Sunday, December 5, 2010

Newer does not equal better. But our new cell phones are allowing me to publish to our blog from where ever I am. The pictures and video won't be as nice, but at least there will be a post. The posts will be shorter also because I have to type them on my phone. Much slower going than the standard keyboard. I do promise to write in sentences, use punctuation and vowels.

Friday, December 3, 2010

A conversation

Jesus Price

William and I were baking cookies today. Because I want to share the excitement of the holiday season with our kids early on. Today we had a little time and Christmas cookies were on my list of things to do. Sure, it would have been quicker and cleaner to stir, roll and bake up 300 cut out cookies on my own, but where would the Christmas Spirit be in doing it myself. So, I enlisted William to help.

Let's just say the rosy vision I had of us stirring batter and laughing in a cozy warm kitchen wasn't exactly what happened. It was way messier and took 100 years longer than I was anticipating. I am proud to say in the end William helped me mix, cut, bake, frost and decorate just about every single cookie. He really worked hard. And so did I.

About 2 hours into the process, we had mixed up the batter, rolled out the dough and were in the cutting out/baking step. After filling up the cookie sheet with cut out dough shapes, we turned around to look at the small pile of cookies on the kitchen table.

William: Who are these cookie for?

Mama: Ooohhhh....they are for a lot of people. We are going to bring some to Grandpas and Grandma, to our friends and to church.

William: Will they like our cookies?

Mama: Oh yes! They will love our cookies. Especially since you were such a good helper.

William: Do you know who else will love our cookies?

Mama: [pause, uncertain] Who else will like our cookies?

William: Jesus Price is going to love our cookies when we bring them to church.

Mama: [ response seems appropriate....must not laugh...must not laugh....] Hmmmmm....I think you are right baby. He will love our cookies.


I just went through every picture we took in November and there wasn't ONE from Thanksgiving. Not even one. I can assure you we had a wonderful time visiting with family on both sides of our families. It is awfully convenient both our families gather in Rochester to celebrate Thanksgiving. This enables us to see everyone while they are in town. The only downside is I sometimes don't feel like we visit with anyone long enough to catch up! You'll have to be satisfied with the fall pictures I took of the kids in the backyard.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Sweet Moments

Life is just rushing by. There isn't a moment filled with activity when our kids are awake. Amelia especially lately is lightening fast - in all the ways that are messy. Soap, perfume, makeup, cleaning supplies - she LOVES anything in a spray bottle or pump. I am pretty sure she can empty a pump style bottle of shampoo all over the floor in under a minute. Not that I timed her last week when she did it. She has some amazing fine motor skills in that she is able to open even the smallest bottle, jar or container in order to spread it across the maximum amount of surface area in the shortest amount of time. She has also mastered opening the door knobs in our house which means few areas are safe from her*.

Last night after dinner, John and I were cleaning up the kitchen while the kids played happily together in the next room. This is a rare occurrence. I knew there would be fighting in our future with two children in the house. I was totally unprepared for it to start when Amelia was just under a year old. Most days I feel more like a referee than a mom with these two. The fighting recently has been almost constant when the two are together. Both of them are at fault most of the time and both of them have lessons to learn. We're working on that, but there is a ways to go yet and I many days lately feel like an uphill battle.

I wiped the counters while John did the dishes while we listened to the giggles and shouts of glee coming from the next room**. It makes me want to take hold of these moments and pull them close to my heart for safe keeping. They help me get through the rough moments when patience and love just isn't enough.

After the kitchen was cleaned up (I know you think I'm crazy for cleaning up the kitchen first, but when opportunity knocks, etc), I went in to see what the laughter was all about. I was thrilled to find they had come up with a game using a hard hat. One of them would put the hat on and then jump**. Upon landing, the hat would inevitably fall off - which was roll on the floor funny. After laughing themselves breathless, they would race each other to the hat and start over again.

* What worked with William at this age was to put the door knob safety covers on all the areas I didn't want William to have free access to. As he matured, this was not as much of a problem and we gradually took them all off. This won't work because now that William is potty trained, he needs free access to the bathroom at a moments notice.

** Also, about a week ago, Amelia mastered the jumping so there is actual lift off when she jumps. Gone are the hilarious days of a huge set up and no actual lift***.

***Speaking of milestones, on 11/10/10 Amelia said "I love you" for the very first time. To me. It was amazing. Amazing enough that I went out for dinner with a girlfriend without her right after I kissed her fat little cheeks off.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Top Reasons...

I am looking forward to Thanksgiving*:

I love the holiday season. As soon as Halloween is over, I feel it is time to start warming up to the Christmas season. The holiday music comes out and I start planning my Christmas baking strategy. I scheme, plot, plan and analyze the calendar from just about every angle to maximize the time we spend with our families. No scenario is off the table if it buys us a little more time to spend with the family we don't see often enough. I love just about everything about the season. The food, the family, the snow, and the stories. However, for the first time I felt differently tonight at our dinner table after the following occured:

1. Amelia currently finds it super funny to put her feet on the table while she is eating. Honest, I'm working on it, but no amount of buckling her down, scooting her in or moving her chair is effective. If you are seated next to her at the table, I'm sorry in advance.

2. Both kids are in an "off" eating phase. Some times they are super hungry and clean their plates. Some times their not. We are definately in a NOT phase.

3. Amelia usually is an enthusiastic eater. In the last few weeks she has slowed down for a variety of reasons (typically happens at this age, she is cutting molars). However, in the last few weeks she has started taking the food from her plate and looking at it before annoucing "DON'T LIKE IT!" before throwing it to the floor. (Again, sorry! in advance)

4. I've been trying to make some of the typical Thanksgiving food for the kids to get them warmed up to Thanksgiving fare. So far, we don't have any takers on anything except dessert.

5. Both kids have realized they can use their feet to push the kitchen table back and forth towards each other and rock their chairs back wards. As we have them sitting across from each other (divide and conqueor: it is our family motto), the table is pushed back and forth between the two. It can be a real challenge to get the food to your mouth with the table in perpetual motion in an unpredictable pattern.

6. Bickering, etc. Oooohhh the bickering that never ends. We now fight over the color of the plates, the forks/spoons and the food on the plate. The grass is always greener y'all. The grass is always greener.

7. No meal is complete without Wililam leaping from the table trailing a line of crumbs, yelling "I HAVE TO GO POTTY!" over his shoulder. What really makes the moment is when he adds, "WHO WANTS TO WIPE THIS TIME?"

8. Conversation? What conversation? The kids are done eating in roughly 8.26 minutes. If the kids are done eating, we have only moments before things start to fall apart. Less if the kids don't like what is on their plates. I'm not sure we know how to hold an adult conversation anymore**. I'm not entirely sure anyone has table manners anymore.

9. What little conversation there is revolves around vehicles, construction and William's day. What number is Thomas the train? All over that one. Who is Dizzy and what does type of work does she do for Bob the B.uil.der? I got it. What did we do after lunch? I can probably fill you in. While talking with my mouth full.

10. The spilled milk. There is always spilled milk. Occasionally spectacularly spilled milk.

I could probably go on and on - but I wouldn't want to scare you away entirely. Or lose our invitation to Thanksgiving dinner. It was just tonight, I was a little horrified when I realized I have a very short amount of time in which to whip everyone into shape. Now I'm wondering if anyone will enjoy their meal with us and our miles of "entertainment". We are a show you won't want to miss!

* Really, I love Thanksgiving.
**Get your mind out of the gutter! You know, talk of the weather, inquiring about jobs, movies, etc.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

This year, we had a Fireman and his trusty sidekick dalmatian. At one point, we discussed turning our wagon into a firetruck to pull through the neighborhood. The idea was eventually tabled due to lack of time and the fickleness of young children. Who wants to invest several hours in creating a firetruck that no one will ride in?


The firemanHandsome boy
His sidekick puppy friend
She has so many funny faces!Sweet puppy

The kids together. You'll see I've learned from last year: take the kids outside for a picture BEFORE IT GETS DARK. Duh.

We took the kids to a few friends' houses to trick or treat before coming home for dinner. No one was overtired, hungry or cold. Perfect. After dinner, I was shocked when William wanted to go out again with HIS COSTUME ON. Turns out, he put it all together. Costume+Halloween= CANDY. I thought we would maybe get to 2-3 houses. I wanted to keep the bar set low so I wouldn't be disappointed if we went home early. However, William RAN exuberantly to 12 different houses before I decided we needed to go home. He was AWESOME. It is so much more fun now that he understands!

After the second round of trick or treating (to different houses! I swear!), William was delighted to be the official candy distributor. No one else was allowed near the bowl. He had a serious job to do!

I convinced Amelia out of the puppy costume by offering up the kitty hat. $0.10 at a garage sale - BARGAIN!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

9/24/10: Church Camping

We baked a Lemonade Cake for the Church Campout.  The mixer is LOUD!

Last weekend was our annual church campout. Our church reserves a group campsite and everyone is invited to rent a rustic cabin outfitted with plastic mattress, squeaky metal bed frames, gaping metal screens (holy?) and educational wasp nests built into the walls.
The kids did really well for the most part with everything, even the large storm that blew through on Saturday night.

It really is a lot (A LOT) of work to go camping with kids this age. Neither one of them is afraid (enough) of fire, wandering away or sharp sticks. Lucky for us, our small congregation isn't afraid to pitch in and give a hand when it is needed. And boy, was it needed. John and I are both exhausted from all the running, chasing and other fun - and we had a TON of help.
Just about everyone is willing to pitch in a hand by entertaining kids, chasing them away from any place that is unsafe or including them in their games.

We arrived Friday evening in time to play for a short while before going to bed.

Saturday morning we went apple picking at the orchard nearby. The tractor ride was fun for everyone until we had to get off and you know, actually pick apples.
William and his friend get ready to ride the tractor trailer out to the apple trees.

William is a huge fan of the fresh apple cider.  

Apple cider mustache, tractor riding boy
William was thrilled to be up front with the big kids

William played some soccer by himself and some with the other kids.

William enjoyed a fresh s'more...mmmmm!  I'm not sure how I missed out on this yummy treat (I was putting Amelia to bed).  By the time I got out to the campfire, a huge downpour sent most people scurrying off to bed.

Saturday evening we had church outside followed by a giant meal with everyone together.

Sunday morning we packed our damp selves (5+ inches of rain overnight with all windows in the cabin left open overnight) back up to go home again.

Sunday afternoon, I worked to conquer Mt Laundry while John enjoyed his first professional baseball game in St Louis thanks to some church friends. I stayed home while the kids napped and did the laundry, made chili, and took a nap.