Saturday, May 31, 2014

The big dance show

Was today!

It went wonderfully, but we are ALL exhausted. What a crazy day!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Transportation display

The city had it's yearly transportation display last week. I was tempted to skip it because while the girls appreciate large machinery, they aren't as enthusiastic as William was at their age.

However, it just happened to work out with everything else we had going on, so away we went. The girls tested out a few backhoes, excavators, went for a train ride, and even a snowplow. The snowplow station had sharpies for kids to autograph the blade of the plow. It was a fun day!

William's Lego club

William has been enjoying Lego club this year at the local library. They have many giant buckets of Legos and a theme for each monthly session. This month was planes, trains and automobiles. To William, this screamed "cave escape"  (cave exkpe). His creation will be displayed for the next month (along with all other creations) in the front lobby display case.

Gemma conversations

Gemma: Da - woof!
Mama: Do you see a dog? 
Gemma: Yeah!  Da!
Mama: Wow!
Gemma: Un.  Do.  Do da.
Mama: (looks down the sidewalk and sees two dogs with their owners going for a walk) Are you counting? Do you see 2 dogs?
Gemma: Yeah!  Do da!
Gemma: Brow da
Mama: Hmmm...Do you see a brown dog?
Gemma: Yeah!! Brow da.  Niii da.
Mama: It is a brown dog!  He does look like a nice dog!  You see so many things!
Gemma: Brow da.  Whiii da.  Da.
Mama: Yes.  A brown dog and a white dog.  Are they nice dogs?
Gemma: Yes!  Niii da.  Bye da!

Friday, May 23, 2014


Daddy: Gemma are you ready for bed?
Gemma: yeah! Ding dongs!
(Puzzled looks all around)
Daddy: are you ready to sing some songs?
Gemma: yeah! Ding dongs!


Gemma: wah wahs.
Mama: you want a color crayon?
Gemma: yeah! Wah wahs! Bo!
Mama: you want a blue crayon?
Gemma: yeah! Boo wah wah!
(Hands Gemma a blue crayon. Several moments pass.)
Gemma: mo wah wahs. Mo.
Mama: you want more colors?
Gemma: yeah.
Mama: here is a crayon. It is orange. Can you say orange?
Gemma: no. *(takes crayon and starts coloring)

*as in, no, she won't say orange.
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Sunday, May 18, 2014

Math time

The kids and I work on math from time to time. We have math workbooks for in the summertime. The summer workbooks arrived recently, and the kids were excited to try them out (not to worry, the newness will wear off. I'm sure in another week no one will want to do math). Gemma was not going to be left out. She very carefully colored each of the math problems on the page while muttering to herself "two! Nine! Two!" Over and over again.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Amelia preschool graduation

Amelia had her preschool graduation this evening. It was very sweet and a nice program. Sadly, we only seem to be able to have time to process pictures from our phones to post here anymore.

Amelia did a great job with the program, although she was difficult to see at times. I don't think she loved performing, but she did everything that was asked of her. She claimed her favorite part was when she saw me in the crowd and then the cookie.

Gemma on the other hand, was raring to join her sister on stage. I had to keep a hand on the tail of her shirt the whole time to keep her from running up on stage. The few times she got away from me, she made a beeline for the steps the kids performed on. As soon as it was over, she finally ran over and was so pleased with herself.

We did take other pictures and video, but I'm pretty sure this is the only one that will end up here. Something has to give and around here that is one of those things! Maybe someday.....we still have pictures on our camera from Thanksgiving and Christmas that I haven't looked at...

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Rock collector

It can be hard on a washing machine when you have an avid rock collector in the family. I just spent 5 minutes pulling various pebbles and rocks from the washing machine after washing William's pants.

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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

This just in!


Look what I pulled up to after work today! I have a driveway! I also got mail today and my trash was picked up without incidence! After 7 days of schlepping kids across the lawn with diaper bags, backpacks, lunch boxes and library book I am SO ready for our garage back!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

It's Mother's Day! We had a WONDERFUL day celebrating this mom! I got up on the earlier side of things, much to John's dismay. He was trying to let me sleep in, but I wanted to get my run in before it got hot. It's a good thing I went when I did- it was very warm and humid his afternoon.

We spent some time with our "grandma Heidt" tree in our front yard. It has grown quiet a bit and is looking very nice. The kids are getting to the age where they enjoy hearing stories about Grandma and how special she was (and is!) to our family.

We went to a historic area and had an extended lunch at a cute little local place. The food was good, the setting was pretty and I had great company. The service was a little slow, but it was very busy.

We came home for some naps and I got a little sewing time in.

John grilled pizzas for dinner and then cleaned up the kitchen for me. I got to play with the kids and relax. So nice!

John even surprised me with a gift of some stacking rings. There is one for each child with their birthstone in it. They are so pretty and I am so happy!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

The street repair

About a year ago, John out in a work order with our city to have them
repair a pothole at the end of our driveway. It fills with water after the rain and doesn't drain. When it is cold, the water freezes, making the street very slippery there. We thought they would patch the hole and move on.

At the beginning of last week, we got a notice that they were going to start work on the driveway. The city recommended we find alternate parking during the work time.

I didn't know we were going to lose our driveway (and therefore our garage) for the foreseeable future. We are schlepping diaper bags, soccer equipment and groceries across the lawn these days. It feels wrong to even complain about it when I know people in some countries walk further each day for water, but it really has been very inconvenient. Really, really inconvenient when added to an almost 2 year old who has no fear and doesn't listen.

To add insult to injury, our mailbox is blocked and we have only had one mail delivery since the construction started. When I called about the mail issue, I was told, per union rules, mail carriers do not have to get out of their trucks. I am welcome to go to the post office and pick up my mail, however they cannot guarantee the mail with be at the post office as it will be sent out each day on the truck for delivery. Wonderful, right?

We also didn't get trash service this week as the construction equipment was blocking our trash can. My favorite part of this issue is that the construction is being done by TheCity and the trash collection is handled by TheCity. Apparently, the city employees were unable to discuss the collection of our trash this week.

Furthermore, we are expecting some strong storms this weekend including some possible hail. This is the situation when a person might like to have one of their vehicles in the garage....

At least it will be over soon, right? And I will be more appreciative about how luxurious our garage is, correct? Let's hope so.

I'd like to know...

Who taught William to whistle.

I'm not sure how to thank them, but it wouldn't be nice.

William learned to whistle earlier this week and has been doing it now nonstop for the last 5 days. By nonstop, I mean from the moment he wakes up until he falls asleep. Last night I tucked him in and heard more whistling coming from his bed for another 15 minutes as he settled himself to sleep. Early this morning, I heard more whistling from the baby monitor in Gemma's room. William was awake.

The newness will wear off eventually, right?

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Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Gemma's words are exploding lately.  She is picking up words constantly throughout the day.  They aren't always recognizable, but she is trying and certainly has a lot to say.

At the park the other day:

Mama: Gemma!  Go down the slide!  One! Two! Three! Go!
Gemma: Go! Go! Two! Nine! GO!


At the airshow, waiting for the bus:

William: Why do we have to wait for a bus?
Daddy: It is a long way to walk, so they have a bus to ride.
William: I want to walk.
Amelia: But, I want to ride the bus!
Daddy: William, you don't want to walk.  Half way there, you'd change your mind and we'd have to walk back.
William: But, WHY can't we just waaaaaalk?
Gemma: Why? Why?  Why?  Why?  Dadda! Why?
Daddy: Uh oh.  What just happened?

-Bus pulls up-


Almost dinnertime.  Kids are playing until Gemma hears a pan banging around.  Gemma comes running in the room and climbs into her high chair.

Gemma: WaWav! Numna!  WaWav! Numna! Nak! (William! Amelia! William! Amelia!  Snack (eat))) (I'd also like to note this was in the exact tone of voice and cadence I use to call them to dinner every night.

Despite my attempt at getting her out of her high chair and back playing, she isn't having it. It doesn't matter that NOTHING is on the table or even remotely ready to eat. It's time to eat in Gemmaworld.

Gemma: Mama! Noodles!  Bowl!
Mama: We don't have any noodles.  How about a banana?
Gemma: NO! NO NANA!
Gemma: Noodles? Bowl?
Mama: We don't have any noodle, Gemma.  How about some peaches?
Gemma: NO! NO!  Noodles!  Noodles! Bowl!
(this continues for several minutes and she declines cereal, apples, beans, carrots, dip, and cheese.  All the while, I am trying to make dinner for everyone and negotiate with this very illogical toddler.  The longer she sits, the more distraught Gemma becomes until she is crying and declining my food offerings.  Finally, I stumble upon a brilliant idea.)
Mama (to Daddy): Think I can pass off this brown rice as noodles?  It's starchy.
Daddy: Please try - she is SO loud.
Mama: Okay, Gemma.  Noodles in a bowl coming up!
Gemma: (Pauses crying, looks expectantly at me) Noodles?
Mama: Yes! Do you want noodles?
Gemma: Yeah.
Mama: Should I put your noodles in a red bowl?
Gemma: NO! NO! Pi bowl (pink bowl)
Mama: A pink bowl?
Gemma: Yeah.
Mama: We don't have a pink bowl.  How about yellow?
Gemma: No.  No. Pi bowl.
Mama: Uh oh.  How about a white bowl?
Gemma: NO! NO!  Pi bowl. Pi bowl.
Mama (to Daddy): What now?  We don't have a pink bowl.
Mama (to Gemma): How about an orange bowl?
Gemma: NO! Yes.  Yes.  Noodles.  Or bowl.

So I gave her the rice in the orange bowl and she didn't eat a bite.  None.  But, at least she was quieter while she threw it all on the floor.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Gemma spins lettuce

The salad spinner is irresistible. Amelia and Gemma were taking turns using it. Amelia does a great job and Gemma...well Gemma has a great time and takes 500% longer to complete any task.

Watch for adorable counting is the middle!

Kitchen helper

I was quickly trying to wash some lettuce for lunch today when my favorite kitchen helpers came to check out what I was doing. This meant any type of "quickly" went right out the door....

Gemma at the eye dr

Here is what Gemma did or attempted to do while we were at the eye doctor today.

Eye appointment

Last week, Amelia had her yearly check up. As part of the check up, they recommended Amelia get a full eye exam because it appeared that she wasn't able to see very well. The quick exam indicated her vision might be somewhere in the 20/100 range.

I was present during Amelia's exam, (as much as one can be present while keeping Gemma from climbing walls and dismantling furniture.) and I had doubts about the accuracy of the exam. From my perspective, it was clear to me that Amelia didn't know WHERE to look in the viewfinder versus not being able to see the letters. The poor nurse tried over and over to get Amelia to read a line of letters to her and Amelia just couldn't figure it out.

Anyhow, this led to is being referred for the full work up, which was this morning.

After an exam, the eye doctor declared her eyes were perfect and he didn't see any sign that there were any problems.

I'm relieved that I didn't miss a change in her vision or even a gradual change the happens over time. I've spent the weekend evaluating her every move, trying to detect a weakness in vision without luck.

Amelia was pretty disappointed as she had her heart set on a pair of sparkly pink glasses....

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Run, soccer, airshow

It's been a typically busy day around here.

William's running club had their big finish today with their final 1.2 mile run*. It is officially a Big Deal and he has worked very hard this year. Last year, he had some trouble with this longish run, so this year he and I have done many training runs in our subdivision to help prepare him. Pacing ones self and motivating oneself to continue running when you'd rather be laying on the ground are hard for a 7 year old. So we trained together and ended up really enjoying our short run times together. We chat, we encourage each other and tell jokes. It's. WONDERFUL. It is amazing to have William be old enough to willingly participate in one of my own favorite hobbies. I think I'll continue to invite him to run with me, although I will be very surprised if he takes me up on the offer when there isn't the Big Race to motivate him.

After the run, we changed clothes and garage sale-ed our way to Amelia's soccer game. It is a huge weekend for garage sales here.

Amelia's soccer game was next. She is really becoming more confident with the rules/expectations of the game. She works hard and she had some excellent plays today on the field. I'm so proud of how hard she works!

We stopped for lunch out before the next event - an airshow. This is the first airshow for the kids- we haven't been to an airshow since William was a baby? Or before? Anyway, it has been a long time. This topic may be better handled by John. Especially if you want the rosy pictures of happy times. It was warm and extremely crowded with some interesting people (ie: the guy who started telling William about how "that plane was the reason we killed Hitler and beat the J--s". I couldn't quite get away quick enough from that one). Gemma and William weren't interested in staying with us and both were prone to wander away if you took your eyes off them for even a moment. Although the planes were loud, we couldn't hear any of the announcers so the kids didn't understand what was going on. Neither did I, to be honest. The Blue Angels were there and did angelly things. The wait for a portapotty bathroom was at least 30 minutes, a bottle of hot water cost $3 plus tax, and we sat in traffic for close to 2 hours to get out of the world's most disorganized parking lot.

Over pizza, we chatted about our favorite parts of the airshow.

William: I likes sitting in the digger and National Guard truck (they also had a vehicle display).

Amelia: I liked when you got me some sprite. Also, when you played a game with me.

Gemma: plane. Loud (adorably pronounced y-oud). Broom!

Mama: I liked when I ran into some friends in the parking lot! It was
fun to see them.

John: I liked when the stunt guy did this maneuver......( you'll have to ask him for the details).

Sorry, dear. It was fun to spend a day together....maybe we need to wait a few more years for this event to be enjoyable?

*throughout the year, students in the running club complete running 26 miles, read 26 books, and do 26 good deeds. The last 1.2 miles they run together and it is a fun time.

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Thursday, May 1, 2014

Conversations, v.2383

Amelia (to William): hold very still while I am measuring you. Pretend you are a lion watching his prey.

(Where did that come from?)

Gemma: bowl! (She offers me her dripping cereal bowl half full of uneaten cereal)

Mama: thank you

Gemma: ahh done!

Mama: are you all done? What a mess you have there! Who made that mess on your high chair?

Gemma (with glee): DADDY! (Dissolves into giggles)

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