Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Do you know...

What happens when I try to go to the bathroom by myself? I was gone for 3 minutes or less. Amelia and Gemma teamed up to remove a styrofoam sheet from a box and the destroy it. Original, the sheet was roughly 3 ft by 3 ft.

The worst part was trying to clean it up. I tried to sweep it up and the process of it rolling across the carpet caused it to become charged with static electricity. Then it was able to stick to everything. My hands, the floor, my pants, arms and eventually Gemma after she came to roll around in it (no picture of that as I had lost my sense of humor by that point). I got out the vacuum and while it did clean up the tiny pieces, the exhaust from the cleaner blew the tiny particles around even further so they were able to stick in my hair and to the walls.

I have a feeling this story will be funny one day. Just not today.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Amelia conversations

Amelia has been particularly hilarious lately.  The things that come out of that girls' mouth.  One of the reasons is probably linked to the fact that she doesn't. ever. stop. talking.  Ever.  She always has something to say.  She chatted me up for the whole 30 minutes to a soccer game the other day without any interruption.  As in, I didn't say anything.

Today, we had the following conversation on the way home from preschool.

Amelia: Mom!  How long is a minute?  Is a minute 89 seconds?

Mom: What? (driving) No.  Why?

Amelia: Mom!  I KNOW a minute is 89 seconds.

Mom: It is?  I think a minute is 60 seconds.

Amelia: You are wrong.  I know it is 89 seconds.

Mom: Hmmmm....why do you think it is 89 seconds?

Amelia: (dramatically) Welllllll.... today at school Ms A was talking to Ms F.  Someone asked for help and Ms A said "Just a minute." She kept on talking and talking.  While she was talking I counted to 89.  When I got to 89, she was done counting.  THAT is how I know a minute is 89 seconds. 

Mom: Hmmm...

Amelia: See! You were wrong!  A minute is 89 seconds!

Oh my goodness, this girl.  You need to watch everything you say because she takes it so literally!

Monday, April 7, 2014

More Math

Amelia thought it was fun to find more math problems that Gemma would know the answer to....pretty impressive for our 5 year old!  That girl picks up on everything!

Baby does math

Lunch time seems like a good time to work on math, doesn't it? It's never too early to start working on those basic facts.

PS the real story is we've been working on basic facts with William a great deal and Gemma loves to play along. The only number she ever says though is 9. As long as you ask the right questions, she'll always get the right answer!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Today it is raining.  Gemma is fascinated by the rain.  She grabs my hand and drags me to the kitchen window, then points outside.  We have sat there together for a long time this morning.  I keep getting up to attend to assorted chores (sadly, laundry and floors will not clean themselves).  She is right behind me, dragging me back to the window.

Our conversation always goes the same way.  We had this exact conversation at least 25 times this morning:

Gemma: Wraii (rain!)
Mama: Yes!  It is raining outside.
Gemma: Wraiii (Rain!)  Twee, twee? (birds?)
Mama: It's raining.  Do you think the birds are getting wet?
Gemma: No.  Wraii.  Twee, twee.  Nigh nigh. (no.  rain.  Birds.  sleeping).


On Monday, the library had a baby storytime program for kids aged 12 months -24 months.  Amelia and I took Gemma and she loved it as usual.  We were back at the library today for big kid storytime (which, I had wrong, it wasn't today.).  Gemma made a beeline straight for the storytime room.  When she found that it was locked, she turned around to me and asked, "Door?".

I tried to explain storytime was all done.  Not happening today.  She wasn't buying it.

Just then, she spied one of our favorite librarians walk by.  She is the one who leads the baby storytime.

Gemma made a beeline for her, grabbed her hand, and dragged her to the storytime door.  After physically putting the librarian's hand on the door, she stood back and looked up at the librarian with wide eyes in anticipation.  The librarian thought this was hilarious.  Which is good, because Gemma did it over and over again.  And again.

I'm glad our kids love storytime.


After Gemma was sleeping this afternoon, I sat down with Amelia to read some books together.  She read the first book to me and I read the second book to her.  The second book was a Mo Willems book.  I put everything dramatic I had into reading the book and was enjoying myself very much.

When I was done reading, we had the following conversation:
Mama: I liked that book!  It was so funny!  Did you think that book was funny Amelia?
Amelia: (big sigh) Did you hear me laugh?  I didn't laugh because it really wasn't that funny mom.

If this it what I get at 5, I cannot wait until this child is 13.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Pick pocket

Yesterday I was putting Gemma down for a nap in her room.  I like a few minutes of quiet cuddling before putting her in her bed.  She was not in the mood for that yesterday.  I could have kept my hands on a (insert a slippery, wriggly animal here) more easily.  Every time I got her settled in for a few minutes, she would throw herself backwards or wriggle sideways while twisting her torso to the side.

Finally I just set her gently in her bed and tucked her in.

Mama: Good night Gemma
Gemma: (big belly laugh)
Mama: What's so funny?
Gemma: (holds up my cell phone, which had previously been tucked into my back pocket.)

Monday, March 31, 2014

Mama! Tweet! Tweet! Nana!

Friday mornings, Amelia attends a Spanish class at her preschool.  Last week, when I went to drop Amelia off, I walked and and saw all the children gathered around one of the teachers.  The teacher was holding a bird on her hand (perhaps a macaw? or parrot?).  The kids were fascinated.  I organized Amelia (backpack, jacket, kisses, etc) and in the process, Gemma noticed the bird.  I can tell you the exact SECOND she noticed because her whole body jumped.  From that moment on, she turned and wriggled and contorted herself in order to see the bird every moment.

Once Amelia had joined the group, I brought Gemma closer over to see the bird.  We stood back behind the group of preschoolers and admired the bird.  It was only then I noticed that the bird was perched on the teacher's wrist and the teacher was holding a banana in her hand.  The bird was eating a banana*.  Gemma was speechless.  She kept pointing at the bird and telling me "Tweet, tweet, **" almost in disbelief.

When we left, Gemma and I had a conversation that just about melted my poor heart.  We walked out of the classroom and into the hallway.  I wasn't two steps into the hallway when Gemma grabbed my face between her two hands and turned my face so I was looking directly into her eyes.

"Tweet, tweet!!!"

This was so adorable.  The best translation I can come up with is:

"Mom!  There was a bird and it was eating a BANANA!  Unbelievable!"

My response:

"Did you see the bird eating a banana?"

Her response:

A big belly laugh.  It is so much fun to have your words understood!

*Although the bird was eating the banana, it was also not a very neat eater.  The kids closest were all squealing and laughing as the bird tossed/threw/dropped tiny chunks of banana every time it took a bite.

** At this point, Gemma calls all animals by their sounds or calls.  Most animal sounds are easier to pronouce than the actual names.  So around here, a "neigh neigh" is a horse and a "meow" is a cat.