Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Amelia's Christmas party

Amelia had a Christmas party at school on the Friday before Christmas. We haven't been able to go to her school parties yet this year, so I was happy to have the chance to go with her. It was fun to see her with her friends and in her school environment.

She was very happy about the special time too. She picked a special hairstyle (braid with a side ponytail) and a festive Christmas shirt.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Ballet video #2

Here is more of Amelia dancing!

Ballet video #1

Amelia's class doing ballet exercises.

I forgot to mention in the last post, Amelia was thrilled we were all coming. She let on she had a surprise for us and told me it would be right away during class. Sure enough, Amelia can now do a bridge by herself (lay on her back and push herself up with just her hands and feet). I have video, but it is on the big camera. The likelihood of getting that posted here is unlikely...

Also, not in the video is Gemma. This part isn't about Amelia, but I want to remember it. Gemma comes with me when I/we bring Amelia to dance only occasionally now (last year she always came with). She spends every minute of the dance class working to get herself into the door of the dance class. She wants to be in there so badly!

What ends up happening is she runs toward the open door and I dash to grab her before she interrupts the class (the door is always open). Gemma will either then rush back to the door or pretend to play with a toy just long enough for me to relax and then rush the door again. It is a lot of running.

Anyway, Gemma was overjoyed to finally allowed to be in the room with the dance class. For awhile, she was happy to sit and watch from my lap or standing just next to me. That only lasted for a few minutes and then she wanted to BE with the class. She wanted to dance too. So, we (mostly John) spent the rest of the time grabbing her away from her grasp.

Amelia's ballet

Amelia is taking her second year of ballet and loves it. At Christmas time, she invites the families in the watch the ballet class. Amelia has learned so much this year and is beautiful. My heart is so proud of her hard work and determination. Video to follow (I hope!).

Saturday, December 21, 2013

William's winter party

Let me tell you, the activities and fun have been nonstop around here lately!

I was able to attend Williams's winter party last week. Here is a picture of William and a few friends playing the game I brought. The kids had to use chopsticks to fill their cups up with marshmallows. The best part was they were all having such a fun time, they didn't notice there weren't any prizes for the winner.

I was very entertained by their creativity in accomplishing their task. They stabbed the marshmallows, smashed them together and used the chopsticks two handed. I was a little surprised that no one in his class was proficient in chopstick use. I was caught off guard when one of the students noticing the Chinese characters on the side of the chopstick turned to the newest student in the class who is from Mexico and said, "hey! What do these letters say?"

And then to me, "he will know what it says because he is from Mexico. Mexico is a different country."

I went ahead and took that teachable moment to talk about the general differences between Mexico and China.

All in all, we had a fun time and enjoyed ourselves. I had so much fun, I required a dark, quiet room for a few minutes when I came home to reset myself for the rest of the busy evening!

Pink boots

Gemma sure does love those pink rainboots! She wears them all the time and has found 2 of my hiding spots for them. I finally had to put them away in the closet up on the shelf while she was sleeping. The first thing she did upon awakening? Look for the boots, of course.

On a side note, here is the Christmas tree set up this year. The tree is up on an end table and no presents are out. There are about 12 ornaments on the tree and lights, which are not plugged in. Festive, no?

Snowy day

The kids loved playing in the snow! John was happy because he got to use his Christmas present early (he got a better snow shovel). I think he was happy too. The kids made snow angel, built a fort, tried to build a snowman (which didn't work out because they couldn't agree on how to so it), and did a little sledding.