Tuesday, November 8, 2011


This is the picture from the week before Halloween for our library storytime "Halloween" event. We have William the policeman and Amelia as the princess Belle.

The real Halloween was a little more gory. William was sick. Fever running, throwing up, not eating, laying on the couch sick. So I took Amelia as Sleeping Beauty (which, she can now correctly pronounce) trick or treating while John stayed home on sick kid duty (and before you go feeling sorry for him, you should know this was his preference). Amelia happily went to eight houses. However, her dress ended up being a little long and I carried her the entire way. She would have been happy to "sticker treat" at several more houses, but mama was done.

How William actually spent Halloween


Here is William's preschool project depicting what he plans on eating for thanksgiving. You'll find: fried chicken (x2), spooky spider cake, witch cupcakes, fried apples and a pumpkin cheese ball. Got that grandma*?

*for the record, I'm fairly certain he won't eat the corn or the cheeseball :)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Funny sleeper #2

William is such a sound sleeper I could turn on the overhead light without waking him. Didn't dare chance that with Amelia. Although I did successfully move Amelia and I just covered William up where he was.

Does this bed rail do anything?  Blurry picture, sweet sleeping baby

Friday, October 14, 2011


William has a new favorite book from the library The Scrambled States of America. He is positively enthralled by everything state currently. Last week, he informed us of his decision to move to California when he grows up (for reference, he claims this is 34 years of age or maybe 26 years old). For the record, he also plans on fixing airplanes in California, just like Daddy does. He highly advised Amelia to be his neighbor in Oregon because then she would be close by. Amelia, happily agreed to this plan. John and I were quite excited about this plan and had visions of purchasing property in the beautiful wilds of northern California in our retirement (which, by the way HAHAHAHA).

On Tuesday morning this week, William wandered into our room around 7 am. I mumbled something like "good morning, sweetie" in his general direction when he stopped abruptly.

William: Mama, I've been thinking.
Mama: mmmmm? (still half sleeping)
William: I don't think I will live in California when I grow up.
Mama: ohh? (slightly more awake, this could be good)
William: Yes. California is too far away from you. I will miss you. I think I will live in Georgia when I grow up.
Mama: Okay.
William: Georgia is better because it is shaped more like a rectangle.
Mama: Oh. Okay.
William: Do you think Amelia can live in Alabama? She might like to be my neighbor there, right?
Mama: Maybe.

I just don't ever know how our day is going to start. Never a dull moment.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Silly kids

John went down to do "one thing" for a few minutes. I waited for him on the couch...and fell asleep. I guess Amelia wasn't quite asleep because she took this opportunity to slip out of her room and join me on the couch. John spied her here as he came up the steps. She had the audacity to "shhhhh!" him as he approached so he wouldn't wake me up. Naughty, yet considerate?

Here is William hard at work trying to copy the picture on an eraser he received as a birthday party favor (under his hand). He worked and worked to get it just right!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

My girly girl!

Here is Amelia wearing a pink shirt, flowered pants, boys athletic sandals, a tutu and a construction helmet. Nothing to do but take pictures and laugh!