Gemma is 5 weeks old today! I'm making it my goal to do the weekly picture for at least the first 12 weeks. We'll see if I can stick to it!
Gemma is starting to be so much fun! She is a wiggler and has started moving around, pivoting on her belly. She has no idea she is doing it, but she wiggles and wiggles until she has made her way to a new spot. She makes her move on both her front and on her back!
Gemma enjoys and occasionally tolerates tummy time. She pushes up on her arms and looks around. She loves to have company talking to her and tracks pretty well with her eyes, although they still cross sometimes!
Gemma is working hard at vocalizing. Her arms and legs will go and go and go. Suddenly everything else will stop moving and she'll push her tongue in and out several times before saying "goo". Or "gah!". It takes a LOT of effort on her part, but it is very cute!
The sleep continues to be hit or miss. Some nights she'll go 5-6 hours at a stretch and then the next she won't go more than 3. I'm ready for a little more sleep!
We did a cloth diaper trial this week an Gemma is still a little small for our diapers- which resulted in a mess. This means she is still in size 1 diapers. She is also wearing size 0-3 - but I've already had to put away a few of the outfits that were on the smaller size.
Amelia and William continue to find Gemma adorable and wonderful. Even when she is crying- they are so sweet with her. They pat her, sing to her, shush her, and delight in everything she does. They have been remarkably understanding and patient with Gemma and me! I just wish they'd use a little of that goodwill towards each other lately!