Thursday, December 19, 2013

Amelia's Christmas Program

Amelia had a preschool Christmas program well over a week ago.  Perhaps 2 weeks ago now?  Despite her belting out the words at top volume for the last month, she developed a little stage fright and only halfway participated in the singing.  We didn't get any great video due to our location in the (very big) crowd.  I was hoping that over the next few weeks I would be able to catch her in a good moment and get a little video of her singing her Christmas songs.  Please enjoy the 3 videos below of Amelia performing her Christmas program songs!

Jingle Bells

Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer

All I Want For Christmas my two front teeth.

Amelia sings

Gemma and Amelia Sing

Singing along to 12 Days of Christmas with John Denver and the Muppets

Guess What I Am #6

The last one.

Answer (highlight below to see):

Guess What I Am #5

Time for Amelia again!

Answer (highlight below to see):
A baby Gallimimus