Wednesday, July 10, 2013

4th of July parade

On my summer to do list is a parade. It's on the list every summer. When we were in Minnesota, I knew were going to miss our hometown's huge 4th of July parade. I was on a mission to find another parade. Luckily, Grandpa and Grandpa were on board and we found ourselves at the Stewartville parade!

We packed a picnic and grandma picked up some holiday treats to eat while we waited for the parade.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Girl time

With William out on the woods, we had some special girl time. Gemma discovered bugs, which wasn't very girly. It was very entertaining though.

Amelia talked grandma into a manicure and pedicure. She requested a patriotic pattern of white white and blue for the 4th of July holiday. However the best we could come up with was pink and peach. She was a very satisfied customer with her alternating pink and peachy fingers and toes.

Quarry hill

Part 2 (same day, can't fit all pictures in one post from my phone):

Counting rings on trees
Gemma loving hiking
Finding out the tennis shoes I brought for Gemma are now too small.
The rocky dock (a floating dock that rocks when you step on it)
A fossil hunting bust (we didn't find any)

Quarry hill adventure

Part one


A Trex skull
Finding our wingspans

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Friends at the park!

We are so lucky to have friends who rearrange their lives to meet up with us when we travel to Minnesota! A high school friend of mine has a 6 year old boy, 4 year old girl and a 6 month old girl. Perfect playmates for our kiddos! We've gotten together before, but it's been awhile. I think the last time the big girls were only a year old!

They weren't happy about pictures, but sometimes a mama just needs a picture!

Above:Jacob and William
Below: Amelia and Mariella

Sadly, Gemma wouldn't hold still for more than minute so we don't have a picture of the little girls.

Camp out

William was thrilled to be invited to camp out with Kaye and Scott at whitewater state park this week in their camper. (Amelia was invited also, but I made the executive decision that very day that you need to be 5 to spend the night away from mama because I didn't want to drive and pick her up at midnight).

Kaye sent me some great pictures of William camping. The first words out William's mouth were: "where's Scott?"

He is Scott's little shadow, which I think (I hope) both enjoy. Scott, among other things had promised to take William fishing for his breakfast in the morning.

William was disappointed he didn't catch anything, but was thrilled when Scott offered to share his catch. William was ALL about eating the fish and talked it up a great deal. Until the fish hit the table. Then he decided he only liked fish that look like chicken nuggets. (Full disclosure: we don't eat fish at our house. At all. Ever. So, I'm not sure how he arrived at this conclusion.).

William settled on a sparse breakfast of eggs, bacon, toast and fruit. Possibly banana bread? From his telling he ate a whole pile of food.

After breakfast, everyone went for a hike. A hike in which William ended up building dams in the creek with Cece the dog looking on.

It is no surprise that he crashed hard when they brought him back to town!

A big thank you to Scott and Kaye for giving our big guy an awesome camping experience!!

Thursday, July 4, 2013


We went to whitewater state park last night to join my family for dinner at the campground.

William: I'm done eating!
Kaye: good! Do you know what we have for dessert?
William/Amelia: what?!?!
Kaye: S' mores!
W/A: cheering
Amelia: snores! I love snores!!!!!

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