Saturday, May 4, 2013

Amelia conversation

I feel like Amelia says plenty of cute stuff, but as the neglected middle child, she doesn't get as much written down here.  So, on Wednesday, the two of us were driving to ballet class (a ten minute drive) when the following conversation took place:

Amelia: I want to listen to the dinosaur music.
Mama: The dino music is in the other car, I don't have any dinosaur music here.
Amelia: Can we please listen to dinosaur music?
Mama: Thank you for being so polite!  I still don't have any dinosaur music.
Amelia: Then I want to listen to Car Talk
Mama: What?
Amelia: Can we please listen to Car Talk*?
Mama:  That is only on the radio on Saturday mornings!
Amelia: I just love that show.


The same evening on the way home, we had the following conversation:

Amelia: Do you remember when Grandpa Heidt was a baby?
Mama: Nope. 
Amelia: Can you tell me about Grandpa Heidt was a baby?
Mama: I think I know some stories about Grandpa Heidt when he was a baby.  He used to have very curly, beautiful hair.
Amelia: So you remember.
Mama: No.  Grandpa's sisters told me about his curly hair and about when he was a little boy.
Amelia:Grandpa has sisters?!?!?
Mama: Yes.
Amelia: Do you remember when Grandma Kim and Grandpa Kevin were babies?
Mama: nope.
Amelia: You don't?  Why? 
Mama: Grandma and Grandpa are older than Mama.  So, I wasn't born when they were babies.
Amelia: What? You DO remember, right Mama?
Mama: (are we home yet?  we hit No, I can't remember that because I wasn't there when they were babies.
Amelia: Where were you?
Mama: Hey!  Let's play the letter game!  I'm looking for a letter A.....

*In short, Car Talk is a public radio show featuring two brothers who discuss car repair and other car related topics when they aren't insulting each other.  I admit John and I are big fans.

Tooth #8&9

Yesterday I noticed Gemma has 2 new teeth starting to poke out. The top incisors on the right and left are coming in.

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Field trip! Part I

On Wednesday I got to go with William's class on a field trip to Purina Farms!  A big thanks to daddy for taking the day off to stay home with the girls- no siblings were allowed!

We haven't been out to Purina Farms yet, so I was excited to scope it out with a bunch of kindergarteners.

We arrived and caught the beginning of the dog show.  William was completely mesmerized by the bigger kids having a dance party to the loud music while they waited for the show to begin.  I don't think he even saw the dogs.

As the show got under way, we had to walk away as we were scheduled for lunch.  I had some disappointed friends!  

They got over it quick - especially when lunch included Sprite.

After lunch, we pet animals and ran around.  And ran and ran.


Field trip part II

I got tired of chasing my little crew, so we settled in for a fun tractor pulled wagon ride.

Later, we found a play area with a series of tunnels.  I thought we would never get out of there.  All4 went in and then came out different places at different times.  I kept sending them in after each other and then having them disappear for the next ten minutes.  I finally got smart and didn't let them go back in.  It took awhile, but we finally got everyone out 
Of there and onto the next thing: rope swing!  William loved it and I had to drag him away kicking and screaming.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Field trip part III

With the day winding down, William became obsessed with trying to pet a fish. He was quite unhappy when we left without having put hands upon a slippery guy. Mama was okay with that not working out.

We also caught the end of a milking demonstration - William got to try and milk this cow.

At the end of the day, we put the fitness back on the bus and William and I stayed an extra 20 minutes to catch the rest of the dog show we missed. This time it was less crowded and William saw the dogs doing the amazing tricks.

My first strawberry rhubarb pie

I made my first strawberry rhubarb pie today- with a little help. It is so yummy and one of my favorite spring time treats!

Now that I'm thinking about it, this might be my first pie ever....