Monday, May 21, 2012

Le Sigh

I came out this morning to chase the kiddos into their clothes and to brig their teeth. In the flurry of activity, I asked Amelia to being me a new diaper so we could change her up. Her response?

"don't worry mom. I already did it."

After further investigation, she was right. She did change her own diaper.

If only she would be interested in potty training... Sigh....
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Thursday, May 17, 2012

36 weeks + 4 days

I feel big. Bigger than before. My OB assures me I am measuring normally and right on schedule. Good to know, but it doesn't do anything to make me feel smaller!

Monday, May 14, 2012

36 weeks today

I'm large. And uncomfortable. I'm trying to dig deep to find my positive attitude and patience... So far it is missing. Hopefully it shows up soon!

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It isn't what you think

The mommy dinosaur is watching over her baby according to Amelia.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

News flash

William is a boy. Boys in particular are known for their sense of humor. Within the last two weeks, William has suddenly found this particular "typical boy" trait. Consider yourself warned: bodily functions are all hilarious. The louder the better. Also, rear ends, backsides, bottoms and butts are roll on the floor funny.

The milestones, some are more enjoyable than others!

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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Update on the Update

So, ultrasound and kindergarten meeting tonight.

Ultrasound highlights: Placenta issues have resolved.  No more concerns about this issue.  It may be due to the uterus crunches I have been doing in my free time (obvs. kidding).  Baby is head down.  Our baby has hair!  Gender is still a mystery.  According to the measurements, baby is roughly 5lbs+.  The bigger a baby gets, the harder it is to accurately measure size, but the dr was impressed by the size of our baby.  If everything remains as it is, I am on track to deliver a 8-9 lb baby. 

Kindergarten meeting highlights: William appears to be well prepared skill wise for kindergarten.  However, despite the fact we have lived in the same place for 9 years, we only knew one other child entering kindergarten next year.  I have been secretly hoping that there would be a pleasant surprise to find the place full of warm, fuzzy people we are already acquainted with.  No such luck.  Not surprisingly, I sniffled my way through most of the meeting.  Poor John.  I finally informed him it might be a good idea to plan on taking at least a partial day off from work for the first day of school.

Tomorrow night is Dad's night at preschool - hopefully John will be here tomorrow night with some exciting details and pictures from his night out with the kids.

Amelia rides !

After a few nights of practice, our girl has made some good progress! So proud!

(she is yelling "super zoom!")