Saturday, March 31, 2012

Amelia turns 3

Here is the birthday girl yesterday morning. Complete with hair styling in diaper cream. This picture was taken before 7am and we had been up for over an hour. It was a very long day.

Happy birthday big girl!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Third trimester, third baby

Here we are already in the third trimester of this pregnancy! Ignore the messy bathroom and note that I went all out for purple day!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Purple day

It's purple day at preschool! Amelia was so excited about getting dressed in the maximum amount of purple! From head to toe- purple girl! There was a
Small meltdown on the way put the door about the lack of fully purple shoes. My poor, neglected girl had to make do with her purple and pink princess shoes....

Friday, March 2, 2012

My two

Look at these two at story time! Amelia isn't quite old enough to go to the big kid story time (she has to be 3), but our librarian loves her and let her come olin on a low attendance day recently. Amelia was so excited! I was more than a little surprised to see her plop down next to her brother and grab for his hand.

So sweet...

!!! How can it be???!

Guess what we did yesterday?

I knew it was coming, but this week has been so busy the actual event snuck up on me.

So proud- I didnt cry! But, I wanted to.