Monday, June 9, 2014

Happy birthday, baby bear!

Gemma is 2!

I'm still recovering from an extremely busy day. I think the only time I sat down was when I folded three loads of laundry. Not exactly relaxing.

More later on our big day.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

2 years ago...

It's hard to believe that it was 2 years ago that we sat down to play a game with my parents on a Friday night when I realized it was time to go to the hospital. It was a long, uncomfortable ride to the hospital (that would be the understatement of
the year). We were there for just a short time before Gemma was born!

I can't believe my baby will be 2 tomorrow!

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Thursday, June 5, 2014

William's last day of school

We are in the thick of things over here. This is by far one of the craziest times of year for our family. Everything is wrapping up and celebrating their final moments. It is a sweet time, but an utterly chaotic time. We missed almost all of our May birthdays and Mother's Day for our moms/grandmas. It is just this time of year.

I have another week of teaching and closing up my classroom with loose ends to tie up.

In the meantime, enjoy this picture if William's last day of school with his class on Tuesday. They spent their last day outside competing in Olympics Day which is roughly like a field day for the kiddos. I worked my 9-1 class and then ran up to the school from 1:15-4 to volunteer at the field event.

William has had a great school year and made so many friends. He has commented that he will miss his friends and teachers. However, he is THRILLED to be a big SECOND GRADER!

Sweet pigtails

Her hair is getting longer! It's hard to tell when it is so curly and she doesn't hold still for even a minute!


We were at dinner with my parents over the weekend. As we were getting settled, Gemma looked up and said "B" while pointing at John's shirt. She then went on to name every letter on his shirt until she had spelled out the company name on his shirt. I knew she knew a lot of letters, but I didn't realize she knew so many, so quickly.


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Gemma: (sneezes)
Several moments pass
Gemma: bess dem-na* (bless Gemma)

* she now has a name for herself! dem-na is the closest I can get.

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Saturday, May 31, 2014

The big dance show

Was today!

It went wonderfully, but we are ALL exhausted. What a crazy day!