Sunday, July 19, 2015

Strawberry jam

We love strawberry jam. I usually make my own every few years and store it in the freezer. This last week, I went down to grab another container of jam and found there wasn't any. None. It was practically an emergency. The last time I made jam was in 2012.

Usually we pick our own strawberries, but this year they aren't quite In season anymore.

I settled for farm stand berries and started on the jam process. Of course, my three trusty helpers wanted some fun too! They were very very helpful for about an hour and then, one by one, they wandered away to other pursuits.

This brings back many fond memories of growing up. Picking strawberries for hours upon hours in the blistering sun without food or drink (my mom assures me there were plenty of snacks and it was only a short picking session. I do not recall it this way.) was a tradition most summers. We would then take our 100 lbs of strawberries (or 1, spending on who you ask) and slave over the hot stove for hours and hours (I suspect my contributions were not as lengthy as I recall) to produce gorgeous red jam. Of posse, I want the same for my kids.

Which is why I enlisted their help with my project.

4 hours and close to 25 pounds of sugar later, we now have a full freezer stock of the yummy strawberry jam.

Amelia's cartwheel

You may recall Amelia started gymnastics this May. Like, 3 months ago May. Imagine my surprise when I looked up and found her doing this!

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Hair raising

It was a hair raising experience!

Magic house day

We are squeezing in as much summer fun as we can! We took the whole family back to the magic house on Saturday for some kid fun!

Braid bun

The Internet it a great invention. It is full of information. For example, there are hundred of different tutorials showing how to execute hairstyles. Lucky for me, Amelia is game for trying out most of them.