Friday, August 23, 2013

Unintended uses

I went to change Gemma's diaper last week and she had the top to the plastic shape sorter in her hands. She hasn't been very tolerant lately about holding still and allowing a diaper change to occur. C'mon. She has messes to make and trouble to get into.

As I set her down, she stuck both of her hands through a shape hole in the sorter. And they got stuck. My daughter had handcuffed herself with a lid to a child's toy. She was NOT happy about being restricted and quickly wiggled herself free. But, the hands being held still did make the diapering portion easier.....


Amelia started her prekindergarten classes this week. There has been much preschool drama (on my part) as of late. We struggled with finding the right fit for our big girl. Of course, if I hadn't left it up until the last minute, it would have been a much smoother process.

Luckily, Amelia wasn't part of the emotional turmoil over making the Right Decision and she is enjoying her first week of school as well. For the record, I did take her picture on the first day, but it is on the big camera and I am too LAZY to get that all sorted out right now. Instead, you will need to make do with this Open House picture of her. As an added bonus, I will regale you with several stories about her new school and her first week. (warning, much bragging is ahead).

The Friday before Amelia started school, I went in to drop off the necessary paperwork and make sure everything was squared away. You know, since the decision for her placement was made less than 24 hours before. Seemed like a good idea to appear organized at least.

I was standing at the counter and filling out paperwork. The director of the preschool was standing at the counter chatting with all of us. Amelia was standing next to me and Gemma was on my other hip. I vaguely heard Amelia say

"Learning together is lots of fun for our team."

I was very occupied with making sure I had the right birthdate listed and was signing up the correct child with the correct information.

Mama: MMmmhmmmm

Director: Wait. What did she say?

Mama: Huh? I don't know.

Director: Amelia! What did you just say?

Amelia: Learning together is lots of fun for our team. (then she points to the words painted on the wall.) It says so right here. I can't read those other word though because they are in clursive (cursive).

Director: Are you kidding me? She knows how to read? She must be almost 5, right?

Mama: Yes. She can read. Except, obviously, cursive. She isn't 5. She isn't even 4 and a half quite yet. She started reading just before she turned 4 and has really been getting good at it lately.

Director: (practically dancing) What does this say? (has Amelia read a few other various signs at the front desk. Amelia reads them back to her).

Director: (Giggling). This is so awesome! Do me a favor? Don't tell her teacher. I CANNOT WAIT to see her face when she realizes that Amelia is reading so well.

Mama: Okay. I promise. But, if the teacher doesn't notice by the end of the second week, I'm going to have to tell her. Deal?

Director: (squealing) DEAL!


*It's the first day of school and I am picking Amelia up. I can't wait to hear about how Amelia's day is going. I pass the front desk the director of the program sees me coming. She has a HUGE smile on her face.

Director: Amelia had an amazing day!
Mama: Great!
Director: I could only wait until 9:30. I tried to wait longer, but I just couldn't. At 9:30, I finally went back to the classroom and had Amelia read the sign on the door to me.

Mama: Oh?
Director: She read it like a champ! And her teacher was AMAZED! She said "Did you set this up to fool me?" I had to tell her "NO! It is for real!!" The teacher is so excited. Then we had Amelia read all the other signs in the classroom for fun. And Amelia read ALL of them! AMAZING!

Mama: Great! (inside I'm thinking: keep talking! I love hearing great things about my kid).

Director: The teacher is SO excited to get started with some reading instruction for her to focus on comprehension and upping her confidence in her skills!

Mama: Yehaw!

Then I walked down to get Amelia and she was beaming! She was so happy and excited about her first day of school.

We went to Open House night at the preschool to hear about the programing for the year. Also, they had free ice cream and a bounce house. we are totally suckers for free ice cream.

When we arrived in the classroom, a little girl in a yellow dress popped up and squealed: Amelia!!

Amelia: (dropping my hand) Q___! (name edited for obvious reasons)

Q: Hi Amelia! Let's play! (she proceeds to grab Amelia's hand and pull her away. Amelia is beaming. Her smile is electric and it is lighting up the entire room.

Teacher: those girls are already inseparable! They play together all the time!

3rd child

They say the third child is tougher because they have to be to stand up to their oder siblings. Here is the proof folks: Gemma carries knives. Plastic knives with a serious look on her face. Look out for her at your next playdate.

Note to self

Do not buy the floor model. Ever*.

Also: shopping for a new refrigerator is our idea of a fun Friday night. Wahoo! Fun for the whole family.

* note: this behavior was not encouraged or tolerated. Except when I had to take a picture. Because inside I was cracking up at the open/shut sliding door fun that was causing my children to cackle with delight. But, on the outside I was stern and mean. You know, after I took a picture.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

How does that happen?

Our whole family went camping this last weekend. We spent the 48 hours in extremely close quarters. We didn't go anywhere without each other. We slept in the same (gigantic). With kids this age, no one even went into the bathroom by themselves.

So then, how is it that William and I are both covered in chigger bites (William pronunciation: ch-higger) and the rest of the family doesn't have any (or just 1-2). William in particular is COVERED with bites,the poor guy. I'm estimating somewhere around 50-100. I'm currently trying to write an appropriate draft of an email in my head to William's teacher for tomorrow. Something along the lines:

If it appears that William has ants in his pants, he doesn't. It is somewhere around 50 chigger bites in his pants. Poor guy.

Sent from my iPhone

Monday, August 19, 2013


If this mama thing was a real game, I'd totally be winning.  100%.

I just discovered MOLDY clothes in my child's backpack from May 2013.  Turns out she got wet at preschool and changed her clothes.  The wet ones got shoved in her backpack and no one told me about it*.

*Although being her most observant mother, I probably noticed she was wearing different clothes when I picked her up.  And from there made the connection that there would be wet clothes.  Again, such a WINNER.

Saturday, August 17, 2013


Another night of camping. I'm a little impressed with ourselves. This is the first time we've camped in a tent for 2 consecutive nights with the kids in tow. I'm impressed because the kids are 1,4 and 6. It's a lot of work, but we are loving it.

My favorite quotes so far:

William (bedtime, in pajamas, laying in the tent): Ahhhh. I love camping. I just wish we had a fan here. Also, the bugs are really loud. (They were super loud)

Amelia (bedtime, in her pajamas): can you sleep closer to us (the kids) tonight? Daddy snores so loud I can't sleep at all.
Amelia: (before eating a snack at our campsite picnic table): can I have some of that stuff? I need some stanilizer.
Gemma: (pointing to a big dog): bu-pe
Mama: puppy?
Gemma: (laughs uproariously)