Friday, May 3, 2013

Field trip part III

With the day winding down, William became obsessed with trying to pet a fish. He was quite unhappy when we left without having put hands upon a slippery guy. Mama was okay with that not working out.

We also caught the end of a milking demonstration - William got to try and milk this cow.

At the end of the day, we put the fitness back on the bus and William and I stayed an extra 20 minutes to catch the rest of the dog show we missed. This time it was less crowded and William saw the dogs doing the amazing tricks.

My first strawberry rhubarb pie

I made my first strawberry rhubarb pie today- with a little help. It is so yummy and one of my favorite spring time treats!

Now that I'm thinking about it, this might be my first pie ever....

What's out there?

Our windows are just the right height for peeking out for the little bean. With the gorgeous weather last week (not so much currently), we had the windows open a lot. This was the perfect opportunity for some peeking and discovery- there is a whole world out there!

Amelia's alphabet

I was on the phone one day last month and Amelia sat herself down at the table with the markers and a pad of paper. A few minutes later, she presented me with the complete alphabet. Somewhere in the mix, I lost the last set, which makes me very sad. We haven't really worked on letter formation outside of her name and I know she isn't working on it at preschool. This is just all her observations from watching William do his homework and reading books.

Hey daddy!

What should I do with these things? (Remotes to the tv)


I know! My favorite game! Throw them in the tub and turn the water on!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013



Dalfins live in the zoo and osnin.

Dolfins eat fish.  Dolfins dink wodr.

Dolfins do't have no legs.  They have fins.

Dalfins are trand.


Dolphins live in the zoo and ocean.
Dolphins eat fish.  Dolphins drink water.
Dolphins don't have legs.  They have fins.
Dolphins are trained.*)

*William was sure to point out the one small peach line that represents the trainer in this picture and the black line that represents a whistle.