Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The highlights of today

I just discovered this entry in my "drafts" folder from September.  Enjoy!

Today is Monday.  Sure, the clock and calendar officially now read Tuesday, but I'm still working on Monday.  We did have several blog worthy items for you today, so here they are:

A dinner conversation:

William: Issac Newton invented the color wheel....(long winded, convoluted lecture on primary colors, color wheels, etc, etc, etc)...Did you know you can mix colors? (who had art today?)  Mixing colors is so interesting!  What does red and yellow make daddy? (without waiting for an answer) ORANGE!  (we continue on in this vein for a few more minutes discussing what color makes what when mixed get the idea, right?)

Amelia: Hey!  What happens when you mix pink and purple?  They both have a lot of letter "p" in them.  What word would you make then?

This is the kind of stuff that makes my day!

Amelia: I want to go outside and play hop chalk (hopscotch, drawn with chalk)


Amelia: Mama!  Do you like the stem of the pizza?
Mama: What?
Amelia: Mama!  Do you like the stem on the pizza? (points at crust)
Mama: Oh!  Yes!  Yes, I do like the stem.


Tonight, I was shutting off lights and putting the last things away before I got ready for bed when I noticed a mosquito buzzing around on Amelia's door.  I will not be able to sleep tonight if I know there is a mosquito friend in the house, so I try to lightly squash the mosquito on the door.....when I realize banging on my sleeping daughter's door in the middle of the night probably isn't the best plan.

You try and quietly squash a bug without making a noise.

PS I got it.


I have a confession to make:

I hate glitter.

It's messy, it sticks to everything, it is impossible to every get it all the way cleaned up, I always end up with some on my face and I hate seeing it sparkle on the floor and then being able to find it to clean up.  I hate glitter so much that if I get a card in the mail with glitter on it, I won't take it out of the envelope inside the house.  I'll take the card outside, open it, read it, and then discard it immediately without going into the house.

Weird? Yes.

Tonight I opened the dryer and found someone had a pocket full of glitter in their pants of some other glitter explosion had occurred.  Glitter exploded over a load of CLEAN laundry.  Ugh.  I wanted to cry.  After close to 2 hours of clean up, the mess is about contained.  Notice I didn't say cleaned up?  Because it isn't.  There is still work to do tomorrow on that front.

7 months old

Here is a really big shocking event: I am sitting at the computer with the camera card in the slot and I'm planning on uploading quality pictures.  We'll see if I remember how.  Well then, that wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be!

One of my favorite pictures from Amelia's baby hood was this sweet little white dress a friend picked up at a thift store....when I looked at the photos this morning, I realized I took those pictures on Amelia's 7 month birthday.  So, you know what I had to do, right?  I had to pull out that sweet little dress and wipe down that white rocking chair.  And here are the results...

 "This little piggy went...."

Chewing on the window ledge...mmmmm!

 Pulled up and peeking out the window

 The 7 month sign didn't fare very well

 Poor Amelia was so patient.  I finally told her to make her "sad face" to match Gemma's sad face. 

Gemma was not super cooperative and she wanted no part of holding still.  At all.  I was hoping to get a sweet moment between my girls, and I got a few.  Not exactly what I was hoping for when I started out though.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Gemma bean

Somewhere along the line in the last month Gemma has become a bean. Similar to a jelly bean, a Gemma bean is small and sweet. I don't know where it came from, but now I can't stop saying "Gemma bean, Josephine, I love you!"

Gemma is racing through milestones and I can't hardly keep up with both the online scrabble game I play with my mom and posting here what the bean is up to.

Before Christmas:
Pulled self up to knees
Crawled on all fours, left the army crawl behind for the bugger, better mode of transportation
Cheerios to mouth accuracy calculated to be precisely 9%
Started on baby purée foods, eating took along time. Getting her to open up was sometimes challenging and I felt like she just didn't quite get it.

2 days before we left for Christmas with the family, Gemma mastered the crawl to sitting move and from sitting to crawling became more graceful. ( previous method started from a sitting position and found catapulting herself forward which resulted in her face planting and then crawling)

Over Christmas, Gemma learned:
To pull herself to a full stand. Most pictures of her will now include at least 3 bumps/scrapes/bruises/injury to the head of some kind for at least the next 12 months.

Increases her Cheerios accuracy to 64%, and increased speed a great deal.

Waves hi using 1) a karate chop 2) open close motion of one hand. Both are accompanied by an adorable grin. If you wave and say hi back, she usually giggles like crazy. It's fun to communicate!

In the same vein, she also will mimic clapping if she sees one of us doing it.

Became more comfortable with purées and opens mouth like a baby bird

Tried a multitude of new foods, some of them on purpose: pears, peas, English muffin, Olive Garden breadsticks, pizza crust, ice cream, snicker doodle cookies, saltine crackers, and lots of wrapping paper. No wonder she quit sleeping through the night! Keep in mind, most foods she either got a tiny taste or extremely small quantities, but enough to give it a try. Overall, she appears to still prefer carrots over almost everything else.

Sent from my iPhone

The silent flush

We have been having a problem with a young boy in our house not flushing. Not to name names, but someone isn't

(William coming out of the bathroom)

Dad: William, did you flush?
William: uh huh, yep
Dad: are you sure? I didn't hear anything. Can you go and check?
William: you didn't hear it because it was a silent flush. The kind you CAN'T hear.

(Lots of muffled giggles)

Dad: I think the silent flush might not be doing the job. Might want to check again.
William: oh man. Ok dad.

Sent from my iPhone

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Winter fun

Boys in hats and some snowboarding attempts. You can see the grass peeking through- not ideal conditions, but it was enough for us!

Winter fun!

There was snow in Minnesota this year at Christmas! It almost wasn't enough to play in, but we managed! Gemma made snow angels with her brother and sister before going back inside - too cold for baby!

Amelia and William enjoyed sledding, shoveling and a little snowboarding with the help of uncle Mike.

Baby's first Christmas!

Gemma and her cousin celebrated their first Christmas together this year! One of my favorite Christmas memories is playing for hours on end with my cousins at my grandparent's house (on both sides). Giving my own children the opportunity to play with their cousins during the holidays is one of the most exciting and important parts. One that I'm willing to drive 7+ hours across multiple states to make happen.

We loved The cousin play time this year- only wish we had more time with them!