Sunday, February 3, 2013

Warning: cute baby babble ahead

This video is at least a week old. Watch for the cute dadada sounds, a trumpet like blow, and a sweet smile. Also, what do you think? Is she another blondie? Or is she going to have brown hair?

Dancing with my brother

Gemma is happy to play along with any idea of her big brother's. Any idea. Even if I am not a fan.

What you can't see is that William's smile is just as big as Gemma's.


Does this seem like a good idea to you?

Me either.

Down for the count

I have good news. I am finally feeling human again and I have a while pile of cute videos and stories if I can get time to sit with my thought for a few moments. So, check back!

Wednesday I had a little headache that hung around all day. I went to bed early and woke up shivering at 3am. I felt terrible. John took my temperature several times throughout the night and it was always solidly above 102.

In summary:
Thursday: called in sick to work, first time in three years! Swabbed for flu at dr visit, came back negative. Slept the rest of the day.
Friday: misery, still high fever, thought I was getting better. Slept most of the day.
Saturday: the mild sore throat is now a raging one and it hurts to swallow. Urgent care visit strep test is positive. Which means I miss William's birthday party with his friends. I'm pretty sad about that one, although I'm not sure he even noticed I wasn't there.
Sunday: finally human again!

Overall, John missed 2 days of work to take care of us. Thank you just isn't quite right...I dropped every single thing in his lap with no notice. He kept all the important things going and took care of me and the kids. Tonight I was almost shocked to realize I hadn't changed a diaper since Wednesday. That is almost 4 days. I think it has been 6 years since that last happened....

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Tooth #5

Gemma got tooth #5 on Wednesday (Jan 30).

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T. rex

He isn't so scary with underwear on his head, is he?

Cute baby!

Yes, we need to fix that cabinet!