Wednesday, February 20, 2013


We were driving home from dance lessons last week and Amelia piped up in the backseat.

Amelia: Mom?
Mom: Yes?
Amelia: For my birthday, I want a doll.
Mom: You do?
Amelia: Yes.  I want a beautiful Ick-merican doll*.
Mom: You do?
Amelia: Yes.  Ick-merican dolls are the most beautiful dolls.  I want the one with the beautiful long yellow hair and white clothes.
Mom: Oh, she sounds pretty!
Amelia: She is so pretty.  Then I will bring my Ickmerican doll to dance like the other girls.  I will get her a dance clothes to wear.  I will name my Ickmerican doll Elise.  Okay mom?

Mom: (stumped**).......
Amelia: is that okay mom?
Mom:......ummmm.....I think we need to just wait and see what happens Amelia.

*American doll  a popular doll in the girl set
** The lower end of doll costs somewhere in the $100 range.  Not something I am willing to promise to an almost 4 year old.  Not yet anyway.

Saturday, February 16, 2013


This video is roughly a month old. But, it is still sweet to hear our girl babble away!

More valentine goodness

I am loving the stuff that comes home from kindergarten! I love the spelling and crooked handwriting and the deep eraser marks that show how hard our son is working at his job of learning.
In celebration of valentines day this week, I offer up:

1). Be mine, Valentine!

To: my fammie (family)
From: William

Note the little red hearts and the completely yellow heart. My guy strongly dislikes coloring. Hates it. This little red hearts just make me giggle and at the same time melt my heart.

2). The top 10 things I love

My cat
My tethr (teacher)
Alec - school friend
Diana- school friend
My Phi- school friend
My mom - I rate at 7!?!?!?
My dad
My Kyra - school friend

I know Amelia should be on this list. The two are as thick as thieves and best friends. Apparently not on this day.

Happy valentines day!

We had a quiet valentines day. I worked and John had daddy duty, so we are celebrating tonight. I managed to catch a picture of all 3 kids yesterday is the morning chaos, but it is on my other camera.

We ate asparagus and gruyere ravioli with marinara sauce. The ravioli had a red pepper stripe, so they were very festive for the occasion. John made these totally over the top cookies. They were chocolate chip cookies sandwiches with cookie dough in between. Over the top.

Yesterday morning, I invented Valentines day oatmeal. Largely because my kids needed to eat breakfast and they were cooperating. I needed to get to work and get kids to their various schools and sitter. Luckily the mention of very special oatmeal did the trick. If you'd like to make something (very) sweet for your sweeties, here's what you do:

1 packet of oatmeal (1/2 cup?)
1 tablespoon chocolate chips
1-2 tablespoons dried fruit (I like cherries)
1/2 a packet of hot chocolate mix

1. Pour oatmeal into bowl. Put water over oatmeal so you can swish it around. It should be more oatmeal than water, but make it so you like it.

2. Cook in the microwave about 1 minute.

3. Pour half of a hot chocolate packet into bowl

4. Put in other toppings (dried fruit, chocolate chip)

5. Add a splash of milk, maybe 1/4 cup?

6. Stir and serve to your sweetheart/ kiddo!

Enjoy these silly pictures of the bean. She is in constant motion these days and not all that easy to grab a picture of!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Gemma has started full force babbling in the last few weeks. I'm starting to fully realize our home is not going to be quiet for many, many years.

Here is the one I've been waiting for: Mamama!

Such a sweet, sweet sound to my heart. Before we had kids, I always worried the milestones would be less exciting after the first baby. And Gemma, if you're reading this someday- it was just as exciting and sweet as when both William and Amelia said it for the first time. Your sweet babyhood is appreciated and enjoyed. It is from a different perspective, but we certainly are cherishing every moment of you.

Monday, February 11, 2013

She might not get it, but my girls got this

William came blazing in the door going 100 miles an hour. Shoes, jacket, book bag dumped by the door.

He hits the bathroom first, calling Amelia as he washes his hands. They really are best friends. They miss each other all day, especially Mondays.

William: Amelia! Let me show you a new game I made up! (Snort! It is a big advantage to have a sister who believes EVERYTHING you say.). It is called paper, rock....

Daddy: scissors?

William (surprised face) how did you know?

Daddy: oh, just a guess

William: (attempts to halfway explain game to Amelia). Ok! Let's play! Hold your hands out... Say "paper, rock, scissors"

Amelia: ok!

William: hey! What did you make with your hands?

Amelia: guns. I made guns. I can shoot your scissors.*

William: A- M E L I A**

Amelia: (grins). What?

William: you cannot have guns. It is paper, rock, scissors!

Amelia: okay

--attempting another round results in abandoning the game as neither understands well enough to continue--

John attempts a instruction session

Neither is interested enough to keep it going and the game is abandoned.

*I debated getting all up in arms about the gun reference and worrying about markers for future violence, etc and the social norms that allow her to have knowledge of guns, etc. instead, I decided to be entertained by the creativity of my 3 year trying to out maneuver her brother. And succeeding in my opinion.

**when William is upset or frustrated with Amelia, he spells out her name. Kind of like using her full name, William style. It cracks me up.
Sent from my iPhone

Make Lemonade

I was driving William to school with the girls in the car several weeks ago.

William: You have to be careful - we have to drive the speed limit.
Mama: Yes, I am driving the speed limit, but we have to hurry a little so we aren't late for school.
William: Drive the speed limit.  That sign says "Speed Limit 25"
Mama: Yes, it does.
Amelia: NO!  It is not speed limit.
William: Yes it is.  Diaper head.
Amelia: NO! It says Speed Lemon.
William: No Amelia!  It says Speed LIMIT Amelia!  Sound it out!
Amelia: No! It is Speed Lemon.  I can't sound it out because I can't see the sign.  I know it says Speed Lemon because that is what Mama says.  Speed Lemon.
William: (in exasperation) AMELIA!  It says SPEED LIMIT!

(arguing continues)
(and continues)
(and continues)

until we finally get to school.  It might have the longest 8 minute car ride of my life.