Thursday, October 6, 2011

Funny Amelia

These Snow White socks have worn out. I needed a picture of them (I know I'm weird, taking pictures of socks) because before she became well versed in the Princesses, she used to call these her "Mama" socks because there was a picture of me on them. Looks like me, doesn't it?

Amelia finds this face hilarious. It will crack her up, even in mid tantrum.

Here is her take on it, which I find funnier than John's eyes.

Another attempt at crossing the eyes...Not quite there!

Is this my kid?

Picture from 8/10/11: William with his head underwater? Willingly? With the teacher's back turned? Hardly seemed possible at the beginning of this summer....!

Look! I drew a car all by myself! Proud boy on 8/7/11

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Big Day!


Today is the day we found out we're expecting Baby #3! So excited! So tired!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Amelia is 2 and a HALF!


We were actually supposed to go camping last weekend. But, the weather forecast was for wet, cold weather. So, we rescheduled!

Poor Amelia fell asleep on the way and slept for awhile while we set up our picnic lunch.

The kids always enjoy the small park in the campground

We squeezed in another family hike, this time with Amelia in the backpack.

In the evening, there was a special ranger presentation about SNAKES. William was totally enthralled. Amelia and I stepped out after 45 minutes. William was NOT ready to leave! At the very end, William decided he did want to touch the small snake the ranger brought in.

We hiked, we played at the park, we cooked, we played games, we listened to the ranger talk and slept all night long in the tent on the ground. What we didn't do is take pictures!

Goal accomplished: camping 2 times this year with the kids in a tent!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

More catching up....

I've been working late night here trying to get everything tidied up. I just don't think I'll ever be caught up! Here are the handful of posts I finally finished!

Amelia is 2! Thank goodness completed before she turned 3

The Flintstone Event

Weekend with Grandma and Grandpa

Labor Day Weekend

First Day of School

Camping Churchy Style

Conversations with Kids

And, I've updated the Picture day

Picture day!

Today was picture day at the kids' school. I set out clothes last night and tried to make for a smooth morning.

After breakfast, I reminded William to get dressed before playing and indicated the pile of clothes in the living room for him to put on. He took one look and ran for his bedroom. With a sigh, I followed to find him digging in his dresser drawers.

Mama: What are you looking for?
William: My necktie shirt. I am the handsomest boy you know when I wear that shirt. It will be perfect.
Mama: Who can argue with that?