Saturday, January 5, 2013

Grandpa reads to 2 kids? Or 3?

Here is my dad, attempting to read a book to the kids. It's a little challenging with the baby grabbing the pages and trying to eat them and a very wiggly big kid bumping and wriggling behind you. And the third one? Sitting on his lap, encouraging/insisting grandpa keep reading. Even with a foot in his neck and a baby trying to rip the pages out of the book.

3 kids

For the last 6 months I feel like we have been juggling 2 kids and 1 baby. They eat separately, bathe separately, play separately and operate on different schedules. and then this happened: see picture.

When we got to my parents house, the big kids were playing on the fireplace. Gemma crawled over and pulled herself to their level like it was nothing. Suddenly, my perspective shifted. Soon we will have 3 kids - not this 2 kids, 1 baby business. She will want to be with them more than she will want to be with me soon. She will be doing the same things they are doing and fighting right along with them. It always blows my mind, but this baby is really her own little person - one who will stand on her own two feet sooner rather than later.

Need to work on our accuracy

Gemma is getting pretty proficient at self feeding....or so I thought! Here is the seat of her high chair after lunch. I guess all those Cheerios didn't make it into her mouth!*

*taken before our Christmas trip

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Overheard from the kitchen

Grandma (to William): do you like this treat? Would you like to try one?

William: ummm... I think I would like 2 of those treats.

Grandma:no. I said you could have one.

William: what did you say? (In disbelief and shock in his tone)

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What time?

This morning

Mom: William, what time did you get up?

William: 7:09

(Without prompting)

Amelia: I got up at 9:98

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Monday, December 31, 2012

Gemma pulls up

Gemma discovered how much fun it is to pull herself up to standing this week. She just cackles with pleasure when she achieves the full stand....which usually results in her tumbling over. Which, usually gives me a heart attack.

She is just good enough to get herself pulled up, but has NO sense of balance, where her feet are or how much it will hurt if she bumps her head.

In the picture, I had put Gemma in the playpen and started reading a bedtime story to the big kids. A few minutes later, I looked up to see Gemma's beaming face. She was so proud of herself we took this quick picture...and then she tipped over....of course.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

The kids!

The kids worked hard today at the wedding! William was the ring bearer, Amelia was the flower girl, and Gemma was cute! All three kids did an awesome job doing what they were supposed to do and looked adorable!