Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Honey do

You can add this to the list:

Reinforce toilet paper holder to hold the weight of a small child while they are brushing their teeth.

Although, no hurry. We aren't using the toilet paper holder right now because Gemma can empty the roll in less than 10 seconds. Gleefully.

Monday, February 25, 2013


Last night, John sent me this picture. It isnt a great shot as it looks like she is holding the little table. However, she not holding anything- except her purse. Gemma has been standing for longer and longer periods of time without really realizing. Last night, she stood (with purse in hand no less) for close to a minute before sitting. She is getting more and more confident with the standing.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Uh oh

I know these pictures don't look like much, but here is Gemma trying to climb up on the bed frame to get to Amelia. She lifted her leg, gave a big grunt, and tried several times to heft herself up on the bed. Adorable. And yet, am quite thankful she isn't able to scale the furniture yet.

*the big kids have been using the bed frame to play on a lot as Gemma can't (yet) get there and it isn't being currently used.

Valentines cards

I was late getting some family valentines out. As usual, I was organized, had a plan, had the stuff to do it, and then couldn't get it together in order to actually get them out.

The kids sat down to help me on Monday's holiday from school and William helped me sign Gemma's name. Complete with little hearts on the m's.

I sure do love that boy.

A secret reminder

William: mom! Mom! Guess what? You have a secret reminder!

Mom:? What?
William: yeah! You have a secret reminder! Someone who loves you and doesn't tell you!
Mom: a secret admirer? I hope it is daddy.
William: nope! It's not daddy.
Mom: hmmmm... I wonder who it could be?
William: (grin). It's a secret!


Later, while I was giving the girls a bath, I heard William having the same conversation with daddy.


Around bedtime some mysterious valentine card showed up at our house...from our secret reminder! Signed and everything!

Friday, February 22, 2013


I was reading William his book before bed. Sadly, he is all dinosaurs, all the time currently so we settled in with a giant volume about the different types of dinosaurs (I'll admit- they don't make my heart race. Or even skip a beat. They make me kind of yawn.)

I turned the page and William let of a big sigh of satisfaction. "I love this dinosaur" he breathed into my ear.

"How come, buddy?"

Another deeply satisfied sigh as he snuggled closer.

"Because one of it's names means DRAGON. Dragons are so cool. But, they don't use that name antrodemus anymore. That's okay though. I'm going to name my baby antrodemus when I grow up. Isn't that a great name mama?"

How could I not agree?

Let's just hope the person he is having kids with has a different opinion.

First steps!

I'm crying just a little here because I have to report that Gemma took her first very unsteady steps tonight from the coffee table to me. Two, maybe three steps. Almost falling towards me, but walking nontheless. If she keeps this up, she will be our earliest walker by far. My guess is that she is going to continue to work on this slowly, slowly (I hope) with more official walking happening closer to the 12 month mark. Boo hoo...

Gemma also was introduced and mastered the straw this evening at dinner time. She drank some water with a little assistance from me and then was able to drink the water right from the straw by herself. She thought she was pretty hot stuff and had to take a few breaks in the action to giggle at her new accomplishment.

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William: did you know there are battlefields here?
Mom: .....?.....( whaaa?)
William: mom! I asked if you knew what a battlefield is!
Mom: ummmm... Yes. I knew that. What's a battlefield, William?
William: aaah, well it is a field. Yep, it is a field. A field where there was....battles.
Mom: oh?
William: yeah! Yeah. Like when the south versed the north in our country. The north and south versed each other on the battlefield.
Mom: huh. I didn't know you knew all that!

(Silence for two beats)

William: mom? Why are trees round? Why do trees grow crooked?
Mom: whaaa? Ummm...

I literally cannot keep up with his speed of thoughts.

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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A teachable moment

(a month ago)

Gemma, William and I got to the bus stop and another kindergarten student was waiting.  There is a blue square painted on the cement near the corner which has been designated the unofficial "bus stop" (I think it is something the street crews left behind from a storm drain project over the summer?).  The other (female) student (let's call her E.) was already standing on the square.

E's mom:  E!  Come here!  Your clip is falling out of your hair.
E: (Conflicted look on her face.  She looks at her feet planted on the blue square and back and her mom.  If only she could hold her coveted place on the blue square and still listen to her mom!)
E's mom: E!  Come here!
E: (big sigh and trudges over to her mom, looking sadly over her shoulder)
William: (jumps triumphantly only the blue square)  HaaaHAAA!  I AM THE FIRST ONE!!

I tried to ignore it.  I really did.  It didn't work. 

Mom: William, you need to let E have the first place in line back.
William: NO! Why?  She left!  It is MINE now! HahHAA!
Mom: (sigh) William, the polite thing to do is to let her have her spot back.  She had to leave the line to listen to her mom.  It wasn't her fault.
William: NooOOOOooo!  I don't want to let her have it back.
Mom: (thinking....what a little gentleman I am raising....hmmmm)
Mom: William, did you know that the polite thing to do is to let girls go first?  There is a polite saying that says "Ladies first"
William: Whaaa?  Are you making it up?
Mom: No.  The polite thing to do is let a girl go through the door first.
William: It is?
Mom: Yes.  The right thing to do is let girls go first.  Especially when the girl was in front of you in line and had to leave for a minute to listen to her mom.

E came trudging back to the bus stop and her face lit up when William let her have the front spot back again. 

Moments later the bus pulled up.  E. turned to wave to her mom and my perfect little gentleman went around E and hopped on the bus.  What a proud mom moment!


Update: We talked about being polite, waiting your turn, sometimes letting a friend (girl or boy) go in front of you as a way to be kind.  A day or so later, we made it to the bus stop as E was walking up.

William: E, you can be in front of me. (turns with his most charming grin to his mama)
E: (big smile)
William:  You can be in front of me because you are my friend.
E: (big smile)

The bus pulled up.  E turned to wave at her mom and William waited patiently.  For a minute.  Then he jostled E's elbow and chest bumped her toward the bus.

Baby steps.  A little progress?

Just like daddy

I am reading books to Gemma on the couch and I can hear Amelia rattling around in the kitchen.  If I stood up, I would be able to see exactly what Amelia is doing.  However, I'm lazy, so I just call into the kitchen for a report.

Mom: Amelia?  What are you doing?
Amelia: I'm good Mom.*

*This is a classic Daddy response.  For example:

Kelly: How were the roads on the way home**?
John: My day was good.

So, the big question is: Is this a genetic trait or a learned behavior?

**My theory is that he listens to the first word of the question when he is busy doing something else and answers the most probable question.


We were driving home from dance lessons last week and Amelia piped up in the backseat.

Amelia: Mom?
Mom: Yes?
Amelia: For my birthday, I want a doll.
Mom: You do?
Amelia: Yes.  I want a beautiful Ick-merican doll*.
Mom: You do?
Amelia: Yes.  Ick-merican dolls are the most beautiful dolls.  I want the one with the beautiful long yellow hair and white clothes.
Mom: Oh, she sounds pretty!
Amelia: She is so pretty.  Then I will bring my Ickmerican doll to dance like the other girls.  I will get her a dance clothes to wear.  I will name my Ickmerican doll Elise.  Okay mom?

Mom: (stumped**).......
Amelia: is that okay mom?
Mom:......ummmm.....I think we need to just wait and see what happens Amelia.

*American doll  a popular doll in the girl set
** The lower end of doll costs somewhere in the $100 range.  Not something I am willing to promise to an almost 4 year old.  Not yet anyway.

Saturday, February 16, 2013


This video is roughly a month old. But, it is still sweet to hear our girl babble away!

More valentine goodness

I am loving the stuff that comes home from kindergarten! I love the spelling and crooked handwriting and the deep eraser marks that show how hard our son is working at his job of learning.
In celebration of valentines day this week, I offer up:

1). Be mine, Valentine!

To: my fammie (family)
From: William

Note the little red hearts and the completely yellow heart. My guy strongly dislikes coloring. Hates it. This little red hearts just make me giggle and at the same time melt my heart.

2). The top 10 things I love

My cat
My tethr (teacher)
Alec - school friend
Diana- school friend
My Phi- school friend
My mom - I rate at 7!?!?!?
My dad
My Kyra - school friend

I know Amelia should be on this list. The two are as thick as thieves and best friends. Apparently not on this day.

Happy valentines day!

We had a quiet valentines day. I worked and John had daddy duty, so we are celebrating tonight. I managed to catch a picture of all 3 kids yesterday is the morning chaos, but it is on my other camera.

We ate asparagus and gruyere ravioli with marinara sauce. The ravioli had a red pepper stripe, so they were very festive for the occasion. John made these totally over the top cookies. They were chocolate chip cookies sandwiches with cookie dough in between. Over the top.

Yesterday morning, I invented Valentines day oatmeal. Largely because my kids needed to eat breakfast and they were cooperating. I needed to get to work and get kids to their various schools and sitter. Luckily the mention of very special oatmeal did the trick. If you'd like to make something (very) sweet for your sweeties, here's what you do:

1 packet of oatmeal (1/2 cup?)
1 tablespoon chocolate chips
1-2 tablespoons dried fruit (I like cherries)
1/2 a packet of hot chocolate mix

1. Pour oatmeal into bowl. Put water over oatmeal so you can swish it around. It should be more oatmeal than water, but make it so you like it.

2. Cook in the microwave about 1 minute.

3. Pour half of a hot chocolate packet into bowl

4. Put in other toppings (dried fruit, chocolate chip)

5. Add a splash of milk, maybe 1/4 cup?

6. Stir and serve to your sweetheart/ kiddo!

Enjoy these silly pictures of the bean. She is in constant motion these days and not all that easy to grab a picture of!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Gemma has started full force babbling in the last few weeks. I'm starting to fully realize our home is not going to be quiet for many, many years.

Here is the one I've been waiting for: Mamama!

Such a sweet, sweet sound to my heart. Before we had kids, I always worried the milestones would be less exciting after the first baby. And Gemma, if you're reading this someday- it was just as exciting and sweet as when both William and Amelia said it for the first time. Your sweet babyhood is appreciated and enjoyed. It is from a different perspective, but we certainly are cherishing every moment of you.

Monday, February 11, 2013

She might not get it, but my girls got this

William came blazing in the door going 100 miles an hour. Shoes, jacket, book bag dumped by the door.

He hits the bathroom first, calling Amelia as he washes his hands. They really are best friends. They miss each other all day, especially Mondays.

William: Amelia! Let me show you a new game I made up! (Snort! It is a big advantage to have a sister who believes EVERYTHING you say.). It is called paper, rock....

Daddy: scissors?

William (surprised face) how did you know?

Daddy: oh, just a guess

William: (attempts to halfway explain game to Amelia). Ok! Let's play! Hold your hands out... Say "paper, rock, scissors"

Amelia: ok!

William: hey! What did you make with your hands?

Amelia: guns. I made guns. I can shoot your scissors.*

William: A- M E L I A**

Amelia: (grins). What?

William: you cannot have guns. It is paper, rock, scissors!

Amelia: okay

--attempting another round results in abandoning the game as neither understands well enough to continue--

John attempts a instruction session

Neither is interested enough to keep it going and the game is abandoned.

*I debated getting all up in arms about the gun reference and worrying about markers for future violence, etc and the social norms that allow her to have knowledge of guns, etc. instead, I decided to be entertained by the creativity of my 3 year trying to out maneuver her brother. And succeeding in my opinion.

**when William is upset or frustrated with Amelia, he spells out her name. Kind of like using her full name, William style. It cracks me up.
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Make Lemonade

I was driving William to school with the girls in the car several weeks ago.

William: You have to be careful - we have to drive the speed limit.
Mama: Yes, I am driving the speed limit, but we have to hurry a little so we aren't late for school.
William: Drive the speed limit.  That sign says "Speed Limit 25"
Mama: Yes, it does.
Amelia: NO!  It is not speed limit.
William: Yes it is.  Diaper head.
Amelia: NO! It says Speed Lemon.
William: No Amelia!  It says Speed LIMIT Amelia!  Sound it out!
Amelia: No! It is Speed Lemon.  I can't sound it out because I can't see the sign.  I know it says Speed Lemon because that is what Mama says.  Speed Lemon.
William: (in exasperation) AMELIA!  It says SPEED LIMIT!

(arguing continues)
(and continues)
(and continues)

until we finally get to school.  It might have the longest 8 minute car ride of my life.

Tooth Fairy Update

So, I put a whole dollar under William's pillow last night as he requested. 

This morning, he came running in to my room with his dollar in hand, eyes wide.

William: The tooth fairy came!
Mama: What?
William: The tooth fairy came and left me a whole dollar - that is 100! cents!
Mama: The tooth fairy brought that?
William: YES!  I guess the tooth fairy IS real!


What do you say to that?

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Goodbye shark tooth

We aren't sad to see you go!

William finally lost his 2nd tooth tonight. It was just barely hanging on...there was a lot of dramatics, but we finally got it out. I think we are all glad.

This conversation cracks me up:

Mama: so, do you want to put the tooth under your pillow so the tooth fairy can come

William: no. The tooth fairy is not real.

Mama: ohh?

William: I still want money. YOU can put the money under my pillow. You are the tooth fairy anyway.

Mama: huh. You are sure you don't want....

William: YES. No tooth fairy. YOU put some money in my room. A lot of money.

Okay, then. Done.


William isn't the only one who makes our baby laugh so hard she can hardly stand.....

Saturday, February 9, 2013

8 months old

Gemma is 8 months old today!

I was very sick last weekend with a virus and strep throat and John appears to now have my far the kids are healthy though.....

Here are a few pictures I snuck in today.  It was a cold and cloudy day, so we didn't have much indoor light and it was too cold to be outside.  I love the last little series of facial expressions.  She is just too adorable.

I keep thinking she looks a lot like Amelia : look here
and here is William for reference: look here

While I was taking her picture, I kept thinking about how much I think she looks like Amelia.  Yet, when I look at pictures of Amelia from this age, I can't help thinking how much Gemma looks like....Gemma.

Gemma truly is the happiest baby.  If she is fussing or crying, she either is tired or hungry.  She has a ready smile for anyone who pays attention to her - as long as you don't try to separate her from Mama. Mama is her favorite person and she is always delighted to see me.  Even if I just went to the bathroom or around the corner.  I will never get tired of hearing her squeal of recognition when she spies me in another room, around the corner or from across the room.  I will also never tire of watching her chug across the floor on all fours towards me with a big smile on her face.  I sure do love this girl, even if she doesn't sleep through the night.

She doesn't.  She doesn't sleep through the night.  I try hard to be thankful for the extra special snuggle time (I read this is what you are supposed to do in a book somewhere) and enjoy her babyness.  I'll admit, I have a way to go before approaching thankfulness.  I'm just plain tired.  I haven't slept through the night in half of a year and it is starting to show.  She is up at least one time every night and about once a month, she sleeps all the way through just to keep me guessing.  Sometimes she is up at 1am and 5 am.  Sometimes she wakes up at 3 am.  Other nights she sleeps until 5am.  I never know how long she is going to go.  I suspect that with a little work and "tough love" she might sleep though the night on a more consistent basis.  But....tough love requires a little work, dedication and patience.  Also, good health from both parents and a stretch of time without any trips scheduled.  Maybe in the next few weeks we'll work on that.

Gemma is loving the baby food!  She has gotten good at identifying when her food is waiting on the table and she will cry until you feed it to her.  And don't think about squeezing a bite in for yourself in between bites for her!  Her favorites continue to be carrots, bananas and sweet potatoes - although she has eaten everything I've ever tried to give her.  Mama just needs to watch that we switch things up so we don't end up with an orange baby.

Sunday, February 3, 2013


Have I shared this one with you? Because this cracks me up. It is a little disturbing to see when you are expecting it, but still funny.

More babble video

This girl is so adorable! I could just eat her up!


It's such an inconvenient way to travel. You can't carry anything in your hands. Our little problem solver has that all figured out!

Warning: cute baby babble ahead

This video is at least a week old. Watch for the cute dadada sounds, a trumpet like blow, and a sweet smile. Also, what do you think? Is she another blondie? Or is she going to have brown hair?

Dancing with my brother

Gemma is happy to play along with any idea of her big brother's. Any idea. Even if I am not a fan.

What you can't see is that William's smile is just as big as Gemma's.


Does this seem like a good idea to you?

Me either.

Down for the count

I have good news. I am finally feeling human again and I have a while pile of cute videos and stories if I can get time to sit with my thought for a few moments. So, check back!

Wednesday I had a little headache that hung around all day. I went to bed early and woke up shivering at 3am. I felt terrible. John took my temperature several times throughout the night and it was always solidly above 102.

In summary:
Thursday: called in sick to work, first time in three years! Swabbed for flu at dr visit, came back negative. Slept the rest of the day.
Friday: misery, still high fever, thought I was getting better. Slept most of the day.
Saturday: the mild sore throat is now a raging one and it hurts to swallow. Urgent care visit strep test is positive. Which means I miss William's birthday party with his friends. I'm pretty sad about that one, although I'm not sure he even noticed I wasn't there.
Sunday: finally human again!

Overall, John missed 2 days of work to take care of us. Thank you just isn't quite right...I dropped every single thing in his lap with no notice. He kept all the important things going and took care of me and the kids. Tonight I was almost shocked to realize I hadn't changed a diaper since Wednesday. That is almost 4 days. I think it has been 6 years since that last happened....

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Tooth #5

Gemma got tooth #5 on Wednesday (Jan 30).

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T. rex

He isn't so scary with underwear on his head, is he?

Cute baby!

Yes, we need to fix that cabinet!