there, who knows?)  I feel like she is on track, but it does feel good to have someone else confirm that is the case.

Gemma is all caught up on her shots now - she got three today.  William and Amelia were horrified they would be witness to the shots.  William insisted upon waiting in the hallway because he couldn't stand to see Gemma get a shot and then cry.  Amelia decided if William didn't want to see, she didn't want to see either.  Gemma was a champ.  She cried during the actual shots and then gave a very, very dirty look to the nurse on her way out.  For not having many actual words, this girl can get her meaning across!  When I opened up the exam room door, William about fell into the room.  He was so worried about his baby sister!  He needed to know how she was right away and checked out her band aids.  What a sweet boy!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Conversations v.?

I'm talking to the kids about the plan for the afternoon. We need to pick up some toys, do a little schoolwork and then the big kids will watch some tv while I work out (Gemma is napping).

William: when can I turn the tv on.
Mama: when I'm getting ready to exercise. When I am doing my push-ups and sit-ups, you can turn the tv on.

(Amelia crosses her arms across her chest and juts her chin out)
Amelia: mom! Mom! You should not call them sit ups. You are not sitting up.
Mama: what...?
Amelia: you should call them head ups. You only can lift your head up when you do that exercise. You should call it a head up. A sit up should look like this:

(Amelia demonstrates laying completely flat on her back and then sitting completely up without using her hands. Much.)

Amelia: see? That is a sit up. That is not what you do. What you do is like this:

(Amelia lays flat and lifts her head several inches off the ground.)

Amelia: see? See? That is what you do. It is not a sit up.

Mama: ok (trying not to laugh)

William: I can do a mountain climber! Wanna see?

Mama: (laughs out loud). Sure!

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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Time away, opportunities for the Mama

This winter was crazy busy for our family.  There was a lot of juggling, prioritizing and a little bit of making some hard choices.  One of the choices that had to be made was a new class our program wanted to offer our students.  My boss offered the class to me in September and I turned her down flat.  Then my boss was made the director of the whole program.  She offered the position to me again in November and told me it wouldn't start until mid January.  She also told me they would work around my schedule and allow me (within reason) to set my hours.  So, I considered it.  We discussed it together long and hard.  The position required 2 hours a week I considered long and hard for many more than 2 hours.  In the end, I could see how this opportunity was going to lead to other opportunities and I accepted the position. 

I don't talk about this much, because most of our family is here to see updates about our kids, not hear about my work.  But, in this case some pretty big things have happened and I want to record them here for many reasons.

First, I have to thank John.  He continues to be 100% supportive of every request I bring to him.  When I wanted some time to stay home with our kids, he agreed and helped me make it work.  When I wanted to go back to work, he agreed and helped me make it work.  It hasn't been the easiest road, but I am so fortunate he stands with me so I am able to accomplish the goals I have set for myself AND accept opportunities when they fall in my lap.

Like this class.

John provided all of the childcare while I was teaching this class and he does half of the childcare the rest of the week.  This puts him making dinner, packing lunches, running kids to important events and wrangling the kids to bed solo (bedtime is hands down the hardest part of the day).  So, a big THANK YOU to him for this support.

In March, my boss approached me again and asked if I would put together a proposal for a presentation to give at the state level teacher conference of adult education teachers.  This conference is for teachers across the state to come and learn about new developments and teaching practices, etc.  I have attended this conference previously, so I had a pretty good idea about what I was getting into.  I wrote the proposal, knowing I could turn down the opportunity if we later decided it was not the right choice for our family.  My proposal was accepted (full disclosure: 100% of proposals were accepted this year).

Again, we talked it over.  Because Gemma is still nursing, I wasn't willing to leave her home for the two and a half day conference at a Lake of the Ozarks resort (2.5 hours away).  I wouldn't be able to attend the conference if I brought Gemma by herself.  It was bring everyone or stay home.  Bring everyone meant John would do kid duty out of a hotel room while I attended the required workshops.  It was a lot to ask.  It was also a HUGE opportunity.

 This is certainly above and beyond the call of duty, but John said yes.  We returned yesterday from the Lake of the Ozarks and I gave my big 1+ hour long presentation on Thursday morning.  I have a few pictures to share later, but I wanted to put my appreciation down on paper before I forgot.

Other details:
-The presentation went well.  Not perfectly, but very good.  I found out later a large number of people from the state department of education were in attendance.  Glad I didn't know during the presentation.
-The state level Important People were please with my presentation and talked to me briefly after the presentation.
-The director of my program was in attendance and as a result, I've been asked to do at least one more presentation on campus here locally of the same material.  I am excited about these new opportunities.
-I was expecting 25-30 people to come.  There were closer to 50.  I was shocked by the fact I was not nervous.  At least not very nervous.
-The kids did well.  It was hard to entertain 3 kids this age in a hotel room.  At every opportunity, I ducked out to help bring the kids to the pool.  I can see this being a lot of fun for everyone in about 4 years.  This year was a lot of work.
-The resort was gorgeous.  Our room had a beautiful location.  We were 10 steps away from the lake (no guardrail- ack!).  15 steps away was a huge pool with a splash pad, hot tub, waterslide and waterfalls.  At least it was fenced it.  20 steps away was a fenced in playground.  There was fast food less than a quarter of a mile away, which was very convenient.  There were many other amenities we didn't get to check out because of our limited time and the ages of our kids.  But, maybe in a few years?

Friday, June 21, 2013

College cheese

(I'm making dinner in the kitchen. We've been out of town for the last few days and I'm throwing together an assortment of leftovers.)

Me: William! Amelia! Time to eat! (I'm spooning cottage cheese into two little bowls for William and Gemma as Amelia doesn't like cottage cheese).

Amelia come skidding into the kitchen and about somersaults head over toe as she screeches to a halt.

Amelia: mom! That is NOT for me! I do not like college cheese!

Me: okay. Thank you for telling me.

Amelia: MOM! I do not like college cheese! Do not give me ANY of that college cheese! Yuck! College cheese.

Me: okay Amelia. These are for William and Gemma. I remember that you don't like the cottage cheese.

Amelia: yuck! College cheese! I do not like college cheese.

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Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Fathers's day!

We're having a slow start today. We sent John back to bed not once but twice. We had cards, a gift and a special memory page (I'll share those later). We had a fruit, muffin, eggs brunch that we all enjoyed. Interestingly enough, Gemma devoured her eggs as fast as I could put them on her tray, but turned up her nose at the sweet peach slices. Silly girl.

Happy Father's Day everyone!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Ged graduation

It's the last week of class, which means crazy business. We had graduation on Wednesday - one of my favorite moments of the year. I'm so SO proud of the incredible hard work that went into these GEDs. I'm proud of myself as well. Not many of these were a cake walk.

By my estimation, I helped 22-25 people attain their GED credential. So many proud moments this year.

Words cannot explain how thankful
I am for this job. It isn't glamorous or high paid. There never will be. It is nitty gritty and with bare bones funding. But, the work I am doing is important. I believe in it. I can see visible fruits often labor and the positive impact of my hard work. I waited to find just the right job after William was born. To balance the home and work responsibilities. The balance isn't perfect every single day, but I am so proud of the work I do.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Ever wonder.....

Why I don't blog more? Here is a little visual....


It's strawberry jam time...mmmmm...


The kids are signed up to play soccer once a week this summer. The last fee weeks have brought absolutely gorgeous weather to sit outside and watch soccer. Sadly, Mama has to work (grr!) and missed the first weeks. Luckily for us, daddy is a huge trooper and has wrangled our crew to make soccer happen.

From the pictures, it appears the kids run around and Gemma picks up bits from the ground. Sounds about right!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Gemma tries birthday cake....

Gemma tries birthday cake, much to her sibling's dismay.

Gemma is ONE!

It is hard to believe our little Gemma bean is one year old today!  It kind of snuck up on me, but here it is!
The start of her funny face

Full on adorable funny face.  I challenge you to be mad at this face. Impossible.

Sweet Gemma bean

Nice picture of the shirt Mama made late last night for her girl!

A contemplative moment.  Not usually a good sign...

So happy!

Daddy and his Gemma

She is so BIG!

Small smile

Mama with her girl

I'm done with this picture stuff

Hey!  What's this stuff?

The hair bow just kills me - the hair is really growing now!

Amelia loves to put on Gemma's shoes.  Sometimes Gemma is patient enough for this, others not so much.

Not a fan of the grass - that is our current trick to make her hold still

Curly haired girl!

I see this face hundreds of times a day.  It is her plotting/devising face.  Trouble usually follows...

Sweet girl!

Sweet, tired girl

The Happy Birthday Banner and cake!  So festive!

Gemma admiring our decorations

The 3 kiddos

A first taste


She wasn't a fan of me helping her with the spoon.  She wanted to use the spoon to launch the cake.

looking at birthday cards after a bath

William and Amelia took turns reading the cards to her- always trying to make things fair.

Gemma loves to eat anything I am eating.  Cereal from my bowl?  Yes, please.  Mashed potatoes?  Scoop 'em faster lady.  Cake?  MORE!  NOW!  But, neatly diced banana on her tray?  No thanks.  It ends up squished in her hair, in her clothes or pitched very quickly to the floor.  We are working hard at getting away from baby food, which has been challenging with how busy the last few weeks have been.  I'm hoping to focus more on this when I am off for the summer after this next week.  She loves most purees and eats them with gusto.  She adores the baby food in a pouch - she will shed real tears when the pouch is empty.  Her current mode of operation is to throw most finger food on the floor and screech for my food.  Then, when she is cleaned up after the meal, she scavengers herself another meal off of the floor.  So, I guess she does eat it.  Just not when I am trying to eat.

Sleep has suddenly become much easier and without the tough love I was anticipating (watch.  Now tonight there will be a huge backslide).  She has consistently slept through the night for the last 6 weeks and it has been wonderful.  I find myself remembering more and have a newfound well of patience.  Amazing what a little shut eye can do for this Mama.

Gemma's favorite things (in no particular order):
1. Mama - she loves her mama, especially around new people
2. William- William can get her to make the biggest baby belly laughs of all time, just by walking into a room.  If he makes faces or attempts to be funny?  She cannot even stand on her two feet because she is laughing so hard.
3. Amelia- she always want to be with Amelia so when the chance to pull her long hair presents itself, she is prepared.  Not one to miss her chance, our Gemma.
4. John's work badge.  Man she loves that thing.  She will stand at John's feet and thrust herself up on her tippy toes with her hands outreached to show she wants to be held.  Because she wants to yank/examine/chew/hold the work badge.  (she also loves daddy very much.  Probably even more than the badge).
5.  books- in the last 3 weeks, Gemma has discovered that she loves being read to.  She loves to turn the pages as you read and point at pictures. She is so happy and excited when she comes toddling towards us with a book.  She settles right into our laps for some good reading time.
6. Bath time.  When that water starts, Gemma will come a running and if you don't watch her, she will launch herself head first into the tub.  I won't disclose whether or not that has acutally happened and how many times.
7.  Dancing- turn any type of music on and Gemma will start with her signature dance move the "Gemma Bounce" .  It is adorable!
8.  Making faces.  For months now, Gemma has had this knack for observing the face someone is making (intentional or not) and then mimicking it back to them.  She frequently has us in stitches at the dinner table with her interpretations of the different looks she can recreate.  Of course, our uproarious laughter does nothing but encourage her.  The finest class clown in training our family has seen to date.
9. Climbing.  Now that the walking/running skills have been mastered almost totally, Gemma has moved on to climbing. On everything.  Couches, fireplaces, bookshelves, anything that looks like it can be climbed she will work on.
10. Hats.  Or anything else she can wear on her head in hat fashion.
11.  The vacuum.  Or maybe she hates it.  We can't tell.  She cries when it is on if you aren't holding her the minute it turns on.  However, she cries if you are holding her and someone else is vacuuming.  She was to be right where the noise is, in someone's arms.