Thursday, July 4, 2013


We went to whitewater state park last night to join my family for dinner at the campground.

William: I'm done eating!
Kaye: good! Do you know what we have for dessert?
William/Amelia: what?!?!
Kaye: S' mores!
W/A: cheering
Amelia: snores! I love snores!!!!!

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Lunch with grandpa

Grandpa came home for lunch and Gemma hopped right up to the table to keep him company.

Which didn't last for long. Soon she was up on the table requesting a bite with her chubby finger. Who can resist that?

Diving board

Despite both of them being terrified, bit kids insisted they needed to jump off the diving board into the deep end at the end of their swim lesson.

First is Amelia and second is William.


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William and Amelia are sharing a swim instructor this year and are the only 2 students in the class ( it's a super long story, not that interesting). They did very well together and had a lot of fun!

The first shot is them swimming together. The next pictures will now be in a separate post.

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William's map

We were at a pizza restaurant that has butcher paper for coloring. William made this partial map of the United States. Not bad!

A sweet message

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Tooth #10,11,12

Gemma has been working the remaining 3 of her molars for awhile now. I noticed a few days ago they all of them are now poking through. Maybe that will mean more sleep at night?

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