Saturday, July 7, 2012

4 weeks old...what?

Gemma is 4 weeks old today...what? She is growing so fast! Everything seems a little bigger and stronger. Earlier this week I noticed that Gemma is either losing her hair or her head is growing so fast, her head cannot keep up.

She is also having more awake and alert times during the day. The night sleeping is coming along. Not quite where I want it to be, but hopefully soon. She is up once or twice a night most nights and generally goes back to sleep.

Not to worry, pictures were taken to document. Who know when I will get to downloading from the camera and uploading here. For the time being, you'll have to make do with a picture of our strong girl doing a push up, one of me taking pictures of my girl, and a picture of her beautiful AWAKE smile!

Baby push up!

Look at how strong I am!

Friday, July 6, 2012

More 4th of July

Here is daddy with his girls on the 4th of July!

2 years

Here is the dress I made for Amelia last year! It was HUGE on her then and is still a little big on her. Will we get another year out of it?

PS. No. She can't just hold still and smile, I guess.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Guess what I got today?

Isn't it cute? The last one is just plain funny! And yes, she is asleep here and sweetly smiling away. Even if it is gas....I'll take it!

3 years

This was a worthy investment of time! My sister in law and I made this shirt/hat combo for a family reunion 2 years ago. I picked a shirt on the bigger size, but I didn't think we would get 3 summers of wear out of it! The blue/orange shorts were of William's own choosing- and nothing could change his mind...

Happy 4th!

Here we are at our town's 4th of July parade! It was just over a mile walk there and it was close to 95 degrees at 9am. The kids handled it very well, the grown ups not so much. I ended up taking Gemma home early- there just wasn't a good way to protect her from the heat. Daddy and the kids followed soon after. I don't think we saw the whole parade, but it was enough to check off my "summer to do list" the parade!