Friday, December 13, 2013

at least I was invited to a tea party

Ugh. This week. I'm ready for this week to be over.

1. My grandma was hospitalized right after Thanksgiving (Grandma is now doing very well and is working hard on regaining her strength in a rehabilitation facility and looks like she will be back home in time for Christmas). I feel badly even claiming stress on this one because I am far enough away that there is really nothing I can do. But, I hate the reminder. I am too far away to be truly helpful to my family when they need it. To be clear, no one really needs my help. They are handling everything just fine. I just hate we can't be there to help. We've been trying to step up the phone calls and video chats this week and at least brighten her day a little bit.

2.  On Sunday, we were leaving the house with all the kids (which is quite the circus, come by and see it some day!), when I looked up and realized the back wall of the garage was streaked with water.  Water coming from a hole made by our radon fan into the roof of the garage.  A leaking roof and a possibly ruined radon fan due to the water damaged flashed the dollar signs across our minds.

We did some quick investigation and then ran our errands.  Upon returning, John attempted to do some repair work without much luck.  File this one under: We're praying for no rain/snow/moisture until temperatures increase for the caulk to work  (the caulk wouldn't stick or spread due to the cold temperatures).
3. On Monday, I missed a doctor appointment for Gemma. This was a regularly scheduled appointment made months ago and has been on our calendar. The office called to remind me of the appointment on Friday. I had a phone reminder set up.Yet, I still managed to not remember to go to the appointment. It wasn't until lunchtime I even realized we missed the appointment. I called to reschedule and there is a $25 fee for all missed appointments (a perfectly reasonable policy if you ask me. I'm sure no show cost a lot of money.)

I like to be busy. I like to be involved in activities and expose my kids to different types of things. However, I've always prided myself for making sure the kids come first. We should never be so busy that we forget a child somewhere or don't fulfill a responsibility to our children like helping with homework, tucking the in at night or reminding them to brush their teeth.

One missed appointment isn't that big of a deal (note: it is rescheduled and I fully intend on keeping this appointment. Missing appointments is an expensive habit to maintain.)While this is just one missed appointment, it is also a little bit of a wake up call. A reminder to me to check our focus and balance of activities. While I like to be busy and involved, it might be time to cut back on....something.

4. Our one sole surviving fish is sick. I know, the heartache, right?
The problem is that William noticed the fish's ailment (John and I were already aware and had been in the process of discussing what to do).

However, sweet William wanted to help. So, he and John looked up information on the computer to see if there was a way to help the fish. They found some information and went to the store on Tuesday night to purchase some fish medicine. William has ultimate faith in his daddy's fish healing skills because....well, in his opinion, John can do anything.

Sadly, this type of bacteria infection is hard to get rid of and one of the most consistent advisable treatments is to "start over" with a fresh tank of new fish after carefully sanitizing every bit of the old tank (and disposing of the old fish as well). The poor fish doesn't appear to be getting worse, but he also doesn't appear any better. I'm not ready for William's "my daddy can do anything" bubble to be burst, so it would be nice if our medicine and treatment were successful.

5. Big changes are coming at work. The GED test is changing next year, which in of itself isn't that interesting, but there is a big push to get the current students through the system before test expires. I'm doing my best, but I don't feel like I'm coming out ahead of the game. Most days I rest easy on knowing I did the best I can, but it is easy to wonder if I really am doing all I can to help students reach their goals.

6. The doors on my van aren't working right with the cold weather.  What timing! They aren't opening correctly, which is just an annoyance when you have an armload of kids and gear on a cold day. I worry that it is going to turn into an expensive annoyance sooner rather than later.

7. The Christmas Tree skirt. Argh. I can't believe I am going to admit this here. I'm hoping that by writing about it, it will clear my conscience at last.  Last winter, we had a problem with our Christmas tree. There was a mouse living in and around the bag the tree was stored in. This was horrifying enough that I would like to never speak of it again. Only it keeps coming back.

At the time, it made the most sense to seal the Christmas tree in its bag and dispose of it on the bulk trash pick up day. (how else would someone sanitize a prelit Christmas tree?)

It was only this past week that I realized that the handmade Christmas tree skirt my grandma made us about 10 years ago was also in that bag with that tree. I feel awful about it. It was handmade and matched the Christmas tree skirt used at my grandma's house, my mom and aunt and uncle's homes. I loved it and treasured it because of who made it and the memories it represented. And I threw it away. I am so mad at myself about this one!

Now for the bright spot. Today, I didn't have any big plans. Which was good because I had some sweet girls come to help me clean up my kitchen.

And then I was invited to the sweetest tea party by the most charming host. I didn't have anywhere else to be, so how could I refuse?

Friday, December 6, 2013


Oops. Did you get a mysterious email from me? I've had some help with my correspondence lately.

The tree

The kids have been asking and asking to put up the tree. Sadly, we lost our tree in an incident I'd rather not talk about. Luckily, we had this little tree in the basement we were able to pull out. I think we might look for a new tree after Christmas this year to get a good deal. It certainly isn't grand or as pretty as last year's tree. But, the kids don't seem to care.....

Thanksgiving round 2

Round 2 thanksgiving was Friday through Sunday in Des Moines. My in laws are wonderful and have hosted the whole family for the second year in a row. Although the meal was delicious, the most precious time to me is watching my kids interact with their cousins. There aren't words that express how amazing it is to have this family all together under one roof. There are 9 cousins now and while they certainly don't always get along, I love that they are learning the value and importance of family. Would it be easier to stay home for thanksgiving (don't think that thought hasn't crossed my mind!)? Of course it would. But, our family is important. Spending this precious time WITH them is important. Getting to know them and renewing the connections that might have worn thin through the year is important to me (and I'm assuming John as well because he is a very willing participant).

What makes the whole thing evening enjoyable is I truly enjoy my in laws. The family I gained when I got married are in many ways different from my own family.

This newish thanksgiving tradition of splitting the time has really given us (me) time to enjoy and revel in the differences. I don't have to worry about being late or hurrying back to other family. I'm not worrying about people becoming irritated about us being late for a meal. I can just enjoy the time with each family.

This year for the first time, we added a Christmas ornament craft for the kids to work on. The kids all have a lot of fun playing, but sometimes it is good to have some organized activity within the chaos. I think the kids enjoyed it and it was fun to see what they came up with. Later on, my crafty sister in law pulled out her craft supplies (most kids were in bed) and we had a very enjoyable time being crafty. I might have liked that more than the food.

Thanksgiving round 1

We've slightly changed our Thanksgiving tradition in the last year. Now that we've completed year 2, I can tell you how much I love the change.

Before, we had 2 thanksgiving in the same town on the same day. Despite having gracious hosts and understanding family, it was always very stressful. We were always leaving one party early and arriving late to another party. No one ever made a big deal about it, but it was a lot of work to run back and forth to be everywhere at the right time.

This year, round one was from Tuesday evening to Friday morning in Rochester ( this is more for my own notes). My brother, his wife, my sister and her family, all my grandparents and the aunts and uncles on my mom's side came to town. This really is the one time a year I can count on seeing all this family together. We see them occasionally at other family events throughout the year, but not on a regular schedule. It is wonderful and crazy.

So wonderful and crazy that I only have 2 pictures on my phone of the fun.

Crown/half crown

I have been trying to master the pinnacle of all little girl hairstyles: the crown braid. A braid that takes all the hair and weaves it into a crown made of little girl hair. This isn't easy with a wiggly 4year old with a short attention span. But, I'm proud to say we have conquered the half crown tiara AND the full crown. I'm honestly not sure who is more excited- Amelia or me!


Gemma is a handful. This is the busy age. She does not quit. Not even so I can go to the bathroom. She is either mess making or sleeping. Here we have the day she thought it would be a good idea to sit in a plastic drawer. That was followed the next day by scaling the kitchen pantry shelves in order to dump graham crackers all over the floor. What a mess!

My favorite thing is when I turned around and saw her climbing the shelves, she didn't slow down at all. She just said "cheese".