1. Update me on the food rules. I knew the food rules in and out when William was a baby. I keep up on the new stuff, but not as diligently as before.
2. Ear check - did we clear up the ear infection yet from last week?
3. Catch up on our HepB vaccine. We declined this one at birth for the bean and need to catch up
So the answers were:
1. No major changes. Whatever you want to give her is fine as long as it isn't a choking hazard. Even peanut products.
2. Ears look great.
3. Done
Everything else checked out great. She's ahead of the game (obviously) on the gross motor skills and on track with everything else. He noted that she is teething all over the place, which is probably why she isn't sleeping great still.
Her stats were:
Weight 20 lbs 12 oz (85%ile for kids her age)
Height 29.5 inches (97%ile for kids her age)
Head: 45.7 cms(unknown, but probably large)
Which means, she is on track to be an Amazon. Or a giant. Or tall. Or Gemma. For reference: William's 9 month appointment & stats and Amelia's 9 month appointment and stats.
As an added bonus, that morning, Amelia woke me up and complained about her cheek hurting. And then pointed to her cheek next to her ear. Suddenly things started falling into place. No apetite. Check. Falling apart over every little thing. Check. A doozy of a head cold the previous week? Yes. Generally difficult to negotiate/crabby/uncooperative? Yes, yes, yes. So far, I had been chalking these things up to being a threenager. Yet, Wednesday morning when she came in complaining of cheek pain, I knew we probably had something more.
Luckily, the dr office was able to squeeze in an ear check for Amelia in conjunction with Gemma's well visit. Look at me multitask. The verdict? Ear infections, both sides. Ugly ear infections that had been brewing for some time according to the doctor. He was very surprised to hear she hadn't complained once before this morning*.
* This makes two weeks in a row of ear infections for a grand total of four infected ears at our house and twenty days of remembering to give the antibiotic twice a day.
This also makes twice I have had to present kiddos to Nurse Skeptical. Kids with no fever and no specific complaint other than they aren't sleeping well and aren't eating. C'mon mom, her look tells me, get with the program. KIDS CHOOSE NOT TO EAT AND SLEEP ALL THE TIME. For NO REASON AT ALL!
I'll also add that twice I have been right about the ears being a problem.