Wednesday, March 19, 2014

So behind

I have some things on my mind that I would love to get down here.

I haven't worked out in a month and it is time to get back to keeping healthy.

The kids started soccer. We had to buy soccer supplies while in Minnesota last week. The guy at the store thought I was a little crazy when I said our soccer outdoor program starts this week. The soccer field in Minnesota was still covered by 2 feet of snow.

We made a whirlwind trip to Minnesota. We found out we could make it work on Tuesday afternoon and left town Wednesday morning. We were home again Sunday at dinner time in order to jump feet first into this new week.

The summer calendar is calling. I have plans. Big plans. I need an hour to sit down with a giant calendar and all my plans to see if I can jigsaw them all into our shorter summer (snow days=more school into our summer).

Gemma is frustrating and adorable. All at once. I want to tell you about it.

Amelia is almost 5 and is just beside herself with happiness and all the new things she will get to do when she turns 5. Soon. I'll get to it soon.

William is growing like crazy. He suddenly announced that he "isn't really into dinosaurs anymore, I like Legos now." Immediately after he made this epic announcement, he sat down and read a dinosaur encyclopedia for almost an hour. I had to peel him away from it and put it away on the shelf in order to have him eat dinner. He has also recently made a request for his own room. We're working on it.

It was St Patricks day. We are green stuff. The kids think John and I are...crazy. We might be.

Finally, the picture is documenting the largest amount of legroom I have had on a car trip in many years. The black bag is pressed up against the back of the seat in front of it as is the canvas tote bag.

Friday, March 7, 2014

The new math

William's school has introduced a new math curriculum. This has been met with much parental angst because although it teaches the same concepts, the methods are completely different from how most people were taught*.
Take this math work, for example. William sat down and worked out these two math problems without any help. He was totally confident and proud. I totally do not recognize or understand his work here though.....

*I've done some research and I actually think many of the components of this curriculum are amazing, especially if they work as they are supposed to. So, I am currently undecided about my opinion.

Amelia's artwork

Amelia created this wonderful work of art on her magnadoodle last week. It is, of course, Mommy and me. We are clearly dancing (her words). Amelia is twirling (hence the tel next to her picture) and I am spinning (she sounded out the sn part).

I love her creativity, the precious drawings and the beginnings of her being able to sound out/ spell words!

If oranges are funny....

The night before, Gemma used her orange to have the whole family rolling on the floor with tears of laughter. (See previous entry) Gemma, of course, did it over and over. Why wouldn't you with such a great reaction?

The next day, I turned around to find her waiting expectantly with her strawberry in her mouth. The look on her face says it all. She is hilarious and she knows it. She is just waiting for the inevitable shrieks of laughter.

Amelia didn't want to be left out of the fun....

Guess what?

Guess who is now registered for kindergarten?

She is totally ready. Mama might not be...

Sunday, March 2, 2014