Sunday, May 10, 2015


This is terrible! Amelia lost her second tooth almost 2 weeks ago! She went in for her regular dentist appointment and the left side bottom front tooth was just hanging on by a thread. The dentist asked her if she wanted some help pulling it out or if she wanted it left alone. When she heard she would get to pick 2 toys from the toy chest, the deal was sealed.

Here she is modeling her new crown and new slinky toy after the tooth was removed (gently, without trauma).

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We were at our usual Saturday morning soccer game.  William was with a gaggle of boys playing electronics and Gemma found a set of small people to play with.  This Saturday, there was only 1 other little guy to play with.  This did not stop her one bit.

She would play for awhile and then run back for a few moments to check in with us.  Then she was off again to play.  One one trip back to us, I asked Gemma who she was playing with (I already knew the answer was a friend named Cole).

Gemma's response: I playing with my boyfriend.

I have to tell you.  My heart stopped for a just a moment. I was not ready to compute a child of mine having a boyfriend.

Just to be sure I was understanding, I asked again: Who are you playing with, Gemma?  Is it a boy who is a friend?

She looked at me with a puzzled expression. 

"Yes, mom.  I playing with my boyfriend."

And then she was off running again.

Whistle Blower

Gemma does not know how to whistle.  It is one of those things that is hard about being the youngest.  You see all the neat stuff your older siblings are doing and then want to do it all now.  Right now.

The big kids can whistle, although it isn't something they do ALL THE TIME as they did when they first learned.

I suspect the preschool Gemma attends a few days a week has a whistle they use on the playground.  I'm assuming they use it like a life guard does- when someone is doing something wrong, they blow their whistle.

Gemma has taken to "whistling" herself.  She makes her lips into an "O" shape and she says "hooo".  She sounds sort of like a cute owl.

There are multiple occasions Gemma will whistle:

1. When she hears anyone else whistling at all.
2. When someone else is doing something dangerous.  Examples of this are: William jumping off the couch, Amelia dangling herself off the top bunk of her bunk bed, and Daddy climbing a ladder.  Interestingly enough, the whistle does not apply to herself ever.  Not even when she herself is jumping off the bunk bed or climbing onto the counter top.
3. When she doesn't like something or when something hurts.  Most often this happens when I am (trying) to brush her hair in the morning.  Or evening.  Really anything happening with her hair.  I start brushing and she will starting hooting away.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Silly things

1.  Amelia was snuggled up in bed with me this morning.  It was early - somewhere between 6:30 and 6:45am.  I heard Gemma stirring in her room.  Half awake, I asked Amelia if she wanted to go and play with Gemma for a few minutes.

Amelia replied that she didn't need to go and play with Gemma.  "William is on Gemma patrol right now."

2.  We went to Culver's for lunch this weekend.  With a kids' meal, you get a ticket for a free scoop of ice cream.  William picked mint chip ice cream and Amelia picked chocolate with M&M's.  Gemma didn't get one as I make the 3 kids split the 2 meals.  Gemma just picked at her food and I assumed she wouldn't want much ice cream.  William and Amelia both shared a few little bites with Gemma.  When William put a taste of his flavor into her mouth, Gemma got a funny look on her face. 

I asked her, "What flavor is that in your mouth?  What does it taste like?"

"TOOTHPASTE!" is what she replied.

From then on, when she wanted another bite of ice cream from William, she would request the toothpaste kind.

3. Amelia had a soccer game this evening.

John and I watched the game and kept one eye on Gemma and William.

William entertained himself by chasing around 2 four year old boys in a game of modified tag.  Gemma did her best to get in the way of the boys and when that didn't work, she would roll down a small hill or pull up hunks of grass.

I turned to see Gemma dump a huge handful of grass on one of the smaller boys playing with William. It was a huge handful.  She giggled and ran away.  The boy looked at William.  William just shrugged.  The boy leaned over and pulled a tiny handful of grass.  He walked toward Gemma.  William turned to see this boy dump 3-4 blades of grass on Gemma's arm.  William was not pleased.

He walked over to the boy and informed him that he needed to leave alone his little sister.  He told the boy he shouldn't put grass on Gemma again.

It is good to know that while the kids terrorize each other, they still care about each other.


We are busy busy around here!  I just got back on Friday to a work related trip to Denver for 4 days!  This is a HUGE deal as I have not ever been away from Amelia or Gemma overnight.  being that Amelia is now 6, this was a pretty big event! 

I left Tuesday morning and came home Friday afternoon.

In November, at a staff meeting, the director of our program asked who would be interested in going to a conference in Denver, Colorado.  All the names of people willing to go were thrown into a bucket.  It didn't even really occur to me that I might be selected to go out of all the people in our program. 

I was very surprised to find out in February that I was selected to go - I was then scrambling away to see if I really COULD make it happen.  There were a lot of details to iron out in order to make it happen.  I had a lot of help - I have to first say a huge, huge thank you to my husband for being so supportive.  He works full time and works very hard to provide for our family.  On the other hand, I get paid 8 hours a week to work at a job.  I care very deeply about my job and I think the work I am doing is absolutely critical.  However, while I am passionate about my job, I can also see that my job is not what is keeping the roof over our family's heads. 

When John heard that I was selected to go to this conference and I wanted to attend, John didn't need to be convinced.  There wasn't any real discussion.  He told me we would figure it out and make it work so I could go.  He is 100% supportive of my job and work.  It feels so great to know that while I am not bringing home a lot of money, my husband respects the work I do and how important it is to me.  He was willing to take 4 vacation days so I could attend a work conference - even if I didn't get paid anything to go.

That brings me to a second round of thank yous.  When we found out I was picked to travel and John was going to miss work, I talked it over with my parents.  They were able to juggle their many responsibilities around and come to help for a few days. They have a lot going on with work and a move on the horizon.  However, when they heard about this opportunity, they rearranged things so John wouldn't miss as many days of work.  (It does work out for them as now we will have vacation days to come and visit them this summer).

They made sure the kids got where they were supposed to be, put kids on the bus and followed an incredibly detailed schedule I left for them.  Knowing the kids were in such good hands with my parents and their dad let me really relax and enjoy myself at this conference.  I did miss the kids, but I wasn't worried about them. I knew they were being cared for and that was a very good feeling!

We also had our childcare provider help a little extra as well.  When she heard about this opportunity, she said she could watch Gemma all of the days I would be gone.  She didn't want me to miss out either!  We didn't end up needing as much help, but it is good to know it is there.

I am so fortunate to have such a supportive "team" on my side!  Thanks to everyone who helped make this trip happen!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Amelia's first tooth!

Amelia has finally lost her first tooth! She has been awaiting this day for MONTHS. It has been hard to be patient when the other kids were loosing their teeth. She let daddy try to pull it and the second time she said "ouch!" And pulled away. She didn't even realize daddy was holding her tooth on his hand! The tooth behind it is steady peeking through, so there won't be a gap toothed smile for long!

Monday, April 13, 2015


That is is a lot of kids to carry! Good thing daddy is strong!