Friday, July 8, 2011

Vacation Round 3.2: Winnipeg

You'd think with going to bed 2 hours late, we get to sleep in. Both kids were up early in the neighborhood of 6:30am. Ouch.

We ate breakfast in our room before going down to the pool. Today was all about learning lessons.

Lesson One: Swim Diapers do not always contain "messes" (use your imagination)
Lesson Two: It is nice when the pool area is empty and no one else has to witness the walk of shame after a diaper failure. However, it still isn't fun.

We all got cleaned up before heading to the first stop of the day : Western Canada Aviation Museum

They had airplanes, of course. We got in right behind a school group having a last day of school field trip. I'm not sure we were supposed to tag along, but even I found the museum pretty interesting with the entertaining tour guide.They had a few biggish airplanes (aren't you impressed by my technical explanation?) but more of the smaller aircraft.
Back end parts of an airplane (I'm quite sure John will read this and feel compelled to change this)Royal Mail airplane
They had a never used spy hovercar

They also had a GREAT children's area that the kids loved. William liked being in the flight tower

and flying the plane with his copilot, Amelia. Or is he the copilot?

It is hard to tell, but there is air rushing out of the cone. Both kids liked trying to balance a ball on the airflow
Amelia liked the shopping...

We left the airplane museum (not without significant complaint from William) and went to the Assinboine Park Zoo. We ate our picnic lunch in the car and set out to see some animals. The zoo was...underwhelming. We were tired, there weren't many open exhibits or animals we haven't seen a hundred times before. While the zoo wasn't terrible, I wouldn't be recommending it to anyone as a must see in Winnipeg.
The tiger was just lazing around. William attempt to inspire him with his ferocious tiger impression. While we could hardly contain ourselves, the tiger was less inspired.
Amelia's fierce tiger face
One of the more exciting exhibits was a white buffalo...oddly enough, we didn't capture a picture of the beast, just a quick snapshot of the sign. ???Amelia crashed hard. There was not any traditional napping that occurred in Canada.

William was pretty peeved that Amelia had the audacity to fall asleep in the stroller. Over and over he demanded she give it up so he could take his nap turn. Unfortuantley for him, neither John or I was about to wake up an overtired 2 year old. Not happening.
He was forced to make alternate arrangements. Poor kid.

Shortly after this, we left the zoo and John requested a visit to Lower Fort Garry. It was about a 45 minute ride in which William and I slept HARD. Amelia was well rested from her stroller nap and kept John company.

Here is a sign about it if you want to know more. In short, it is a fort that operated as a trading post during the late 1800's and early 1900's.
Amelia admiring the commemorative stone
A sample of the boats used to bring supplies to the fort area over the river from Hudson's Bay. Someday, I'll find the time to come back to this picture and crop Amelia picking flowers out.
Isn't she sweet?
The fort had many historic building and was living history museum. This means there are real live people working there, reenacting historical...stuff. In this case, the reenactors were focused on how life would have been from day to day during the 1880 time period in this region of the country.
We LOVED that it was living history! Paid people to answer William's questions? Worth every penny. If we lived closer, I'm sure we'd be season pass holders or something. Here are the kids watching a blacksmith demonstration. You'd be suprised how long it takes to make one nail.The fort wallsWilliam and John checking out the fort walls
Amelia's turn
Inside the replica general store
Unable to resist the different green colored bottles in the sun

We closed down the place. We were enjoying ourselves so much, we didn't realize everyone was closing up and leaving until we were the only people around. I'm not sure why someone didn't tell us at any point along the way (there were LOTS of people around) that the park would be closing soon. No hours were posted on any of the doors, signs or maps that were given to us nor the receipt from purchasing admission with less than an hour left in their day. The kids were not happy about leaving (they aren't happy about much when they are this sleep deprived) without any notice. We made it up to them by eating at The Original Pancake House. These kids love pancakes! We followed pancakes with another trip to the pool to a) get our money's worth and b) ensure tired kids at bedtime. Here is when our second set of life lessons occurred:

Life Lesson Number 4: Don't get on an elevator without your grown ups.
William raced to be the first one on the empty elevator car and the doors shut before the rest of us could get there. About three seconds after the doors shut, the screaming started. Luckily, a quick thinking teenage girl (I suspect she was not sleep deprived) hit the elevator down button. The door magically opened again. You would not believe the amount of care William gave from then on to making sure he was not getting on the elevator alone. He was not about to let that happen again.

Life Lesson Number 5: Don't press the "EMERGENCY" button in the elevator.
After our swim time, Amelia raced to be the first one to press the button up to the fifth floor and instead pressed "EMERGENCY" so that a loud alarm sounded. John and I simultaneously went to yell at her and stopped after one look at her expression. She got it. Don't press the EMERGENCY button. Check with the grownups to make sure you are pushing the right thing. We went over it with her calmly a few times, but she got it. Loud and clear.*

*Funny enough, William was about this age when he pressed the emergency button himself at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester. He, of course, had no recollection of this event and had a grand old time reminded Amelia not to push any buttons without his express permission.

Vacation Round 3.1: Winnipeg BONUS

Amelia put on an impromptu performance down in the pavilion at The Forks. These pictures were so sweet, the deserved their own post.

This might be my all time favorite picture of my daughter

Love this girl

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Please Ignore, Under construction

I'm working hard here, people. I have a lot of pictures to sort through from four different devices (2 camera, 2 cell phones- isn't my life terrible?) I'm putting pictures up here and then sorting them out online because that is working better than anything else right now. Sorry if that is confusing!

PS I don't know why it is underlined and I can't make it stop.

Vacation Round 3.1: Winnipeg


Somewhere about 2 weeks before we were going to leave for our summer trip, I mentioned to John that I was considering driving to Canada for a few days in the middle of the trip. No notice, no plans, and no idea what would be required to do this, John just said "Okay" and proceeded to figure it out. That is just one of the reasons I love this man. I present him with the impossible task of making a manageable trip to a different county with minimal notice and he doesn't try to talk me out of it, doesn't stare at me like I am crazy. Just rolls with it and reads all the fine print about taking our family to Canada, leaving me the fun (no, really) part of researching what to do and where to stay. I had not one worry about the passport situation (yes, we needed them and yes, we had them).

We left on Wednesday after another lunch at La Campana (mmmmm...) and drove the 2 and a half (ish) hours to Winnipeg, Manitoba.

William's excitement over visiting a new country: Zzzzzzzz

Amelia's equal excitement about going through customs

Welcome to Manitoba!
This was our first time in Manitoba and first time in Winnipeg. I had checked out several Canada books from the library before leaving home and read them on the way to North Dakota. Because I'm organized like that. We arrived and checked in before heading out to the "Forks" area - names because it is the place where the Red River and the Assiniboine River meet (not fork away from each other as the name implies). This area is significant because it has been continuously used as a trading/commerce meeting point for hundreds of years. Now it is a shopping/tourist area that had a lot to look at for both grown ups and kids. We checked out the riverfront, a prairie restoration project, The Forks Market stalls and The Forks Amphitheater (sadly, empty) before eating at a true Canadian gem: Old Spaghetti Factory.

William in the Manitoba visitors' center at The Forks.

Amelia at the Manitoba Visitors' center at The ForksThe kids at The Forks
Walking the riverfront. There are supposed to be other walking paths and informational signs here, but they are all under water.View of the facade of the old French cathedral. Sadly, we did not get to explore the French section of Winnipeg as I would have liked!Most of the signs here were in English, French and Native languages.
Did you know I love taking pictures of bikes? No? Well, now you do.
Flower Mama? Yes please, sweet girl!

Inside the Forks Market stall area. A large group dressed for prom (? On a random Tuesday at 4:30pm?) was using the stairwell for a group picture so John snuck this picture from above.

After a little more wandering, we went back to our hotel to get the kids their promised pool time. William has really grown with his comfort in the water through the swimming lessons he took earlier in the summer (I know, I missed blogging them. Maybe I'll get to pictures? No promises). With the intentions of keeping the kids' schedule close to the same, we tried to put them to bed about 8:30pm. Bedtime was NOT a highlight. Neither kid was asleep until after 10:30pm, largely because it was still light out and the curtains didn't have great coverage.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Vacation Round 2: Grand Forks

After some Rochester fun, we loaded back into the car on Monday (June 27) for our trek to Grand Forks, ND to visit my grandparents. It is a very special thing to have 4 grandparents living in the same town just blocks from each other! We had planned two days for visiting and going to all our favorite North Dakota places!

La Capana

Digger Park

The first day it was pretty chilly - mid 50's. William was not about to let that stop him from going to his "favorite" park ever - THE DIGGER PARK.

Obviously, it warmed up over the next couple of days into the upper 90's. This is just one reason why I am unable to pack for a trip to North Dakota and why it requires so much STUFF.

Fireman Park (formerly known as Wobbly Park)
I try for a picture in front of this sign every year. These were the best two of the bunch.


*Somehow we didn't end up with any pictures at McGarry's? How can that be?

A big thank you to my Grandpa Tom and Grandma Gerry for hosting us! It is a lot of work to have 2 very active preschoolers around! Thanks for all your help!

PS Amelia misses Barney!

William's version of the monkey bars

Look at me Grandma Nona! Look at me Grandma Gerry! Also, for the record, this was her first time climbing up on this toy. She practically has to lift her foot over her head.
William learns a new trick (is that his MOTHER encouraging him to participate in dangerous things?)

Vacation Round 1: Parade, Breakfast on the Farm

We did it! We drove and planned and worked and we made it in time for the parade! We arrived after the parade started, but Grandma and Grandpa found us a place to sit at the end of the parade route. Grandpa and Grandma picked us up some dinner so we could get right down to the business of enjoying the parade! I think we missed maybe the first few minutes of the parade going by - worked out great for us!

A! Parade!
William was a big fan of the motorcycles, cars, go karts and other vehicles.

Look! Look!

The dragon: I was always kind of scared of this. Our kids weren't sure, luckily it didn't get too close!
Grandpa and Grandma brought us dinner - we couldn't have done it without them!
Cheese curds...mmmmm

William participating in some street yoga between groups

William in particular really enjoyed the parade, especially when he realized people were throwing CANDY for ANYONE. After the first couple of rounds, he was a seasoned pro at arriving at the candy quickly and collecting it before the other kids. We even needed to encourage him to share a little because he was so good at it (and no kid, nor their parents needs candy in the volume we were collecting).

Amelia turned out to be the little charmer. She sat and enjoyed the parade from Grandma's lap. When she spotted someone walking by with candy, she would start to smile and wave. 99.999% of the time, at least one person from the group would come over to give her some candy. There are some perks to being the youngest person on our side of the street!
Amelia doing her thing: charming away.

We got to bed late, but happy!

The next morning, we were up early to go to the Breakfast on the Farm event. William was so excited about riding on the bus. He entertained the entire bus load of adults (we had the only kids in the small groups of 15 or so) with his chatter and excitement. He was even more excited about his new friend, Andy who came with Aunt Megan for the breakfast on the farm. Also of note, this is the first year in MANY years that Grandpa has attended breakfast on the farm! We ate our pancakes, petted various barnyard animals, played in the sand, rode the horse drawn wagon, viewed the cow and milking barn before heading back to town just before it started to rain.

William and Andy ride the busAmelia rides the bus

Pancakes! This way!
Did you know that kitties like pancakes? This kitty ate a WHOLE pancake!Pancakes by the hundreds. They had four of these pancake grills going.
Kids at the dairy farm
William was in love with the baby chicks. Amelia wanted nothing to do with these birds and William had to be dragged away.Amelia was okay with admiring the cow from this distance
She LOVED the idea of climbing up this fence. Not so interested in the piggies inside!

What would a day on the farm be without tractors?

Pit stop on a hay bale while waiting in line for the horse drawn wagon ride
Andy, Andrew and Megan riding the wagon
Later in the day, we went back to play with Cana for awhile. It is VERY fun to watch my little girl play with my best friend's little girl while the grown ups catch up. Sadly, there aren't any pictures, but I can assure you we had lots of fun!