Thursday, March 28, 2013

With boys and girls

The little ponies drive tanks. How else are they supposed to fight in the wars?

Baby#3, tooth # 6

Broke through yesterday? The day before? Such a bad parent!

Bottom right incisor? Is that even the right name for the tooth?

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Friday, March 22, 2013


My parents were in town recently and they brought the kids some t shorts from San Diego. William was so thrilled, he wore his to school the very next day.

When grandpa came upstairs (William had a very sweet note left on their pillow requesting a ride to school the next day), William couldn't wait to talk about it.

Mama: what should you say to grandpa about your new shirt?
William: oh yeah! Grandpa?!?
Grandpa: (sleepily rubs his eyes, long drive+late arrival+early school drop off= sleepy grandpa) hmmm...what William?
William: Thank you for bringing me a shirt from San Diego! But, I do have a question.
Grandpa: your welcome...wait, what?
William: see this picture on the front?
Grandpa: yes...
William: I'm just wondering. Is this a picture of a dolphin or a porpoise? They are almost the same, but are different. Do you know which one is on my shirt?
Grandpa: (deer, headlights, albeit a sleepy deer) ummmmm...... I'm pretty sure it is a dolphin.
William: really? Great! How can you tell? Is it the nose? Or the tail? Or the flippers? How do you know Grandpa?
Grandpa: they told me at the shirt store.
William: oh! Wow! Well, how do you...

Mama: OK!! Zip up that jacket and out the door you go! Wow! It is time to go!

Happy at Patrick's day!

Here is William with his leprechaun hat he made at school this week. I can't keep every paper and project, but I'm trying to get pictures of some of my favorite things.

Oh, and don't worry. I am saving a lot of papers in my new file system. I'll tell you about it another time, but it only holds papers that are letter sized, not the bigger stuff.


Amelia had a dentist appointment this morning. It went really well, but what stands out is this conversation with the dentist:

Dentist: how old are you now?
Amelia: (shyly holds up 3 fingers)
D: hmm.... I wonder how many that is? 2?

A: no! I'm not 2! I'm 3!
D: (looks to me) that surprises me! You are such a big girl, I thought you were at least 4! Are you almost 4?*
A: yes!
D: When will you be 4?
A: on my birthday!
D: (big, deep laugh, this answer has taken him off guard) You are right! I guess I asked the question wrong, didn't I?(Trying not to giggle) do you know what day your birthday is?
A: March! March 30!
D: Wow! That is very soon!

*and we finally have a dentist that TALKS to our kids at their level and spends a moment with them before shoving fingers in their mouth. Thank goodness.

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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Yes, she is one of ours...

It's taken her awhile, but Gemma is showing the same love of books as the other kids. Here she is crawling into my lap with her book of choice. She didn't stay around to listen to the whole thing, but she enjoyed the part she did hear.