Friday, January 20, 2012

Lunch date, 2012

Grandpa called as we were sitting down to lunch. How great is technology that we can eat lunch with with grandpa 440 miles away?


William helped me assemble some shelves for the laundry room this week. I was pretty impressed with his work- I held the shelves and he did 99% of the rest of the work. He was really good at knowing what needed to be done and with the exception of about poking himself in the eye with the screwdriver, there were no injuries. You should have seen how proud he was!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Conversations v.1233, Baby update

I had an OB appointment on Friday. Everything is looking good*. I am impressed that over Christmas I gained less than half of a pound**. Go me! It significantly helps that our family had the stomach flu over Christmas, I'm sure.

Anyhow, the highlight of the appointment was hearing the baby heartbeat. I get to hear it at every appointment, and it is never disappointing. This was no exception. The baby was wiggling around and the dr had a hard time getting a uninterrupted heart rate.

Over dinner, I was telling the kids about the doctor appointment and was describing the baby heartbeat to them. We have a doctor kit toy that has a stethoscope that allows the kids to hear their own heartbeat (which requires them to be quiet, so it rarely works). I was describing the noise the baby's heartbeat makes and how it is almost the same as theirs. William in particular was transfixed and required several questions to be answered. It appeared Amelia wasn't listening....until she piped up to say "The baby in my belly says something too." We all turned to look at her when she added "My baby says HOHOHO Merry Christmas!"


* My biggest complaint is the exhaustion. I am tired all the time. My hobby right now is sleeping. On days I work (4 hours in the morning and 3 in the evening), I require at least an hour nap in between to make it through work. I am getting between 1-3 more hours of sleep per night than usual PLUS a 1-3 hour nap during the morning and/or afternoon time. And still falling asleep on the couch halfway through a TV show. A TV show I am interested in.

The doctor and I had a conversation something like this:

DR: So, what questions have come up? Are there any problems or concerns?

Me: Just tired. So tired. I was hoping the thyroid levels would explain that**.

Dr: (quiet) Well, those levels wouldn't cause you to be tired. (laughing) I think you might just have an active 4 year old, 2 year old, and are pregnant. I think your tiredness problem may be more due to the young kids, busy life and the pregnancy. And adding a baby to the mix is probably going to not help the situation in the beginning....

Me: I see your point...but I wish there was an easier answer....

**Based on the numbers, I baked a double batch of chocolate chip cookies the next day.

***My thryoid levels are slightly elevated. Which is normal during pregnancy****. However, we are going to do another blood test to make sure things are as they should be.

****How quickly I forget how glamorous pregnancy is.... with blood work, exhaustion, ever growing belly among other side effects.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Someone is sleeping in my bed said my big boy bear! This cute little one spent the first part of the night in her own bed before joining mama and daddy bear in their bed. For rest time, she picked William's bed. Where will our Goldylocks decide to sleep tonight?

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Why William might ring in the new year at midnight

We put up his new map today over his bed. He is totally in love with it and asked to skip stories in order to look at it some more. For this boy to skip stories, you know it has to be good!