Saturday, August 30, 2014

Breakfast conversation

You know you are at Grandma's house when the kids are fighting over who has the healthier cereal option in their bowl. William is arguing Lucky Charms is the better choice and Amelia is championing Cocoa Puffs.

They DO have the boxes side by side and are comparing the nutrition components, so maybe they are learning something?

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Tiger, kitty, silly

We went to a city event in July that had face painting for the kids. William picked a tiger, Amelia picked a kitty and Gemma was unfortunately in the wrong place at the wrong time and didn't end up with anything.

Both William and Amelia gave us their fiercest poses. Gemma then showed off her fierceness.....or silliness!

Friday, August 29, 2014

William's work, last installment

William's class had a writing celebration. The students each could apply for various jobs during the party. William applied for the job of teacher (be still my heart!). Here is his application.

A lovely paragraph about William's favorite book this week.

Math time, final volume

Here is the continuation of the math story.

Math time, volume 1

A math story in which William takes credit for teaching Amelia everything she knows about math. (It's not too far from the truth).

William's work, more

A turtle

An enthusiastic paragraph about spring!

The title of the story: "Baby Sister Saves the Day". I'll be honest, the title is the best part of this story. In short, Gemma somehow convinces mom and dad to purchase William an electronic device (a DS) for his birthday.

William's work 3

Happy Valentine's day mom!

A dinosaur

A self portrait of William as a scientist. The eyes make my heart melty.

William's work 2

William's paragraph about his favorite "special" class (ie: gym, art, music).

A graphic organizer to generate ideas as a pre writing activity (can you tell I'm a teacher?) about the things William wants and who he wants it from. Mom= car (hahahha!)

William's work

This summer, I went through a huge pile of papers that William brought home from school. I found a free treasures to share:

William won 2nd place for his science fair project!

William defended his choice of indoor or outdoor recess.

William's vocabulary pictures. Of note: the bottom left corner's picture makes me laugh.

I'm behind

I'm Behind again. Over the next few days I hope to catch up a little, although don't count on it!

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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

2nd aid

William: mom? Is there such thing as 2nd aid?

Mom:?? What?
William: well, you know there is first aid, so can there be second aid?
Mom: good question buddy...

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Thursday, August 14, 2014

1st day of school!

It was the first day of school yesterday! These next two weeks appear to be exceptionally busy with all the new homework, new activities, new friends and schedule adjustments to make.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Guess what today is?

It is meet the teacher for our new kindergartener, Amelia! She had her outfit and hairstyle all picked out last night. She requested that I wear a dress for the occasion as well. She was so excited, she could hardly sleep! We (she) have been waiting for this day for a long time! Five more days of summer......

Thursday, August 7, 2014


We were eating dinner one night this week when Gemma suddenly started crying. Everyone stopped and looked at her as it was a "I'm hurt" kind of cry. She had a mouth full of food and she had a surprised expression on her face.

I asked her, "are you okay? Do you have an owie?"

She nodded. Fat tears are rolling down her cheeks.

"Where do you hurt?"

She points to her mouth and sticks out a tiny bit of her tongue.

"Did you bite your tongue?"

She nods. Then she sticks out her tongue a little further and points.

"Oh no! Are you okay?"

She nods. She says "diss". Then she makes kissing noises with her mouth.

She wants me to kiss the owie on her tongue.

It's a good thing she is cute.

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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Into the thick of it...

It's that time of year....

Back to school.

We meet teachers this week and wrangle school supply lists longer than my arm.

I have teacher meetings this week.

Some decisions about Gemma's placement for this year are still up in the air.

I'm furiously reviewing the summer to do list and realizing I am just not going to be able to clean out all the closets this summer.

We have had a wonderful summer- almost all of our family bucket lost has been accomplished. I still have pictures and stories to share with you, when I have a minute. My own personal to-do list lingers and I am certain I won't get it all done.

However, we had a great time and spent lots of time together. That is what really matters, right?

PS. if you come over, please don't open my closets.

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