Wednesday, February 22, 2012

William's first ice skating class!

Here he is! Doesn't he look great? Sadly, I had to work and didn't get to see him in action. Daddy reports he worked hard for the whole class and didn't need help. Great work William!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Absentminded professor

We had our BIG ultrasound this week for baby #3 - I'm hoping to be back with some pictures to share. I wouldn't hold my breathe on that though.

One piece of the excitement is that we chose to bring William with us to the ultrasound.

We hurried out the door and while I buckled William in, I looked down to see these on William's feet: 2 right feet, one brown and one white. I had just enough time to run in and grab another more matching shoe before driving away..... Silly guy!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Friday, January 20, 2012


An original hit?

Lunch date, 2012

Grandpa called as we were sitting down to lunch. How great is technology that we can eat lunch with with grandpa 440 miles away?


William helped me assemble some shelves for the laundry room this week. I was pretty impressed with his work- I held the shelves and he did 99% of the rest of the work. He was really good at knowing what needed to be done and with the exception of about poking himself in the eye with the screwdriver, there were no injuries. You should have seen how proud he was!