Saturday, June 30, 2012

Pretty big girl!

3 week faces

Here are the rest from our impromptu little shoot this morning

3 weeks, more pics

also love her little worried face, her I'm bored with you face, her sneezing face, and her focused/studious face!

3 weeks old

Gemma is 3 weeks old. She is growing and changing - we're working to take it all in!

This week she has started showing some cute smiles to several different people. However, everyone knows that the first smile is not counted until it is directed at the Mama. So, the very cute series of smiles she directed at daddy last night were just gas or something similar. Likewise for the ones she gave to her siblings today! They don't count!

Here are a few of her cute newborn faces from the morning. This girl already has some cute faces!

For the record, I love the little ooo face age makes, the big stretches, the cross eyed look that makes her look so silly, her woodpecker bobble, her hungry face and all the ones in between!

A whine

Driving in the car this morning

William: I'm so glad I found my watch this morning! Mom! Mom! Mom! It's 11:02 now!
Mama: great!

---------1 minute later------

(whining voice from the backseat)

Amelia: it's not fair...(fake cry)
Mama:(distracted) what? What's wrong?
Amelia: when I breathe, the air comes out of my nose! (fake cry)

----------30 seconds later---------

William: mom! Mom! Mom! It's 11:03! Mom!

Mama: thanks William!

------1 min later------------------------

William: mom! Mom! Mom! It's 11:04!
Mama: thanks William!

----------------1 minutes later----------

Amelia: (fake cry)
Mama: huh? What now?
Amelia: I don't like what time it's not fair!
Mama: hmmmm...
Amelia: I want it to be 10:32 again!
Mama: I'll get right to work on that.

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Friday, June 29, 2012

The pants situation

For fun last night, I tried on a pair of not-maternity-but-still-sizes-bigger-than-normal pants. They didn't come close to fitting. So I did the only thing to do in such a situation: I put my pajama pants on and had some ice cream.

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Thursday, June 28, 2012

So helpful...?

I asked the kids to do a little picking up. William jumped right in and took care of the toys I asked him to.

Amelia stood back and surveyed the mess. She then bent over and plucked out a plastic ring William unearthed this morning from the mess and put it on her finger.

Then she said quietly (to herself, I think) "there. I helped pick up. I picked up William's special ring and put it on my finger."

Then she flounced out of the room to either make bigger messes else where or to torment her brother with her possession of his ring.

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