Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Busy busy

We overslept this morning. By a lot. Largely because Gemma was up a good portion of the night. When I got everyone up, we were 14 minutes from bus time. Not going to make it. Nothing like a scramble to make your Monday morning. Here is the run down:

Race around and get everyone ready for the day, breakfast, teeth brushed, clean clothes, shoes, jacket, etc
Drop William off at school
Target run for birthday card, Chapstick and browsing.
School district early childhood teacher meeting for Gemma at 10 (ummmm...that would be during nap time)
Feed Gemma
Get Gemma down for a nap.
Reschedule appointments x2 (dentist)
Make dr appointment for Gemma for an ear check. The gut tells me something is wrong.
Upload work documents for class tonight
Work out 35 minutes
Make lunch/pack lunches for tomorrow
Eat lunch.
Feeds Gemma
Clean bathroom
Take Gemma to dr apt
Gemma has a big ear infection
Pharmacy for meds
Home to feed Gemma
Clean another bathroom
William off the bus
John comes home
.review backpack
Do homework activity with William
Help John prep dinner
Eat with the family
Race off to work
Drop off paperwork at school office
Return call to grandma on new batcar phone
Kiss big kids
Fees Gemma
Collapse onto couch because tomorrow it all starts over again!

Sent from my iPhone

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Uh oh

You turn your back for one minute. Literally one minute. It's a good thing she is cute.

Friday, March 1, 2013

More snow day fun

Snow days mean we have time to do fun things with hair- like loops.

William and Amelia also took full advantage of the time to play together as well! They played and played! It was so fun...until the fighting started.

These two are great friends. They do everything together when they are both home. This year has been a challenge for them to adjust to William being in school for full days. Both kids miss each other, although I don't think you will get them to admit it.

Snow day (s)

We had snow last week which meant no school for the kids and mama. It is HARD to get everyone outside with a baby! But, we did it! I put Gemma in her carrier with her snowsuit on and then zipped her inside my coat. It worked, but was pretty awkward for shoveling, digging, sledding or seeing my feet. The kids enjoyed lots of time outside and playing in the snow. By lots of time I mean about 12 minutes. And it takes at least 20 minutes to get everyone snow pants, mittens, hats, boots...uh oh...potty...etc.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Honey do

You can add this to the list:

Reinforce toilet paper holder to hold the weight of a small child while they are brushing their teeth.

Although, no hurry. We aren't using the toilet paper holder right now because Gemma can empty the roll in less than 10 seconds. Gleefully.

Monday, February 25, 2013


Last night, John sent me this picture. It isnt a great shot as it looks like she is holding the little table. However, she not holding anything- except her purse. Gemma has been standing for longer and longer periods of time without really realizing. Last night, she stood (with purse in hand no less) for close to a minute before sitting. She is getting more and more confident with the standing.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Uh oh

I know these pictures don't look like much, but here is Gemma trying to climb up on the bed frame to get to Amelia. She lifted her leg, gave a big grunt, and tried several times to heft herself up on the bed. Adorable. And yet, am quite thankful she isn't able to scale the furniture yet.

*the big kids have been using the bed frame to play on a lot as Gemma can't (yet) get there and it isn't being currently used.