Thursday, April 25, 2013

Froggy research

Frogs eat wrms and inseks. Frogs strt out as eggs they hach into tadpols the tad pols for bak legs soon its frunt legs will gro

Spring break news report

I saw: Andy
I ate: mlasis cake (molasses cake)
I read: Judy B Jones and that Meanie Jim's birthday
I played tigrs (tigers, with Andy)
I visited gramu and grapu (grandma and grandpa


If I crossed a dinosor with a ellfint, I would get a elesor.

Every baby...

Should have a big stick. Don't you agree?


I found this paper airplane laying around the house. William's newest obsession is paper airplanes, so there are roughly 15-20 laying around the house at any time. Which makes me crazy. Crazy because:

1. Papers laying around the house makes me crazy. They are everywhere. Even the littlest bits can be turned into a paper airplane. And everyone is precious (to my son) so it cannot be thrown away.

2. Gemma gets ahold of the frequently (see: everywhere) and shreds them to bits (see: paper everywhere, crazy).

Which explains why I was on my way to the recycle bucket with this one when I noticed the letters on the side- pb.

When I asked William what the letters meant, he looked at me as if I was a complete moron. He sighed and said, "The Pb stands for lead Mama."

Of course. Lead. Exactly what I was thinking.

Ps. I confess the lead airplane still ended up in the recycling.

Gemma's favorite hobby

Gemma has a hobby she has been working on lately.  She loves to throw things in the tub in my bathroom.  After she has an appropriate number or quality of items in the tub, she turns the water on them and watches with pure glee on her face as everything gets wet.  In particular, she loves doing this while I am going to the bathroom for two reasons:

1. She knows it makes me crazy
2. She is just out of arm's reach, which is SO. MUCH. FUN.

Items I have fished out of the tub this week (most wet to varying degrees):

New disposable diapers
William's school papers (including one pink paper that promptly turned the tub pink)
John's pajamas
a pair of my shoes
8 pair of my socks
a roll of toilet paper
Gemma's clothes for the day
a battery operated toy
a paper bag
dolls/doll clothes
dirty laundry
clean laundry

What might be the funniest part to me is that she isn't interested in the getting wet part.  She is all business.  She comes in the bathroom, chucks her item into the tub, swiftly moves to turn the water on and then toddles on her merry way to make trouble elsewhere.  It is like she has a little "to do" list in her head that she is checking items off of and she is on to her next task.

A scary

I was on my way home from work last night and I had a scary experience.

It was dark and had rained most of the day.  The roads were wet and there was still a little drizzle.

I was on the phone with the friend who watches the girls for me during the day when I work trying to sort out the logistics for Thursday.

I was one exit away from being home.  Traffic was light, although there was a constant flow of vehicles. 

I moved over a lane so I would be able to hop off on my exit a little sooner than usual due to the rain and it seemed darker than usual (note: I was also driving slightly slower than usual because of the conditions).

Suddenly, I realized there were two cars blocking the second and third lane of the highway.  I saw them just in time to switch lanes and slam on the brakes.  I slid.  I slid and slid and slid and slid.  The sliding probably only lasted for a second, but it felt like eternity.  As I slid, I realized there were people out of their vehicles in this dark area on the highway in the rain.  I realized this only because two sets of eyes reflected back my headlights.  I thought I saw the eyes widen in surprise or fear as I slid past. The vehicles were dark colored.  I would guess their clothing was dark colored.  There were no emergency workers on the scene at all.  These people were sitting ducks and the situation had potential to get much worse very quickly.

I was able to slow down enough to get around the accident safely.  I looked behind my to see two semis approaching the accident behind me.

I was past the accident, and all I could think about were those wide eyes reflecting the light of my headlights.  I prayed that whoever it was found their way to a safe place quickly.  Although the traffic was light, it was still steady with several large 18 wheeled trucks behind me.

My exit was the next one and I decided to call 911 as I slowed down to a stop.

Dispatcher: 911! (loud voices/noise in background)
Me: I'm calling to report an accident.  I'm traveling (insert specific information about my location) and there is an accident on the highway blocking several lanes.
Dispatcher: Were you involved in the accident???!?
Me: No
Dispatcher: We have the information.

911 hung up on me.  I wanted to tell them about the people who were in danger.  That is was especially dark in that spot.  That someone with a flashing light needed to get there ASAP to protect those people out of their cars at night on the highway.  I didn't get to do any of that which bothered me more than it should have.

I came home and kissed my big kids and my husband.  I didn't wake the baby, but I considered it.  I have some ideas about a few people who might be looking out for me from above and I'm thankful for their love and protection.