Saturday, December 31, 2011

Why William might ring in the new year at midnight

We put up his new map today over his bed. He is totally in love with it and asked to skip stories in order to look at it some more. For this boy to skip stories, you know it has to be good!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas cheer

We have a nativity set finally. I spent a lot of time finding a kid friendly set that can't be broken.

Here you can see the holy family visiting the airport....wouldn't that have been a sight to see!!

Christmas spirit

Here we have Rudolph (Amelia) pulling her sleigh (Daddy) while Santa (William) drives.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Jesus's Birthday

Scene: Tonight, as we were trying to make dinner come together. John and I are trying to have a conversation about what we have time to make. William chimes in with this:

W: Christmas is celbrating Jesus's birthday, right?
M: (distracted) yes. (continues previous conversation with John about cornbread)
W: Christmas means it is Jesus's birthday?
M: (impatient) yes. (for the record, cornbread is vetoed due to time constraints
W: (puzzled look)

W: So how old will Jesus be on his birthday this year?

Both Mom and Dad stop previous dinner conversation and send frantic signals to the other indicating "YOU answer this one" and "It is SO your turn to field this one"

Hello, little one

Little bumps this morning made today so sweet!

Sent from my iPhone

Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas elves

Here are the cute little elves that showed up to help us hang lights on our house. One Saturday before thanksgiving, we pulled onto our street and saw our next door neighbors hanging their lights. John and looked at each other and mentally rearranged the rest of our afternoon. We didn't even fight it. At least it was a beautiful afternoon to be outside!