Monday, August 29, 2011

That's my GIRL

This incident was reported to me by John. It occurred within the last week or so.

Both kids received a set of board books for Christmas. William got Cars, Amelia got Princesses. The books came with a heavy duty cardboard carrying case that perfectly fits each set. The books are either spread all over the house or sit gathering dust on a shelf. No in between. John was reading to the kids and the kids were "reading" to each other. When it was time to put the books away, Amelia put hers in the box with the spine facing inward. William was quick to correct her. He let her know the right way to put the book in was the other way so she could see which book it was (by color and picture).

John laughed as he told me this part. She developed a large pout and told William: "NO! I like it this way. I do it my way." and proceeded to put all the books in backwards. As they continued to play, she would pull a book out and be frustrated because it wasn't the one she was looking for. And yet, she continued putting the books in backwards while ensuring William was watching.

She might not look like me, but this little spitfire has her mama written all over her!

PS I'm exhausted. Apologies if this doesn't make sense.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


We have a big bucket of lizards, dinosaurs and other plastic animals leftover from my teaching days. The kids love to play with them. For some time now, they have been playing with them together saying "wizzo" over and over again. Upon investigation, I was informed this is the noise that lizards make. Duh mom.

Meet the teacher

We went to the preschool open house this afternoon to meet both kids' teachers. Both kids will be attending preschool programming at the same school this year. You'll find a few cell phone pictures of the event below.

On the way home, William was discussing his future job aspirations. He would like to drive a bulldozer one time. But really, he really wants to help his daddy fix airplanes so they can work together (how sweet!!).

Not to be left out, Amelia chimed in with her future goals: she'd like to be a doggy (spoken in all seriousness - it was all John and I could do to keep a straight face.)..........and Mama could be her firetruck (how sweet?).


Sunday, August 21, 2011

Weekend with Grandpa and Grandma

Grandpa and Grandma were here this past weekend. Which means we were busy.

They drove in late Thursday night which gave us all day Friday and Saturday and part of the day Sunday to play.

Friday morning we packed up and went to the zoo. We haven't been out to the zoo at all this summer because of the heat. It was on the warm side (90's), but the kids had a great time. We stopped at the Forest Park Boathouse for lunch - fun to try new things! After some rest time at home (or paint time if you are Daddy), we ate some dinner and hit the pool for some swim time.

Saturday we had some rain/thunderstorms come through. We decided to try out the Magic House, a new venue for our family. The kids LOVED the place so much that William cried when we had to leave. I wasn't as much of a fan because the place was PACKED. It was wall to wall people and kids everywhere. The kids were having such a great time running from thing to thing, they didn't always notice we weren't right behind them. Stressful! Saturday evening we got to FINALLY move William's new bed into his room. We have been working and working on this furniture! William has been so patient!

William made a great big bubble around himself
Amelia made beautiful music
And played with water for a long time
John and I found a sign that made us laugh out loud. I'm sure William regularly asks 437 questions a day before lunch time.
William changed a tire on a car - no time for questions here!
He also served up some ice cream While Amelia did some grocery shopping at Grandpa's store.

Sunday we bolted together the new bed we've been working on for William and moved some furniture around before heading out for some lunch.

William's new captain bed - drawers now installed
Amelia was pretty excited about her "new"bed from William's room
She tucked herself in right away!
The best part of his new bed? The hideaway (aka: how to give your mother a heart attack)
Our "helpers" supervise the construction of the bed
Amelia adores her polka dot sheets. She was very concerned when I took her mattress off to move in the new bed!

My brother is engaged!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Goal Unfulfilled

Welll.....I meant to go back and fill in all the old posts before I went back to work this fall. It was high on the list of things to do. But, I didn't get it all done. So sad. The good news is I did make a dent in the old posts and if you want to go back and read them, here are the links:

Merry Christmas:

Christmas Day

2010 Year in Review:

William is FOUR:

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I'm putting away clothes in his room while he sleeps. The closet door shuts louder than I mean it to and William stirs in his sleep. I look over to assess the situation and I am instantly transported back in time.

His fingers are splayed wide, arms in front of his face. His lips purse in a face that in entirely unexplainable to anyone who wasn't witness to it thousands of times just four short years ago. Here he is. Just a tiny little trace of the tiny baby he used to be. Grown now into my big almost 5 year old boy. Moments like these are far and few between these days as he grows faster and faster into a boy, not a preschooler, toddler or baby.

Monday, August 15, 2011

My Hammer

This one is old. But, it still makes me laugh, so here it goes.

I'm tucking Amelia in for bedtime and giving her one last kiss. She hugs me tight and I kiss her for the last time (she gets lots of "last" kisses). As I walk out of the room, she sits up in her bed and exclaims "OH NO! My hammer!" Puzzled, I offer her every stuffed animal she has ever shown interest in and a few others. I try the plastic hammer from the toy box. No dice. Finally, I stick my head out into the hall and ask for reinforcement....which is when John informs me I should be looking for her tiny LEMUR toy from the zoo this summer*.

The smile on her face when presented with the "hammer" says it all.

*This is another post in of itself, but working part time has really stepped up John's Daddy game**. Several nights a week he has the kids on his own at bed time which has had some really wonderful side effects. Such as, being able to understand what our daughter wants better than her own mother.

**This is not to say he wasn't doing a good job before. He was great. Now he is awesome.


In the car

William: Let's play a game! A!
Amelia: B!
W: C!

(game continues)

William: K!
Amelia: Minnow! (MNO)

I'm still giggling

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Amelia put her clothes on all by herself on 8/10/11! Hurray for such a big girl!


It has been so hot for so long. I'm totally at a loss for entertaining the kids day in and day out. I'm ready for some cooler weather! The other day I decided to make play dough with the kids....until I realized we were missing a few of the key ingredients. But, the kids were excited about helping in the kitchen. So, we were forced to bake cookies! The kids were overjoyed!


William thought these tractor tire glasses were hilarious. They kind of were. Even more hilarious was amelia's copycat glasses.

Peach cobbler

We made this last month from my mom's impressive recipe collection. She allowed me to take all her recipes as long as I reported back if they were good. I don't know how you can go wrong with fresh peaches from the farmer's market. It was yummy and all four of us enjoyed it!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Williams bed

Here is daddy working in building a headboard for William's new bed

Thursday, August 4, 2011


We have been running all over the place these last few weeks. I'm not sure how long I can keep up this pace! We've been swimming, to the gym, to the library, and meetings almost every night. We're also working on refinishing a bedroom set for William's room almost every night when the kids go to bed. I'm seriously missing my quality time with my couch.

Anyway, I wanted to record this big milestone: WILLIAM IS SWIMMING! Honest to goodness kicking and scooping, face in the water swimming. He ( and mom and dad, too) has worked so hard and come so far from the kid who hated water! At 18 months, we went through a phase where there couldn't even be any water in the tub. He would just scream and scream. I got a little teary eyed tonight watching my big (little) guy swim half way across the pool on his own. I wish I had a picture to show you, but we had TWO dead camera batteries in the camera case tonight. We still have a few days left, hopefully one of us can catch it on film.