Saturday, January 10, 2015

Playing catch up- conversations

Gemma is at that age.  You never know what will come out of her mouth.  She knows lots of words and isn't afraid to string them together in the most ingenious ways.  Or express herself exactly.

Conversation 1:

I was getting ready to exercise at home.  Since I am practically by myself, I don't go to great lengths to look nice at all.  This day, I was wearing old shorts and a disgusting tank top.  I came out of the bathroom to go downstairs.  Gemma appeared to be completedly engrossed in her Sesame Street show, when she suddenly turned and looked at me.

Gemma: Oooooo!  Swimming suit! I go to?
Mama: Nope, not swimming suit.  Mama is going to exercise.
Gemma: Ooooo- go swimming?  In swimming suit?  I go to?

She would not be convinced that I was not going to the pool.  I finally distracted her with the TV and made my escape, but it was a tough sell.

Conversation 2:

I just finished exercising and came upstairs to find Gemma playing with Daddy.  Gemma came running over to investigate.

Gemma: Mama!  You play too?
Mama: Sure!  Just let me change clothes (see above)
Gemma: Yes.  Yes.  You need shirt and pants and earrings.  Then you play with me.

Apparently, accessories are now required for play time.

Conversation 3:
Variations of this conversation have played out multiple times over the last few months.  It has happened a number of times and it is always hilarious.

We finished dinner.  Gemma ate the cheese off the top of her pizza and nothing else.  No vegetables or fruit despite my best efforts.  The other kids have done a good job with eating AND we actually have cookies (this is rare).  Gemma sat with us for 6 minutes, ate the cheese off her pizza and then went to the living room to play.

Mama: William, would you like to have a cookie?
William: YES!  Sure!  Thanks mom!
Mama: Amelia, would you like a cookie?
Gemma: (runs back into the room) I HAVE COOKIE TOO???
Mama: I'm sorry, you didn't eat enough of your healthy stuff to get a cookie.  You can sit down and eat your fruit and vegetables now, if you want.
Gemma: No thanks.  Cookie?
Mama: No (blah blah blah, repeat repeat)
Gemma: (approaches John who is eating his cookie at the table) Hi Daddy (big grin)!  I share with you??

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Happy Christmas at home

We got home January 1. Gemma was sick the day before, but had rallied in the morning. After being home for an hour, it became clear Gemma was still not feeling well. She wasn't feeling well and John wasn't feeling great either. I was in the kitchen making our Christmas dinner. When I called everyone to dinner, these two didn't respond....

Driving home

We did a lot of driving over Christmas. We drove to Minnesota. Then to North Dakota. The to the twin cities. Then back to Rochester.
Then home again.

On the way home, Gemma and I had this conversation:

Gemma: where we going mom?
Mama: we are going to our house! Gemma's house!
Gemma: what?
Mama: we are going to Gemma's house!
Gemma: no! I not go to Gemma's house! I go to grandpa's house!
Mama: ohh! We are all done grandpa's house. Now we are going to Gemma's house.
Gemma: no! No I not! I go to grandpa's house!

Dad! Daddy! Stop the car! I go back to grandpa's house! Stop the car dad!

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I a bean

All three kids have nicknames. William has always been our pumpkin. Amelia has always been our peanut. Gemma is our bean, which has been a great source of discussion for our family.

Mom: are you a monkey?
Gemma: nooooooooo
Mama: are you a pickle?
Gemma: noooooooo
Mama: are you a noodle?
Gemma: noooooooooo
Mama: are you a silly goose?
Gemma: NO! I A BEAN!

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Sunday, January 4, 2015

Poor baby

Gemma is sick, poor baby! She started running a fever in the night at the Gaedke's house. Just the place you want a sick kid! Out of town, middle of the night! She was very pitiful! We suspect it is the flu, although by the time we got her to the doctor, they declined to test her. The treatment works best in the first 48 hours. Since we were beyond the 48 hour period, they wouldn't give us meds, thus we didn't need to be tested.

I feel so bad for her, but I can't deny that I enjoy her snuggles a lot! She usually isn't one to sit and snuggle for even short periods of time, Mama has to get her snuggles while she can!

It's not New Year's Eve

We celebrated "it's not New Year's Eve" with the Gaedke family again. The kids play and the adults catch up. We enjoy our visits with them so much!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Everyone SING!

In early December, our early childhood education teacher was visiting the house (as per normal here).  She and I were discussing preschools, our local school district after having Gemma run through the checklist of required tasks (flying colors, etc).  Gemma had quite enjoyed the attention of having TWO adults playing and cheering her on and was disappointed to find the attention shift away from her.   

So, she started singing her ABC's and dancing.

No shift in attention.

She stood between us and we both smiled at her and encouraged her, but we didn't quit our conversation.

Gemma stopped singing and dancing abruptly and shrieked "EVERYONE SING!" and then started her dancing/singing routine.

I started singing along with her, while still listening to our visitor.  Gemma, satisfied with me, rounded on our guest.  Midway through the song, she stopped and pointed at her and bellowed, "EVERYONE SING!"  and repeated it until both of the adults in the room were singing along with her and the attention shifted exactly where she wanted it: on her.


Fast forward to Christmas time.  Almost every house we visited, we had a replay of this scenario.  All the attention isn't on Gemma?  She starts singing a song and then stops occasionally to demand everyone in the room sing along.  And I mean absolutely everyone.  No one is exempt from the singing.