Thursday, December 20, 2012

Winter party madness!

We are a whirlwind of winter partyness around here! Tuesday, John stayed home from work so he could go eat pancakes with Amelia and Santa at the preschool.

Today it is my turn to go to the winter party at William's school! The party kicked off with a sing along and then some fun games.

Dear Santa

Dear Santa,
How is rodof? Can you pes git me a gold mine playm0b!l.



Here are the kids visiting with Santa! William told Santa he would like a playm0b!l gold mine set, Amelia wants a Dora mermaid (awesome! She already has one) an Gemma wanted her 2 front teeth (again, awesome! She already has them!).


We took the kids to see Santa this week- see the snow? William could not be talked out of the Spider-Man shirt. Red is one of Santa's favorite colors after all!

Amelia admires Christmas tree

It's so beautiful mama!

From home

This is the picture text I received at work this week. Included was the message that our Gemma had crawled across the entire length of the house to get to this location. She was working so hard, she crawled out of her pants! Who needs baby toys?