Monday, July 20, 2015

Gemma's favorite number

Gemma is so so pleased to be 3! It has become her favorite number. She would now like 3 of everything. There needs to be 3 strawberries on her plate. She would like 3 spoons to eat her cereal with. She would like to check out 3 books from the library and go down the slide 3 times.

At dinner in the last week, she wasn't eating, but playing with her food. I told her she needed to eat 1 more bite of something (I suspect a vegetable) on her plate. I was confused when she started crying. After she calmed down, she was able to tell me she was mad about taking 1 bite. She is 3! Now! She wanted to take 3 more bites!

Who can argue with that?

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Gemma works the system

This post mentions potty training. There aren't many details, but I wanted to warn you. It is a pretty funny story that illustrates how smart our little girl is, but if bathroom talk makes you uncomfortable, then don't read.

Gemma is working hard at potty training. She is doing so well! Everyone else is helping too by encouraging and celebrating with her success. There have been a number of dance party celebrations in our living room to celebrate her success.

Briefly, every time she has a success, she is rewarded with praise and a small treat.

She quickly mastered the pee portion and has been dry since the end of May. We quit "treating" her for the pee as it wasn't needed.

The other part (poop), has been harder until this week. Suddenly something has clicked and we are having more success. Not tally there, but so so close (I will write another post soon about this. I have many feelings.).

Treats are very much used when she manages to accomplish poop on the potty.

Friday night at dinner, Gemma picked at her food. She didn't eat much, which has become a trend for her lately. William and Amelia finished well before her and had a small treat before leaving the table.

Gemma saw their treats and asked for hers. I reminded her that she needed to eat her healthy fruit and vegetable before she could have a treat. She surveyed her plate and then announced she needed to go potty.

As I was helping her in the bathroom, she matter of factly said, "if I make poop, then I can have a treat."

So, our little smartie figured out that she didn't need to eat her dinner to get a treat.

3 years old and already working the system.

** she did poop. And I did give her a treat. I knew you would want to know that. I am so ready to be done with diapers.

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Face painting at festival

There is a face painting booth at the local 4th of July festival. It is manned by a local church group looking to meet and reach out to new people. The good news is it is always free! This was our second round of face painting: William picked spider, Amelia picked a heart and Gemma wanted a pint heart (pink heart).

As we were walking away, I noticed that Amelia decided to have her design on her calf. For some reason, this brought forth the image of Amelia coming home years from now to show us her new tattoo. I'm not ready!

(We don't have anything against tattoos. at all. But, imagining my precious 6 year old with a tattoo is a jolt.)

Meeting Elsa and Anna!

Amelia and Gemma got to meet their favorite princess sister set at the 4th of July festival!

More girls 4th of July

They were so cute!

4th of July float

Here is William with the float. He is above and to the right of the word one.