Friday, September 4, 2015

Duluth day 1: Split rock lighthouse

We ate a picnic lunch in the car and then headed out to stop #2- Split Rock lighthouse. This is another stop my family made on our family vacation many years ago and I don't remember anything about it. But, it was just down the road from gooseberry falls, so we went to check it out.

We took a little guided tour and saw some spectacular views. The kids enjoyed going up in the lighthouse - it was pretty interesting even though the steps on the way down were a little steep for this mama's liking!

Failed family picture

Add some grown ups and it gets more difficult!

Failed attempts at a kids picture

Still some funny faces

Gooseberry falls

Gooseberry falls

Sadly, my email only allows 3 pictures at a time in an outgoing message...

Sweet girls

Apparently, Gemma was unhappy with the location of the last group picture. She was much happier when she got to the rock she had picked out for herself.

How to get a picture of 3 kids

It's like winning the lottery. Most times you don't win.