Saturday, February 21, 2015

Gemma spells

Gemma spells her name.


3 stories:

1. Gemma, William and I went to target this week for a quick errand. I was in line to pay when I heard giggling behind us. I turned around and Gemma was fully laying on the floor. Arms were splayed and feet were sliding back and forth. She was basically making a snow angel in the salt, sand, grit and dirt on the floor of the check out lane (recent ice and snow weather have made for an abundance of the salt and sand).

"She is so cute!" The couple behind us exclaimed.

She really is cute, but she is also exhausting.

I mustered up a smile and replied, "thank you- and thank goodness it is bath night tonight."

2. During the same target trip, I was speeding across the store to pick up the 2 required items. Gemma was thankfully riding in the cart (this is a huge battle these days).

As we rolled past an aisle, I spotted an adorable item we didn't need and slowed the cart to admire it.

Gemma spied something else. There was a family in the aisle looking at something. There was a man, woman, and two teenish aged males in the group.

"HI! HI! You are the brudder!" Gemma shrieked at the closed boy. He turned slowed, mouth agape at the wild haired toddler screaming at him. He looked at me and back at her. It was clear he had no idea how to handle the situation. I smiled as sunnily as one can at 7:30pm, murmured hello, shrugged my shoulders in Gemma's direction and then started rolling my cart away.

But, Gemma wasn't done.

"Hey! Hey! Hey". She is now furiously waving both hands and bellowing at the people behind the bewildered young man.


She is clearly delighted to have pigeon holed this group and identified their familial roles.

She looks to me to congratulate her. She is quite proud.

There is no way to explain to her that it isn't polite to call just anyone Grandma or Grandpa. Especially when I suspect these adults are the parents of the teenagers, not the grandparents.

The whole group now has their attention focused on Gemma and I crank up my speed and plaster what I hope is a cheery grin on my face. Internally, I pray that her speech was not understandable to anyone but me.

3. We are at Costco, checking out*. The cashier greets is with an astonished face and says to Gemma, "Elsa! I didn't know you would be here today!"

Gemma turns to me and she clearly thinks this man is off his rocker. I prompt her, " Are you Elsa?"

"No," she replies. She is not Elsa.

"Well! I can see you are a special girl- maybe your name is Anna?"

Again, Gemma looks to me. I ask her, "are you Anna?"

Gemma replies no, she is not Anna. She also comes to stand behind my leg as she just isn't sure about this guy talking to her.

He then attempts to call her Doc McDtuffins and Princess Sofia. He is really being very sweet to her and managing to efficiently check out my groceries. I am impressed by his breadth of preschool girl knowledge.

Finally, Gemma turns to the cashier and says:

"I not those girls. I Gemma. G-E-M-M-A. Gemma."

She still pronounces her g's as d's, so her overall message is not clear to the employee.
I am impressed though- she can spell her name!

*I know it appears that I shop all the time.
This isn't exactly true. I avoid stores with kids whenever possible as either my sidekicks are badly behaved or crazy things are happening. Yet, we still must eat and wear clothing. My usual mode is to get in and get out. However, with my distracting partner/s with me, it isn't unusual to get home with only half of the needed items or empty handed, which then requires a return trip to the store to complete.
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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Thank you

I went to the kids' school Valentine's Day parties on Friday. As I was signing in, the principal waved me over.

Her: do you have one minute? I have a funny Amelia story to tell you.
Me: I always have time for a funny Amelia story.
Her: we handed out prizes for the science fair participants today and the kids were called down to the office to pick up their awards.
Me: wonderful!
Her: yes! I could tell Amelia was excited about hers. Here is the funny part: not even 10 minutes later, I heard a little voice in the outer office delivering me a letter. I wasn't busy, so I stuck my head out the door and it was Amelia. She was delivering me a thank you note for her award. The letter said something like:

Dear Dr so and so,

Thank you so much for the science fair award. It is my favorite award I have ever gotten! I love it so much! Thank you for giving it to me.


This story, of course, cracks me up because it is so very Amelia. She is such an amazing and wonderful girl!

The principal then went on to say other lovely things about Amelia and our family. She concluded by saying that she could see we were raising our kids well and doing a good job because they know they need to write a thank you note when they receive something.

I thanked her vey much and decided not to point out that both of the children I am raising won an award for their science fair project and only one of them wrote a thank you note.

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This girl.

This girl just cracks me up. Never a dull moment around here.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Amelia writes

I am a little sad about missing out on kindergarten writing - I love it so much! They are creative and do not let the rules bog them down. They put their heart into everything they do, including their writing.

Here we have the following gem;
He yoosed his toghgh to wiggle it.

Sometimes I am blown away by what my 5 year old is capable of doing.

Amelia's heart shaped hairdo

Amelia and I had big Valentine's Day hair plans. I love that she loves to experiment and she isn't afraid to try new things. She can be extremely picky, but she is almost always up for something new.

We had a Valentine's Day hairdo all picked out and it appeared very simple. Online, many things look simple. It was a failure. Luckily, Amelia had a second idea: she wanted a heart shaped braid. Even better, she sat almost entirely still the whole time I was braiding her hair and was very patient with me as I tried to figure it out.

It was hard to get a good picture of the hairdo, but it turned out adorable!


We have been in full swing around here crafting things up for Valentine's Day. Amelia and I made heart shaped crayons for her class and Gemma's class at school for the third year running. It is a fun little project-
I'm not sure who enjoys them self more, her or me!

William wanted something more Pokemon themed. Ask the Internet, and you shall receive a Pokemon poem in the form of a free printable. Add in a tiny Pokemon figurine for his friends and we called it good.

For the boxes, we found a pikachu template (online, free) and daddy and William worked very hard together.

Amelia and I found a free printable Olaf template we assemblers together. Both kids were very pleased with their results!

Friday was the classroom parties, which I enjoy immensely. I always come home exhausted with a headache, but it is SO MUCH FUN.

William and Amelia are at the same school, which makes juggling a little tricky, but they are both pretty understanding. Next year should be a little easier as the parties will be on separate days.


Where do you read magazines?

Patriotic Legos

Things I never thought I would say

"You cannot tango on the coffee table"

Gemma performs

The coffee table is the perfect stage!


The last few years, we have made a pot of fondue cheese and had ourselves a fancy dinner at home. We invite the kids eat with us and in previous years none of them were a fan. This is fine because that leaves more cheese for me.

For the first time, William decided this was good and he inhaled a large pile of apples and cheese, some bread and an impressive pile of broccoli and cauliflower.

Amelia and Gemma were happy to use the special fondue forks and eat their dinner. Amelia gave the cheese a try, but decided she liked everything better plain. Maybe next time!

Happy Valentine's Day!

A day late, of course. We have been busy with parties, work and a surprise ear infection (Gemma). William did karate Saturday morning and then Kelly had to go to a professional development class in the afternoon.

We tried for a kid picture in between and got a couple of cute pictures, although it wasn't the gorgeous shot I was hoping for!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Puzzles with Gemma

I sat down this afternoon with Gemma for a few minutes.

She requested puzzles and selected a few she wanted to complete. 

She took the lid off the first puzzle, dumped the pieces out and then flipped the box over.  She carefully examined the back of the puzzle box.

"I reading the directions mom" she told me as I started to flip the pieces over so we could begin.  I started to sort the pieces into identifiable characters.

Several moments later, Gemma started to nod her head.  "You need to put the pieces together mom.  I read the directions.  They say put the pieces together, mom."

Thanks sweetie.

Sunday, February 8, 2015



It was cold here last week and john went out to wait for the big kids at the bus stop. Gemma stay snuggled up with me on the couch.

When John walked in, all bundled up, Gemma started to giggle.

"Daddy! You have on your ear muffins!"


I was tucking Gemma in this weekend. I read her a book while snuggled up in her bed as our usual custom requires. We sang our song and then I kissed her goodnight.

As I got ready to leave her room, Gemma sat up in bed.

Gemma: wait! Wait mom!
Mom: what is it?
Gemma: I need ...something
Mom: (clearly, this is a delay tactic). What is it you need?
Gemma: I have a question.
Mom: okay- one question
Gemma: (Looks around, clearly she is not prepared for this conversation and she is making it up as she goes. After several long moments, she finally answered). Why people walk on their feet?
Mom: (totally out of the blue, this question makes me laugh). Well, we walk on our feet because it would be hard to walk on our hands. Can you walk on your hands?
Gemma: (giggles) noooo
Mom: goodnight Gemma. I love you.


The kids were up playing duplo blocks this morning in the living room. By early, I mean before 7 on a weekend. I heard some raised voices in a disagreement. It was too warm in my bed, I was still sleepy, and the argument wasn't heated enough to pull me out of bed.

Suddenly, running feet. Then Gemma appeared at the side of the bed.

Gemma: I have problem!
Mom: oh? What is the problem?
Gemma: William and Numna not share Legos with me. I want all pink Legos and they not share them to me.
Mom: oh? Hmmm?
Gemma: mama! Get up!! You come with me. You tell William and Numna no no! You tell them no no and share with Gemma! Come on mom!

She wandered away, and I meant to follow. I just wasn't quick enough. A minute later, she was back at my bedside.

Gemma: mom! Get up! I hungry! I want cereal in a bowl.
Mom: ok. Here I come.
Gemma: this cereal. I want this cereal. ( Gemma hands me a giant Costco sized box of cereal)
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Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Amelia on the super bowl

Amelia was the first one to be ready (bath, homework, chores, etc). She snuggled up next to john on the couch and dutifully tried to figure out what the whole thing was about.

Note: we don't follow football. We aren't against watching it, but don't make a point to watch any games. As a result, our kids don't watch either.

Shortly after Amelia sat down, the half time show started. I wasn't sure that was something kids should be watching, but John reported it seemed okay.

The game continued and I heard Amelia asking questions about the game and what was happening.

John said about 20 minutes after the half time show, Amelia asked, "when is that singing girl coming back? I liked her better than this."

Despite this, John reported she stayed by him the whole game until I called up to go to bed. Then, she was given a choice:

A: have a book read to her as our usual routine.

B: watch 10 more minutes of football.

She chose 10 more minutes of football.

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Sunday, February 1, 2015

William's science fair


This was a fun experiment! I think we all learned through the experiment. I am very glad we split up most of the project over a few weeks- much less work on a daily basis!

Amelia's science fair


The projects have to be turned in by Monday morning! We ALL learned things through the process. I learned that I should check the available size on the project board before gluing things down. She is pretty proud!


She came strolling into the bathroom sporting my glasses. Upside down, of course.

When I asked for them back she told me:

"No. They not look good on you. I not give them back. They too silly. Silly glasses!"

4 Gemma things

1. We were eating dinner a few nights ago and suddenly, Gemma's foot was on the table. I'd like to tell you this is a rare occurrence and we were all shocked. Sadly, this is so common none of us even stopped. We all just continued eating. No one even raised their brows. Or blinked. We just chewed as usual.

What was unusual was that she was crying. She was crying about her foot.

"It's spicy! It hurts!"

Your foot hurts?

Uh huh. It feels spicy!

The only thing I can figure out is that her foot fell asleep and it was tingling. Maybe?

2. Gemma was playing with an electronic device while we got lunch ready today. The second her plate hit the table, she was ready. She stood up and started turning the device around in her hands.

"How you off this thing???" She said becoming frustrated.

She and I offed that thing together and then ate lunch.

3. When we went eagle watching a few weekends ago, gemma loved using the binoculars. I am loosely using the word "using" here because she mainly held them over her face and ran into objects as she walked around.


She calls them her monkey bars and asks about them occasionally.

4. We aren't really football watchers or fans. I am especially uninterested. However, John likes to watch the super bowl (which was this evening). John had the TV on downstairs as we were all eating upstairs. As we were sitting down to eat, William and Amelia were discussing which team they were cheering for. Amelia was vigorously cheering for one team (she liked their colors better) and William was loudly cheering for the other (by default, he will always pick the opposite of what Amelia picks).

Gemma observed for a few moments and then stood up in her seat, thrust her fist into the air and began chanting her own cheer:

"Someone win! Someone win! Someone win! Someone win the game!"

Lucky for her, someone did win the game.

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