Monday, April 11, 2011


After some hot temperatures (90+ degrees) this weekend, I realized we really need to get out and enjoy the springy weather before we launch right into HOT. After story time today, we went out and played the requested game of hopscotch "with lots of numbers. All the way to 21!.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Amelia has had opinions for quite some time now. It has been watching them develop along the way.

Most recently, clothes have been a source of great entertainment. On Friday, she wore : a diaper, 2 pairs of underwear, jeans with a pair of shorts over them, a long sleeved t shirt with a shirt sleeved shirt over it, 2 hats ("party hats mama), and her new cowboy boots to our weekly bible study. Despite my attempts to change her mind, she would not be swayed.

Sunday morning I got her dressed and it wasn't until I was helping her with her shoes on the way out the door that I noticed she had a tutu on under her pretty church dress. She probably would have insisted upon her boots as well. Good thing they were well put of sight at the moment! She insisted on wearing the tutu for the rest of the day - long after the church clothes were traded for play clothes!

The pictures are from Sunday afternoon: