Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer t ball

William is playing t ball this summer for the first time. He had his second game tonight - I almost hate to admit how much I am enjoying this after how much apprehension I had just a few weeks ago. I had a LOT of worries before the "season" started which have now been resolved. No one is competitive. There is virtually no pressure. No one is screaming. The other parents are low key. Everyone laughs at the antics taking place in the field. William's skills are within range of the other kids. There are appropriately frequent breaks for water. No one cares that William spends a lot of time looking at his shoes, the sky or playing in the sand. I take that back. I think John would like to see a little more focus (he is in black right behind William). Overall- a huge relief!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Summer Camping

High on my list of things to do the last two summers is: take out kids out to camp. In a tent. At a campground. Overnight. It just keeps not working out. The weather is a major factor - I'm not willing to have our first family camping adventure be during severe weather (or even just a run of the mill thunderstorm) or when it is 90 bazillion degrees out. So, late last week when it became clear that the temperatures were going to drop and become "campable" we started making plans quietly. We honestly didn't tell the kids what we were doing until we were pulling into the campground. We've planned a number of times before to have it not work out at the last minute.

So, it short, we camped! All night! In a tent! It was AWESOME and we're going to do it again, weather permitting (see: above). I am so happy it went well and everyone had a great time - although all of us are exhausted!

The kids napped in the car on the way there - the state park was about 45 minutes away. Not quite long enough for a full nap, but better than nothing! We arrived, checked in and then set out to hike, amazingly at William's request!

Our hikers! Note the total distance: 0.8
miles. Normally, this wouldn't be a trail John or I would consider. We're fans of the 3-6 mile length. However, this trip was about teaching the KIDS to love camping as much as we do. So, short trails were required. We even left the baby backpack at home purposefully!
Both kids did a great job hiking. Just a few minutes after I started feeling smug about the hiking stamina of our kids, Amelia demanded I carry her the rest of the way. She walked a little over half of the way. Which, means I carried her on my hip for .4 miles. Wish I would have had the backpack.

We really took our time stopping to examine bugs, flowers, fallen trees, and listening to the birds/bugs.
My sidekick. Why didn't we bring the backpack? Also: glad we didn't attempt the 2 mile trail we originally discussed.

William was so proud about hiking his first trail the whole way, he wanted his picture taken by the sign!
WAfter hiking, we went to the beach in the campground. This was Amelia's first time at a beach! She loved it!

So did William! The water was very warm after having such hot weather for the last week. I think the water was warmer than the air (80ish degrees)

We played at the beach for over an hour armed with only an empty yogurt container to play with (and an abandoned shovel found on the shore). It was lovely. The scenery was great, the kids were having a wonderful time and I was so happy! After the beach, we went back to our campsite and got cleaned up. The campsite had (warm!) showers and bathrooms, which we took full advantage. John grilled us some hamburgers while I cleaned up the kids. Dinner always tastes so much better when you are REALLY hungry!

After dinner we took the kids to the campsite playground to run around. Everywhere we went, we ran into families with kids. In no time at all, William was running around with another boy his age and having a grand time. Amelia was content to hang with me and occasionally yell nonsense at William and his new friend from the sidelines.

After playing, we came back and cooked up some s'mores. mmmmmmm.... Also, note behind me the giant dumpster. Not ideal, but there wasn't a whole lot to pick from close to the bathroom.

William helps Mama cook up a s'more

Amelia kicks back to enjoy her treat!

William's treat. I'm not sure I can describe how filthy the kids were after hiking, beach, park, campfire plus sticky marshmallow.
The kids were so excited about sleeping in the tent. Or playing around in the tent.

Amelia's spot

William's spot - look how happy he is! Also note: he is wearing his favorite socks. I can't get them away from him - he wears them ALL the time!

William thought he smelled a skunk. Then, it was a funny game. We read books and played Go Fish as a family in the tent to wind down. The kids finally fell asleep without the assistance from Children's Ben@dryl.

The next morning we woke up early to the ka-BLAM of someone throwing their trash just before 7am. Of course, the kids were ready to get going. We had breakfast and took down everything. While John and I were packing up, William found something to entertain himself. See who is watching him?

Monkey see, monkey do! Look at her expression! It is priceless!

William requested another hike - so proud! When we pulled up to the trail, we were greeted by this gorgeous stone structure.

Start of the trail. Amelia has already informed me she "can't" walk and needs to be carried.

Again, we did a lot of investigating along the way

True to her word, Amelia refused to walk at all, only allowing herself to be put down here for a quick picture.

William on the trail

William after hiking his 2nd full hike. See Amelia back there? She finally let me put her down right about then. She hiked until the end of the trail (where William is standing). We have some work to do with her!

Amelia finishing the hike....about 30 seconds later, she caught sight of the playground equiptment and RAN full speed towards it. Both John and I cracked up laughing at her speed after refusing to hike for the last 30-40 minutes! We played at the park before driving home!

Happy Birthday Daddy!

The kids have been anxiously awaiting Daddy's birthday for weeks and weeks. Since Amelia's birthday or just after Easter. It has been a long time to wait! it is even longer until the next birthday comes in January!
William and Daddy having birthday dinner
Dinner out Friday night to celebrate!
This is not cooperating at all, so the pictures are out of order. After cake, we opened presents - the kids took turns "helping"
The cake! Finally! Time! for Cake! I know it doesn't look like it here, but there was true excitement about birthday! cake!
Mmmm....William specially requested blue frosting
Amelia wasn't picky about the colors. Nope. She just wanted the frosting. She ate the frosting and left the cake behind - more proof she is her father's daughter! (Note: Kelly dislikes almost all frosting. She has been known to scrape it off and leave it on the plate. John LOVES frosting. Cake is just a vehicle to maximize the amount of frosting that can be delivered in one bite. He has been known to eat a corner piece of cake AND put my discarded frosting on top.)
Blowing out the candles is a team effort
The cake- not especially pretty. I have inherited a train cake pan and wanted to try it out. I baked the cake up and realized I didn't have time to do even the basic frosting decoration that would give it a train like appearance. So, I improvised (is that what it is called at 11:30pm?) with crackers, pretzels, jellybeans, Cheerios, and animal crackers. It worked, but it certainly wasn't the cake I had envisioned when I set out!

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Happy weekend! The van is packed, the kids are napping and we're off on an adventure!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Ohhhh Amelia

Amelia had been up early lately. As in 5 am early. I'm more of a 7am early kind of girl, so this has been rough. The hardest part has been finding a way to keep her away from William for 2 whole hours, because that angel sleeps regularly past the 7am mark. On wednesday, I got to bed late and when 5:15 rolled around, I was not ready to get up. Luckily, Amelia didn't mind entertaining herself for about 45 minutes ( my best guess as to how long head out). Amelia happily sprinkles the floor and bed with at least one package if cotton balls and then tattooed herself with a semi permanent pen. Never a dull moment.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Fwd: Welcome the sounds of summer!

> With temps in the high nineties and high humidity, summer is really here! To complete the picture are the yearly cicadas. It is hard to imagine how many there are to make this much noise. For reference, normal conversation volume wasn't possible, although you didn't quite need to yell.

Thursday, June 2, 2011