Monday, November 11, 2013

Our backyard

Every year in the fall, we have a few weeks with lots and lots of birds in our trees in the backyard. I never pay attention to the date, but it always amazing how many there are and how loud they can be. Even with the windows shut and kids playing, the noise is hard to miss.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Grocery list

I find funny things everyday and hear multiple funny lines a day. I would bet less that 5% make their way here because if time constraints and I forget. I was cleaning up after dinner when William wandered through the kitchen. I don't realized he had this preprinted list in his hand. We spent several minutes talking about how tomatoes aren't a true vegetable. Scientifically, they are more of a fruit. We discussed this for a fee minutes and then he wandered away. After he was in bed, I found his modified grocery list.

A Boy Scout

William joined Boy Scouts this year. This last week, his group went to the fire station together for a tour. William was so proud about wearing his new shirt and accessories. Well, proud after he got over the part where his shirt has to be tucked in. He wasn't a fan of that.

Update: this weekend while hanging bags on doors for the food drive, William lost his neck clip piece. Much sadness was in our house over this clip. Until an hour later when he was completely over it.

Our family

By Amelia

All details, labeling and spelling our courtesy of Amelia.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Love notes

I found this little note tucked in my purse the other day. It's a little hard to see, but it says I love (heart) you mom. You'll have to turn your head to really see it, but it just melts my heart into a puddle of goo.

Ps this is Amelia's handiwork.

Fancy signatures

Recently I asked William to sign his name on a birthday card for someone. He went all out for this person! He also went ahead and signed Gemma's name as well. I think it is so sweet! Even if it got a little mixt up.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Take me out to the ball game

Recently the St. Louis cardinals have been doing well and they went to the World Series. Amelia's dance teacher came up with a cute dance for the girls to cheer on the team. Can you believe they ( baseball team) didn't win?