Tuesday, December 11, 2012

J is for....

Jam? Jelly? Juice? Jello?

No, according to William j is for jrassik.


Monday, December 10, 2012

The fleet is complete!

Here is this year's Christmas ornament! I started making ornaments 14 years ago when my first nephew was a baby. Look how many I make now! (Answer:14 this year)

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Baby 3, tooth #3

Gemma's third tooth broke through today! Here's hoping for a little more sleep tonight!

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Thursday, December 6, 2012

Uh oh!

We have some honest to goodness hands and knees crawling happening around here! I was hoping she would want to wait until after Christmas so I didn't have to worry about her ripping over the tree on herself. No such luck!

O Christmas tree, o Christmas tree

We finally have our tree up and decorated! As expected, we probably won't be able to put many ornaments down low and I'm going to have to gate off the tree before I can put presents under it. Despite the picture below, the kids are very excited about the tree and looking at each of the ornaments. Getting 3 kids to look at the camera is quite the challenge!


Sometimes you just need a bath.

Baby food!

In the last week, we have been slowly introducing Gemma to baby food!

I meant to start her out with butternut squash and I even had some the I made myself with a squash from our church community garden. However, when I defrosted the yellowy orange baby food, it turned out to be peaches. Oops. So, Gemma's first food was peaches.

She loved the attention at first and liked trying something new. However, she was not pleased that she was not allowed to control the spoon. It was certainly a challenge to get the food into her mouth with her arms waving around like a windmill. Short, yet destructive little windmills.

After several bites, Gemma decided she wasn't loving the peaches. The flavor was perhaps too strong? She made some very entertaining faces - which the other two kids enjoyed a great deal.

Since then, we have been slowly introducing her to other foods every few days. She has now had peaches, squash, and oatmeal!