Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Oh Amelia. Amelia has been a lot challenging lately. I overheard someone else calling their 3 year old a threenager. It fits. Anyhow, who she is not literally driving me crazy and pushing all my buttons at one time, she is a hoot. Four examples:

1. As she surveys my outfit selections for the day, "mom, when will I be old enough to pick out my own clothes?"

"I'd say 5 or 6 years old, why?"

(Heavy sigh)

"Just wondering."

2. On the scale in my bathroom while I'm (trying) dressing for work.

"Mom! I'm 34.5 pounders! I pounded it right here on the scale. How many pounders are you? Come here and we'll find out if you pound it like me!"

3. On discussing her ballet class:

"When I go to ballet class, I am called a ballet-er."

"No, sweetie. I think it is called a ballerina."

(Eye roll from the threenager)

"No Mom. In my ballet class, it is called a ballet-er."

4. On being scared:

When you opened my door, you freaked me. Don't do that mom!"

"Okay love, did that freak you out?"

(Sigh+eye roll= 13 is going to be a hard year with this girl).

"No mom. It didn't freak me out. It just freaked me."

Sent from my iPhone

Friday, November 23, 2012

Christmas crafty!

The craftiness has started! Here are the advent calendars I am making for our family and a friend!

Eat cake!

Happy thanksgiving! We hope you ate some cake!

Happy Thanksgiving!

We are enjoying being surrounded by family for thanksgiving this year! Happy thanksgiving from our littlest turkey!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Thanksgiving on the brain

We are at the transportation museum today enjoying an easy family say before the craziness of next week unfolds. Complex travel plans involving an infant across three states and 17+ hours of car travel call for something a little more running, playing, family fun oriented (to be clear, there will be a lot -A LOT of fun next weekend, but it's going to be a lot of work too).

I can tell the thanksgiving thought are already starting to creep in because I thought because I thought the sign below said that the compartments below we're equipped with gravy outlets. That would be convenient though, wouldn't it?

Friday, November 16, 2012

I love kindergarten

It is so much fun to have William writing ! I find all kinds of notes all over the house. See below:

1. This is William's plans for building a treehouse with his daddy. He made the plans all by himself and was genuinely confused when John didn't understand/seem excited about the plans (hint:bad timing and not explanation, just 5 year old boy overexcited)

2). This might be my favorite school paper to date. The assignment was to write 2-3 sentences about thanksgiving or family or turkeys. Parents were not to help with spelling or writing, just guide the kiddos with expressing ideas. Apparently, the lesson of the day was about exclamation points! William uses one! A! Lot!

The story says: who will carve the turkey? Maybe a t-Rex! He will use his claws! And then has a picture below to demonstrate how the t-Rex will carve the turkey.

Gemma tries a puff video