Friday, May 15, 2015

It's that time of year again!

The biggest problem? Amelia has been assigned the same teacher as William has last year. I think she appreciated her gift last year, but I can't think of anyone who would need 2 picnic blankets! What to do now?

Thursday, May 14, 2015

The equator

We were driving in the van. The van has a compass and temperature gauge built into the windshield, which prompts occasional discussions.

I am guessing Amelia's class has been talking about map skills and compasses as she has been especially interested recently.

This particular time, Amelia was noticing the temperature and the direction we were going. We drove to the SE and then turned around the corner, which put us driving south.

We drove one block when Amelia made this observation:

"Mom! I don't understand it! When we left home, the temperature was 68 degrees. Then we drove south, which means we are getting closer to the equator. Why didn't the temperature increase???? I know when you get closer to the equator, the temperature should increase."

We then had a discussion about how big the earth was and the relative distance to the equator.

Normal stuff for a 6 year old, right.

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Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day

What a day!

This time of year is so crazy! There is so much to be done to wrap up the school year and get the summer organized! The last two weeks have been a blur!

This morning, John let me sleep in while he made breakfast with the kids. We enjoyed blueberry muffins and scrambled eggs very much!

Then, we had a few gifts to open and took a few pictures still in our pjs.

I got to go for a run- it was way too humid to be enjoyable, but it is nice to take the opportunity when it presents itself. William asked to run the last mile with me- nothing like those energetic 8 year old legs to spur you on for the last mile!

I snagged a shower and a nap this afternoon.

John made dinner - we had steaks on the grill, goat cheese (not on the grill) and molasses cake for dessert. It was a very, very nice day!

Race end

At the end of the race, here was medals, a sibling photo opportunity and a group shot! So proud of these two!

Ready, set, go!

Both William and Amelia joined the school running club this year. This is William's third year running. At the end of the year, the club has a 1 mile run to celebrate the completion of the year. Here are the big kids running their final run!

Of source, when Gemma saw the big kids running, she immediately wanted to be part of it! Since it was a small affair, the organizers said it would be okay if Gemma ran too! I was so impressed! Gemma ran a total of 2 laps, which equals out to 2/7 of a mile! Go Gemma!

We were also super impressed with the big kids. They ran the WHOLE THING! Both of them! We are so proud! Neither kid walked even a portion of their mile! Wow!

Monkey see

Gemma doesn't miss a thing. None of the kids do. Grandma came to stay a few weeks ago and now every time Gemma sees a Popsicle stick, she does this. Do you know what she is doing?

Answer: filing her fingernails. Just like grandma does.

Gemma dances